Health Care Should Be FREE! (In the U.S.)


May 16, 2016
Somebody around here probably already did a thread like this. And there was that documentary done about it called "Sicko." But I got quite a few objections out of people with my thread, "College should be free. (for Americans)" I wonder what they will have to say about me saying that health care should be free too. And the worse that may be for insurance companies, the better I like it!
Somebody around here probably already did a thread like this. And there was that documentary done about it called "Sicko." But I got quite a few objections out of people with my thread, "College should be free. (for Americans)" I wonder what they will have to say about me saying that health care should be free too. And the worse that may be for insurance companies, the better I like it!

Such a wish is born of extreme ignorance about the most basic facts of economics.

It is not possible for college nor medical care to be free.

It costs money—lots of money—to offer these services. Facilities must be built and maintained, equipment and materials must be provided,and staff must be employed. “Free” does not negate this basic fact; if someone receives these services for “free”, all it really means is that someone else, who is not receiving these services, is being compelled to pay for them.
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Somebody around here probably already did a thread like this. And there was that documentary done about it called "Sicko." But I got quite a few objections out of people with my thread, "College should be free. (for Americans)" I wonder what they will have to say about me saying that health care should be free too. And the worse that may be for insurance companies, the better I like it!

I agree, you should go to medical school and work for free.
It's only fair.
Somebody around here probably already did a thread like this. And there was that documentary done about it called "Sicko." But I got quite a few objections out of people with my thread, "College should be free. (for Americans)" I wonder what they will have to say about me saying that health care should be free too. And the worse that may be for insurance companies, the better I like it!

Such a wish is born of extreme ignorance about the most basic facts of economics.

It is not possible for college nor medical care to be free.

It costs money—lots of money—to offer these services. Facilities must be built and maintained, equipment and materials must be provided,and staff must be employed. “Free” does not negate this basic fact; if someone receives these services for “free”, all it really means is that someone else, who is not receiving these services, is being compelled to pay for them.

You got a problem with funding pre-K through 12? Just add a couple more grades. We didn't add grade 12 until the 30's and kindergarten wasn't available until the 60's. We have since added preK.
Somebody around here probably already did a thread like this. And there was that documentary done about it called "Sicko." But I got quite a few objections out of people with my thread, "College should be free. (for Americans)" I wonder what they will have to say about me saying that health care should be free too. And the worse that may be for insurance companies, the better I like it!

Such a wish is born of extreme ignorance about the most basic facts of economics.

It is not possible for college nor medical care to be free.

It costs money—lots of money—to offer these services. Facilities must be built and maintained, equipment and materials must be provided,and staff must be employed. “Free” does not negate this basic fact; if someone receives these services for “free”, all it really means is that someone else, who is not receiving these services, is being compelled to pay for them.

Maybe someday one of you can explain why Americans pay multiple times more for even the most basic healthcare than people in any other industrialized nation, and that's a Good Thing.

I'm guessing your answer will have something to do with "American exceptionalism."
Somebody around here probably already did a thread like this. And there was that documentary done about it called "Sicko." But I got quite a few objections out of people with my thread, "College should be free. (for Americans)" I wonder what they will have to say about me saying that health care should be free too. And the worse that may be for insurance companies, the better I like it!

Free to who.....???

Or do you really plan to put a gun to a doctor's head and tell him to work without getting paid ?
Somebody around here probably already did a thread like this. And there was that documentary done about it called "Sicko." But I got quite a few objections out of people with my thread, "College should be free. (for Americans)" I wonder what they will have to say about me saying that health care should be free too. And the worse that may be for insurance companies, the better I like it!

Free to who.....???

Or do you really plan to put a gun to a doctor's head and tell him to work without getting paid ?

So in place of reasoned argument, we have hyperbole. Not surprising.
Somebody around here probably already did a thread like this. And there was that documentary done about it called "Sicko." But I got quite a few objections out of people with my thread, "College should be free. (for Americans)" I wonder what they will have to say about me saying that health care should be free too. And the worse that may be for insurance companies, the better I like it!

Such a wish is born of extreme ignorance about the most basic facts of economics.

It is not possible for college nor medical care to be free.

It costs money—lots of money—to offer these services. Facilities must be built and maintained, equipment and materials must be provided,and staff must be employed. “Free” does not negate this basic fact; if someone receives these services for “free”, all it really means is that someone else, who is not receiving these services, is being compelled to pay for them.

While I agree with your first two statements....your last paragraph hits into something different.

The U.S. pays $8,500 per person per year.

Compared to countries that pay 1/4 that amount and have pretty good outcomes.
Maybe someday one of you can explain why Americans pay multiple times more for even the most basic healthcare than people in any other industrialized nation, and that's a Good Thing.

