"He had his head down"-Chris Matthews


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Anybody wonder why our foreign policy is so chaotic when the freaking coward couldn't even stand up to a debate with a political opponent? Media supporter Chris Matthews couldn't understand why Obama "had his head down" and looked like he wanted to be anywhere else but in a debate with Romney. How do you think he deals with Putin?
This is interesting. I was unable to watch the debate on TV due to extenuating circumstances, and had to listen to it on the radio instead.

To me, it sounded like a draw. A very boring debate where both candidates played it safe.

Listening to people who watched it say Obama lost based on his movements or appearance reminds me of the Nixon-Kennedy debates. Radio listeners said Nixon won. TV watchers said Kennedy won. The era of media consultants was born.

If you want to see someone get their metaphorical nuts kicked in, watch the Warren-Brown debate from the other night.

Brown kicked Warren over the moon.

Anybody wonder why our foreign policy is so chaotic when the freaking coward couldn't even stand up to a debate with a political opponent? Media supporter Chris Matthews couldn't understand why Obama "had his head down" and looked like he wanted to be anywhere else but in a debate with Romney. How do you think he deals with Putin?

Does this mean that Chris Matthews doesn't get that tingling feeling up and down his leg anymore when Obama speaks?

Or was Matthews talking about Obama going down on him?

Could be either one.
Anybody wonder why our foreign policy is so chaotic when the freaking coward couldn't even stand up to a debate with a political opponent? Media supporter Chris Matthews couldn't understand why Obama "had his head down" and looked like he wanted to be anywhere else but in a debate with Romney. How do you think he deals with Putin?

Putin probably isn't as nice as Romney. Putin just says, "Look at me when I am talking to you!" Just as a an angry father would to his child, and a cowardly Obama will respond. That folks, is part of our foreign policy.
President Hussein likes to be liked. His speeches are given in a friendly venue and he spent the first year in office on an apology tour for America's super power status. When push comes to shove even a radical left wing member of the media notices what a freaking coward he turned out to be.
Look at Obama,
Head down, stupid smirk on his face.
Obama in this clip just looks like a looser.

Smirk - YouTube


I ENJOYED the fact that the President got his ass handed to him in a sack last night.

All but the most fanatical Obama-Sycophants know it.

Kudos to the libs -- depressed though they must be -- who acknowledge it.

That said, when I just played that YouTube "smirk" video, I realized something I had not picked up on earlier. Advance the scroll-meter to the roughly 1:10 mark where Mitt is saying, "And the proof of that is ...."

I am kind of savoring that snippet because (is it just me?) I think that Mitt SOUNDED a HELL of a lot like Ronald Reagan at Reagan's best.
Due to other personal reasons, I was not able to watch the debate, except for the last five or so minutes.

After, I tuned into FNC and MSNBC.

When that most despicable worm, of all despicable worms on MSNBC, Lawrence O'Donnell said something to the effect that "let's not determine who won the debate, let the American people decide" I knew that Obama got badly burned.

Then it was confirmed by Charles Krauthammer on FNC.

Long way to go, but Governor Romney is on the right road!
Anybody wonder why our foreign policy is so chaotic when the freaking coward couldn't even stand up to a debate with a political opponent? Media supporter Chris Matthews couldn't understand why Obama "had his head down" and looked like he wanted to be anywhere else but in a debate with Romney. How do you think he deals with Putin?

Does this mean that Chris Matthews doesn't get that tingling feeling up and down his leg anymore when Obama speaks?

Or was Matthews talking about Obama going down on him?

Could be either one.

I saw Matthews this morning.
He is definitely the strongest contender for the "most likely to be institutionalized" award.
I think it's likely that the only piece of advice Obama really took to heart was.. 'don't let the cameras catch you pulling a face'. He's thin-skinned and everybody knows it. For weeks there was speculation about whether or not Romney would prod his temper. But his handlers had to know that if he was up there shooting dirty looks and showing anger, the pictures would fly around the internet before he ever even left the stage. As it is, Drudge still has that photo of Michelle up looking like she could do murder if only somebody would hand her an ax. :lol:
the thrill is gone

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkrwUU_YApE]Presidential Debate 2012 (Complete) Romney vs.Obama - 10/3/2012 - Elections 2012 - YouTube[/ame]

At 31 minutes, during Obama's answer to a question, you can see Romney "with his head down" doing the same thing. Making notes.


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Anybody wonder why our foreign policy is so chaotic when the freaking coward couldn't even stand up to a debate with a political opponent? Media supporter Chris Matthews couldn't understand why Obama "had his head down" and looked like he wanted to be anywhere else but in a debate with Romney. How do you think he deals with Putin?

You nailed it!!!!!

When a speech won't do the trick - retreat. Obama doesn't land on his feet when thrown for a loop. Simply asking him direct questions when he can't read the answer off TOTUS is enough throw him off his game.

He prefers to go where he's comfortable, like on The View, Letterman, golf course or at some fancy place for a fund raiser. When it comes to honest debate, speaking to other world leaders or any matters of domestic or foreign policy, he's out of his element.

He was probably standing at that podium last night wishing he was comfortably reading TOTUS in front of fake Greek columns and pretending he was the chosen one.
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Look at Obama,
Head down, stupid smirk on his face.
Obama in this clip just looks like a looser.

Smirk - YouTube

That clip is highly edited. I can see why you like it. It's was made just for people like you.

In my last post, I provided a link to the full debate.

Go to the 8 minute mark. That is where Romney's bit starts that is in your edited clip.

Every time they show Obama during that part, you can clearly see Obama writing with his pen, making notes to respond to Romney point by point.

They both do the same thing during the entire debate.

It is amazing how gullible some people are. Watching and believing some propaganda piece of shit and avoiding the reality.


Look at Obama,
Head down, stupid smirk on his face.
Obama in this clip just looks like a looser.

Smirk - YouTube

Well, there's your answer as to why his head is down. You can plainly see he is making notes for his response.


So he took notes, and still he responses were nothing but regurgitated, False attacks on Romney?

You thank that's better?


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