Headless Horseman in NYC: Trump's Diary?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism-fable (my last one) inspired by the films Sleepy Hollow and King of New York.

Signing off,


The spirit of the eerie Headless Horseman descended on New York City in the year 2016, while casino-magnate and capitalism-baron Donald Trump was running for the office of U.S. President. The Headless Horseman carried a sickle-weapon and exploding self-regenerating phantom-pumpkins. The Horseman's purpose was to frighten Americans lulled into moral apathy by consumerism vagaries (e.g., Wall Street, Burger King, etc.).

Donald Trump was walking home one evening after a walk surrounded by bodyguards when he thought he noticed the silhouette of the Headless Horseman. Trump went to his library and pulled out his copy of Irving's Sleepy Hollow and examined the folkloric attitudes toward the cryptic 'folk-ghost' and how the Horseman represented an omen regarding pedestrian sloth. That night, Trump dreamt that he was engaged in a conversation with the Headless Horseman.

TRUMP: Why are you plaguing me, Horseman?
HORSEMAN: I want you to turn America into a casino...
TRUMP: Are you mad? People will run into the streets, looting stores!
HORSEMAN: That's what I want!
HORSEMAN: Calamity always breeds religious fervor, Mr. Trump.
TRUMP: I doubt Adam Smith talked about the 'hysteria' of capitalism theory.
HORSEMAN: Adam Smith wrote the The Wealth of Nations and about the reality of gambling.
TRUMP: What does modern Wall Street have to do with Adam Smith and gambling?
HORSEMAN: You know what...the World Bank and the European Union are 'lame-ducks.'
TRUMP: I have faith in the United Nations and commercial treaties with South Korea.
HORSEMAN: When North Korea declares nuclear war, you'll see the jagged edge...

Trump awoke in a cold-sweat, realizing he dreamt that the Horseman was giving him commands and trying to warn him about the future of capitalism in his dream. Trump wondered if all the anti-TrumpUSA street-protesters prompted the Headless Horseman to resurrect his own spirit in modern NYC to warn Americans about 'misguided priorities.' Trump started taking notes about the motives and shape of modern-era capitalism. His notes would serve as inspiration-points for his future presidency!

"It is my belief that the Headless Horseman wanted me to consider the analytical value of assessing the impact of pedestrian apathy and sloth towards our culture of 'convenience-consumerism' (i.e., eBay, eTrade, Amazon.com, etc., etc.). Adam Smith should remind us that our modern globe of competitive-bargaining based politics (e.g., NATO/EU) creates safety-nets as well as combustion-points (e.g., World Bank, World Trade Center). If we do not coordinate politics with a culture of temperance, we will see metaphysical jagged-edges in pedestrian pogroms. I think that's the real 'message' of the Headless Horseman for our times...to make sure the sacred does not become profane while media/technology makes all aspects of life convenient."



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