I'm guessing your answer will have something to do with "American exceptionalism."

As if putting government and bureaucracy in charge of it will have any effect other than to make it even more expensive and less efficient. How ignorant does someone have to be to believe that this is a good idea?
Maybe someday one of you can explain why Americans pay multiple times more for even the most basic healthcare than people in any other industrialized nation, and that's a Good Thing.

I'm guessing your answer will have something to do with "American exceptionalism."

As if putting government and bureaucracy in charge of it will have any effect other than to make it even more expensive and less efficient. How ignorant does someone have to be to believe that this is a good idea?

Define what you mean by "in charge of it," and then explain why other industrialized nations (please make sure to cite how they all have small, homogeneous populations, because we know what that's code for) are able to provide universal healthcare for their citizens but the U.S. can't.

Is it your perception that "WAAAAH, we can't do it!!!" makes Americans look smarter?

Or, in other words, if you were in charge, how would you solve the problem - assuming you even see it as a problem?
Somebody around here probably already did a thread like this. And there was that documentary done about it called "Sicko." But I got quite a few objections out of people with my thread, "College should be free. (for Americans)" I wonder what they will have to say about me saying that health care should be free too. And the worse that may be for insurance companies, the better I like it!

Such a wish is born of extreme ignorance about the most basic facts of economics.

It is not possible for college nor medical care to be free.

It costs money—lots of money—to offer these services. Facilities must be built and maintained, equipment and materials must be provided,and staff must be employed. “Free” does not negate this basic fact; if someone receives these services for “free”, all it really means is that someone else, who is not receiving these services, is being compelled to pay for them.

I ran across the same sort of moronic argument with my thread about making college free. What it costs society in general doesn't matter. What does matter is what college students and patients are charged. Which should be 0.

In an economic sense, with those things acheived, the economy would find its own equilibrium. But one of the main problems is humanity itself. I was watching a news program once about a study done with children. Most, if not all the children prefered to take fewer things that they valued. As long as it meant that some other child received nothing at all. Probably because of an instinctual status thing. Which obviously is something that never really goes away. You just have to decide what is more important. Your personal status or society in general.

Also, as I was telling someone else, our whole economic system is basically a sham. A ponzie or pyramid scheme at best. Private financial institutions are basically free to print money. To a degree that would put any counterfeiter who ever lived to shame. Another thing is how much does it influence your daily life that the U.S. is over 18 trillion dollars in debt. Or that we have about 65 trillion dollars worth of unfunded obligations. Or that each year we lose anywhere from around 300 billion to over 700 billion dollars in our trade deficit with China alone. And to the tune of around 65 billion dollars, the same is true with Mexico. Or that each year, we HAVE to pay around 420 billion dollars just on the interest of our national debt.

From what I hear, U.S. citizens pay something around 2 trillion dollars each year on health care. Without some controls, that a single payer national health care system would provide, that number is likely to rise. Please excuse me for not giving you precise stastics and links to websites that show them. But I have heard that anywhere from 40% to 60% of the 2 trillion spent pays for useless bureaucracy.

Another thing is that you have never been screwed as well as an insurance company can do it. The stories are endless of people who had insurance, but were denied coverage because the lawyers and doctors that insurance companies pay to do so find some loophole that allowed them to do so. This causes a strain on society in general that you will end up paying for in one way or another anyway. So why not just make medical coverage "free" and put an end to all the shit.
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Somebody around here probably already did a thread like this. And there was that documentary done about it called "Sicko." But I got quite a few objections out of people with my thread, "College should be free. (for Americans)" I wonder what they will have to say about me saying that health care should be free too. And the worse that may be for insurance companies, the better I like it!

I agree, you should go to medical school and work for free.
It's only fair.

In the countries where they have "free" medical coverage, NONE of the doctors work for free. Also, if a student didn't have to pay anything for a doctorate in medicine, they might be a little more willing to work for a little less. Another thing is that from what I hear, many doctors who serve internships at some hospital get the shit worked out of them. Being on call 24 hours a day and such. Maybe if the government paid for their education, there would be more of them around. Which would lighten their load.
Somebody around here probably already did a thread like this. And there was that documentary done about it called "Sicko." But I got quite a few objections out of people with my thread, "College should be free. (for Americans)" I wonder what they will have to say about me saying that health care should be free too. And the worse that may be for insurance companies, the better I like it!

Such a wish is born of extreme ignorance about the most basic facts of economics.

It is not possible for college nor medical care to be free.

