Headed Far-Out There


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
I watched a movie a few weeks back, based on a theory that an unseen world begins where ours leaves off, and it makes sense to me. This beyond is past our senses to detect it, but it is there.

While working with Schizophrenics in college, you could almost understand what they are experiencing in a world beyond ours. They can converse with these people, and we take that as a sign they are talking to themselves. They draw pictures of super modern advanced events, like futuristic cities, and see objects pass through walls. Maybe these people are channeled into the future of a beyond the average person just cannot experience.

Because all things are made of atoms, it would seem likely that you could put your hand through a wall, as they see objects do. And we can stick our hand through air or water if done slowly. If you speed up time you hit a barrier we call the sound barrier. If you hit water at that speed it would flatten you, so speed & time work with density of objects. How long would it take you pressing against your glass monitor before your atoms would pass though it? In whatever is beyond, they have the ability to do these things, if we agree a Schizophrenic is a channeler and not a raving idiot who just happens to do the same things as all Schizophrenics do.

Your dreams maybe a clue into this other world. I think it was Jung who researched dreams along with Freud. There is no reason for dreams, we don't all dream alike, some people don't dream at all, some dream in black & white, while others dream in color and sound. Are they channeling like our Schizophrenic might be doing, only on a lower level? What evolutionary reason would there be for dreams? Animals also dream, have better senses than we do, for instance the porpoise's sonar abilities.

Plants have senses, and if you cut off a leaf from a plant, you can use a special photo film that will record a halo around the missing leaf. Yet the naked eye cannot see it. It is like an energy field. Recent tests have been run on a new invisible force field created by static, that you can slowly enter into, much slower than water. Once inside you can go forward or back wards, but you cannot turn around in it. You must exit back wards. No dust or particles can enter it. It would be interesting to see what a speeding bullet would do. Flatten, or pass through, or just into and stop.

So what do you think of my observations?
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I think you need to sit down and talk to somebody professional.... Where's xotoxi when you really need him?
I think you need to sit down and talk to somebody professional.... Where's xotoxi when you really need him?

So much for any discourse with the local primitive tribe..............I knew I should have brought along a box of trinkets & necklaces..................:lol:
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I agree that there is more that our brains are capable of doing outside our five senses. As most humans use only a fraction of their mental capacity, this seems reasonable.

As far as the rest of it - questions about atoms pushing through stuff - I just go with the physical data on intermolcular forces of compounds and composite materials. Yeah, glass flows, but quite slowly.

And, I do not believe that schizophrenics chanel much of anything. Their sickness is an organic one. Medical imaging supports that.

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