He may have been alive today if they would shut down all hardware stores.

It's official:

This thread has been awarded the 'Retard Thread of the Month Award'. The Retard award, the highest award for inane comparison and stupid thinking, is awarded monthly to a person of such low reason and sense, they must be extraordinarily stupid. Simple levels of stupid do not qualify for the award or it would have to be given too often. While it may seem this award is not politically correct, the rational for the award recognizes that some stupid threads far exceed the usual stupid, demonstrating a level of stupid rarely reached in even the stupidest setting. Please accept this award with our fondest wishes it is not an inheritable trait.

This post^^^^^^^^^ wrote by a retard.

Since bigrebnc1775 is one of those posters who feel free to send private messages but don't have the courage to accept replies, it is necessary I reply in public.

Bigrebnc1775, 'fat ass' huh? Do you think online that it is a suitable comeback or are you just retarded in repartee too? Start thinking deeply about shovels as compared to a handgun and you'll stop appearing like a complete jackass. See how 'ass' can be used in a more inappropriate and fitting manner.

Your friend, mc5

bigrebnc1775 said:
Hi, you have received -839 reputation points from bigrebnc1775.
Reputation was given for this post.

go away fat ass.


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