Have you ever known exactly what to do?

Have you ever known exactly what to do?

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Have you ever faced a situation and known exactly what to do even if it wasn't logical or obvious or even anything you ever considered before?

I would argue that this is Spiritual inspiration. We recieve revelation of things we don't know that are correct. I've had many such instances.
It may also be the result of Wisdom - a combination of experience, intelligence, and judgment that causes one to have a flash of inspiration without laboriously working through each step towards the decision.

Main Entry: in·stinct

1 : a natural or inherent aptitude, impulse, or capacity <had an instinct for the right word>
2 a : a largely inheritable and unalterable tendency of an organism to make a complex and specific response to environmental stimuli without involving reason b : behavior that is mediated by reactions below the conscious level
Have you ever faced a situation and known exactly what to do even if it wasn't logical or obvious or even anything you ever considered before?

I would argue that this is Spiritual inspiration. We recieve revelation of things we don't know that are correct. I've had many such instances.

Yup, sometimes i turn out to be a genius from it other times not so much ;).
yes, its called instincts, which every animal possesses. I guess if you want to believe those instincts are lead by god, that's up to you. BUt not everybody has good instinct. Some may freeze up in certain situations, does that mean that was god messing with them?

I feel I have pretty good instincts, and one time when I was working at McDs, another manager came running into the office saying "shit, we are being robbed" then I heard "Open the fucking safe" followed by a series of gunfire. Without even thinking I ran to the back of the office, grabbed the girl that was in the isolation booth and threw her and mysefl behind a wall. Not a thought about it, just reacted.

BTW, turns out an undercover cop was in the store and shot the bad guy dead.
I knew exactly what to do when giving birth to twins. ;)

Other than that, this life God has given me (and my children) has been one mysterious and curious ride that we are very grateful for.
Twins huh?

Beat on your Husband?

I was in the labor hall for the birth of my son. Other stuff going on around me was very interesting aside from the birth of my son of course.
One woman was cussing her poor husband to where a fly would not even light on him.
I was cornered one time by a skunk. I knew exactly what to do. RUN!!! I didn't get sprayed and I don't think I've ever run that fast before in my entire life.
I constantly have to deal with issues that affect people's livelihoods. I hope I make the right decisions.

I try to gather as much information as possible, get input, and finally I reach a conclusion.

Usually the circumstances dictate the only necessary response.

I had a major headache yesterday, and was able to keep the person from getting fired.
I was cornered one time by a skunk. I knew exactly what to do. RUN!!! I didn't get sprayed and I don't think I've ever run that fast before in my entire life.

I caught a skunk once in a catch em alive trap. Just took my time and raised the door, it ambled off with nary a squirt.
Twins huh?

Beat on your Husband?

I was in the labor hall for the birth of my son. Other stuff going on around me was very interesting aside from the birth of my son of course.
One woman was cussing her poor husband to where a fly would not even light on him.

Yep. Twins. He's the only IT Manager with missing hands (I squeezed them off with all the contractions). :D

The twins are 15 and they're our only children. He has two from his first marriage who are 21 and 20. He's been hurt in the labor room more than once! :D
Ahh Twins will be driving soon. Best of luck to ya.

Probably not. We were in a bad accident last Thursday. Our only car is totaled. They're OK, no injuries. I have a broken wrist, chemical burns from the airbags, dislocated nose, and tons of bruising.

Not sure when the new wheels will be bought. Gotta deal with insurance and what not.

This week is Spring Break. Not a good time to total the car. :(
Ahh Twins will be driving soon. Best of luck to ya.

Probably not. We were in a bad accident last Thursday. Our only car is totaled. They're OK, no injuries. I have a broken wrist, chemical burns from the airbags, dislocated nose, and tons of bruising.

Not sure when the new wheels will be bought. Gotta deal with insurance and what not.

This week is Spring Break. Not a good time to total the car. :(

Sorry to hear that, but glad you and all are ok except for fairly minor battering.

You have a really good attitude for someone with their nose out of joint.
Ahh Twins will be driving soon. Best of luck to ya.

Probably not. We were in a bad accident last Thursday. Our only car is totaled. They're OK, no injuries. I have a broken wrist, chemical burns from the airbags, dislocated nose, and tons of bruising.

Not sure when the new wheels will be bought. Gotta deal with insurance and what not.

This week is Spring Break. Not a good time to total the car. :(

Sorry to hear that, but glad you and all are ok except for fairly minor battering.

Minor? This time last week I was in the ER. It sure the heck didn't feel minor when they set my arm and put my nose back where it belongs (even with pain meds on board).

Today, I can laugh (a little--not much, I still cry more than laugh over the accident. Never been in a bad wreck before).

You have a really good attitude for someone with their nose out of joint.

Why, thank you! I do try. ;)

I'm hoping insurance will spring for a nose job out of this. Been dying to fix my nose for years and never could find an acceptable reason for insurance. Now I have a deviated septum and can only breathe out of one side of my nose. Such fun!

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