It costs money—lots of money—to offer these services. Facilities must be built and maintained, equipment and materials must be provided,and staff must be employed. “Free” does not negate this basic fact; if someone receives these services for “free”, all it really means is that someone else, who is not receiving these services, is being compelled to pay for them.

You got a problem with funding pre-K through 12? Just add a couple more grades. We didn't add grade 12 until the 30's and kindergarten wasn't available until the 60's. We have since added preK.

What makes you think I have a problem with society funding school and making it free for the students. As you know, I even started a thread that said college should be free. That is, to the students.
Somebody around here probably already did a thread like this. And there was that documentary done about it called "Sicko." But I got quite a few objections out of people with my thread, "College should be free. (for Americans)" I wonder what they will have to say about me saying that health care should be free too. And the worse that may be for insurance companies, the better I like it!

Free to who.....???

Or do you really plan to put a gun to a doctor's head and tell him to work without getting paid ?

In the countries where they have "free" medical coverage, give me some stories of doctors there who have a gun put to their head. Or work without getting paid.
Maybe someday one of you can explain why Americans pay multiple times more for even the most basic healthcare than people in any other industrialized nation, and that's a Good Thing.

I'm guessing your answer will have something to do with "American exceptionalism."

As if putting government and bureaucracy in charge of it will have any effect other than to make it even more expensive and less efficient. How ignorant does someone have to be to believe that this is a good idea?

I found one website that says around 31% of what Americans now spend on healthcare goes to bureaucracy. And that if we went to a "free" single payer national health care system, that system would pay for itself. That's what they said. They also said that with what we now pay in bureaucracy, our government could give "free" health care to 41 million uninsured Americans. All in all, having the taxpayer pay for universal health care doesn't seem quite so onerous. That is, if you looked at it as being onerous to begin with.
Maybe someday one of you can explain why Americans pay multiple times more for even the most basic healthcare than people in any other industrialized nation, and that's a Good Thing.

I'm guessing your answer will have something to do with "American exceptionalism."

As if putting government and bureaucracy in charge of it will have any effect other than to make it even more expensive and less efficient. How ignorant does someone have to be to believe that this is a good idea?

I found one website that says around 31% of what Americans now spend on healthcare goes to bureaucracy. And that if we went to a "free" single payer national health care system, that system would pay for itself. That's what they said. They also said that with what we now pay in bureaucracy, our government could give "free" health care to 41 million uninsured Americans. All in all, having the taxpayer pay for universal health care doesn't seem quite so onerous. That is, if you looked at it as being onerous to begin with.
How does one PAY for FREE Healthcare??????How much will it cost each family compared to the Onerous ObozoCare?
Somebody around here probably already did a thread like this. And there was that documentary done about it called "Sicko." But I got quite a few objections out of people with my thread, "College should be free. (for Americans)" I wonder what they will have to say about me saying that health care should be free too. And the worse that may be for insurance companies, the better I like it!

I agree, you should go to medical school and work for free.
It's only fair.

In the countries where they have "free" medical coverage, NONE of the doctors work for free. Also, if a student didn't have to pay anything for a doctorate in medicine, they might be a little more willing to work for a little less. Another thing is that from what I hear, many doctors who serve internships at some hospital get the shit worked out of them. Being on call 24 hours a day and such. Maybe if the government paid for their education, there would be more of them around. Which would lighten their load.

In the countries where they have "free" medical coverage, NONE of the doctors work for free.

If you want it to be free here, that's what it will take.
Start studying, we could all use your free help.
Somebody around here probably already did a thread like this. And there was that documentary done about it called "Sicko." But I got quite a few objections out of people with my thread, "College should be free. (for Americans)" I wonder what they will have to say about me saying that health care should be free too. And the worse that may be for insurance companies, the better I like it!

So you aren't willing to earn anything? Think it all should be provided to you?

I say the same thing about you. You're a worthless freeloader.
Maybe someday one of you can explain why Americans pay multiple times more for even the most basic healthcare than people in any other industrialized nation, and that's a Good Thing.

I'm guessing your answer will have something to do with "American exceptionalism."

As if putting government and bureaucracy in charge of it will have any effect other than to make it even more expensive and less efficient. How ignorant does someone have to be to believe that this is a good idea?

Define what you mean by "in charge of it," and then explain why other industrialized nations (please make sure to cite how they all have small, homogeneous populations, because we know what that's code for) are able to provide universal healthcare for their citizens but the U.S. can't.

Is it your perception that "WAAAAH, we can't do it!!!" makes Americans look smarter?

Or, in other words, if you were in charge, how would you solve the problem - assuming you even see it as a problem?

Oh, the typical Liberal "code" argument. I don't need code words to describe a freeloader like you. Worthless piece of shit does it and that's code for worthless piece of shit.

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