Health Care March Madness: doing nothing falls under "interstate commerce"


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
a long time ago in a dying empire, a Republican effort changed the law to say financial budgets no longer need a 2/3rds majority to become law.
since there was so much squabbling, budgets could no longer win enough support to keep the government running.
(which was the way the country was purposely created)
so someone changed the law to say they can keep the government running with a simple majority.

along comes Barack Obama and the Democrat conspirators and pass an illegal Health Care Bill with just a simple majority of Democrats, allowing the Federal government to grab WAY more power then was ever allotted to it.
the Health Care Bill , on behalf of big business, will FORCE the public to buy insurance, or face fines from the IRS (also an illegal agency)

back in 1942, during the Constitutionally challenging days of FDR, a man on a farm was told that he was growing too much wheat.
he was growing 23 acres instead of the 11 ordered by the government.
the government decided that wheat prices were fluctuating too much, and it was effecting international trade.
(during the Great Depression, caused by the passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and FDR's gold confiscation laws)

from this case Wickard Vs. Filburn, people in the Federal Government now feel the International Commerce law in the Constitution gives them the power to regulate anyone who might be ascociated , in sopme way, with international commerce.

the Supreme Court (with too much power) will hear the Health Care Mandate case at the end of March.
the mandate is expected to pass by one vote
one judge , 8 1/2 hours , will decide the whole fate of the American public.
(NOT the way the country was created)

"We know you don't like it, the question will be whether or not Congress can do it" - Martha Coakley, Traitor, Mass. propenent of the health care bill

"I could also force everyone to buy a house and that would solve homelessness" -Presidential candidate Barack Oabam making a sarcastic remark criticizing HillaryCare.

(slamming his hand on the chair) "The Health Care Bill is not a tax!" -Barack Obama
"When the health care bill attorneys realized they were going to lose their case, and the bill would not fall under the Interstate Commerce Clause, they went into court saying it WAS a it could" - Ken Cuccinelli

26 states have now filed suit against the Federal government to stop this monstrosity

"i think the term 'death pannels' is over dramatic, but that's exactly what IPAB will be doing to cut costs, that's where the term comes from" - Ken Cuccinelli

"i encourage everyone to read Federalist Papers 45-51"

"buying health insurace isn't 'purchasing a service', it's every American's responsibilty, ...and doing nothing is an action' (which all Americans fall under the interstate Commerce Clause) -Marth Coakley, Traitor, Mass.


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