Have we reached the point where compromise is not achievable?


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
Or even desired?

Unless Daca is part of a bill the gop must pass, Ryan won't bring it up, unless Trump (aka Miller Sessions) tells him it's ok, and the chances of that are unknown, but very possibly zero.

All this despite supermajorities in polls and the senate wanting a daca fix, and while I'm not sure about polls, a supermaj in the senate want to end this shutdown v, debt limit debate.

Senate to vote Monday on plan to reopen government
McConnell has promised Dem's a straight up and down vote on DACA separate from the budget bill so what are Dem's afraid of? My guess is Dem's know they don't have the votes or the support of the American people to pass a DACA bill on its owns, so they are holding the budget and government hostage to get it.
Or even desired?

Unless Daca is part of a bill the gop must pass, Ryan won't bring it up, unless Trump (aka Miller Sessions) tells him it's ok, and the chances of that are unknown, but very possibly zero.

All this despite supermajorities in polls and the senate wanting a daca fix, and while I'm not sure about polls, a supermaj in the senate want to end this shutdown v, debt limit debate.

Senate to vote Monday on plan to reopen government

Polls on questions like this can be easily manipulated.

Want people to support DACA? "Do you support allowing hard working people to stay in the US legally, who were brought here as young children through no fault of their own?"

Want people to oppose DACA? "Do you support allowing illegal immigrants permanent resident status just because their parents brought them here illegally decades ago?"

It's why you can't put any weight to polls on things like this.
Or even desired?

Unless Daca is part of a bill the gop must pass, Ryan won't bring it up, unless Trump (aka Miller Sessions) tells him it's ok, and the chances of that are unknown, but very possibly zero.

All this despite supermajorities in polls and the senate wanting a daca fix, and while I'm not sure about polls, a supermaj in the senate want to end this shutdown v, debt limit debate.

Senate to vote Monday on plan to reopen government

Polls on questions like this can be easily manipulated.

Want people to support DACA? "Do you support allowing hard working people to stay in the US legally, who were brought here as young children through no fault of their own?"

Want people to oppose DACA? "Do you support allowing illegal immigrants permanent resident status just because their parents brought them here illegally decades ago?"

It's why you can't put any weight to polls on things like this.
I was referring to polls on the question of allowing adults who were brought here as children, and who have jobs and don't commit violent crimes, to stay.

I don't think there is support for that in the House unless Miller/Sessions say so.
McConnell has promised Dem's a straight up and down vote on DACA separate from the budget bill so what are Dem's afraid of? My guess is Dem's know they don't have the votes or the support of the American people to pass a DACA bill on its owns, so they are holding the budget and government hostage to get it.
The dems are afraid that if the senate AGAIN votes for DACA Ryan AGAIN will not bring it to a vote.
No, a Compromise was on THE TABLE. Schumer, Graham, and Durbin scuttled it, and intentionally sabotaged it, because Dem Leadership do not want Immigration Reform. They want Open Borders & Amnesty for all Criminal Illegal Immigrants.

They want this as an unresolved Identity Politics Issue they can used in the 2018 midterms, and they furthermore show where their priorities are.....Not with Veterans, or The Military, or American Children who need Health Insurance, or Americans in General....

They only care about Normalizing and Legitimizing The CRIME of Illegal IMMIGRATION!
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McConnell has promised Dem's a straight up and down vote on DACA separate from the budget bill so what are Dem's afraid of? My guess is Dem's know they don't have the votes or the support of the American people to pass a DACA bill on its owns, so they are holding the budget and government hostage to get it.
The dems are afraid that if the senate AGAIN votes for DACA Ryan AGAIN will not bring it to a vote.

Dem's either have the support to pass DACA or they don't. Extortion to get it seriously is that the way Dem's really want to pass DACA via extortion and holding the entire government hostage?
McConnell has promised Dem's a straight up and down vote on DACA separate from the budget bill so what are Dem's afraid of? My guess is Dem's know they don't have the votes or the support of the American people to pass a DACA bill on its owns, so they are holding the budget and government hostage to get it.

That's a worthless promise coming from a Republican.
Or even desired?

Unless Daca is part of a bill the gop must pass, Ryan won't bring it up, unless Trump (aka Miller Sessions) tells him it's ok, and the chances of that are unknown, but very possibly zero.

All this despite supermajorities in polls and the senate wanting a daca fix, and while I'm not sure about polls, a supermaj in the senate want to end this shutdown v, debt limit debate.

Senate to vote Monday on plan to reopen government

Polls on questions like this can be easily manipulated.

Want people to support DACA? "Do you support allowing hard working people to stay in the US legally, who were brought here as young children through no fault of their own?"

Want people to oppose DACA? "Do you support allowing illegal immigrants permanent resident status just because their parents brought them here illegally decades ago?"

It's why you can't put any weight to polls on things like this.
I was referring to polls on the question of allowing adults who were brought here as children, and who have jobs and don't commit violent crimes, to stay.

I don't think there is support for that in the House unless Miller/Sessions say so.

Again it's all on how you ask the question.
Or even desired?

Unless Daca is part of a bill the gop must pass, Ryan won't bring it up, unless Trump (aka Miller Sessions) tells him it's ok, and the chances of that are unknown, but very possibly zero.

All this despite supermajorities in polls and the senate wanting a daca fix, and while I'm not sure about polls, a supermaj in the senate want to end this shutdown v, debt limit debate.

Senate to vote Monday on plan to reopen government
Trump said he would sign whatever as long as border security is included.
To be fair, his word doesnt mean much..
Or even desired?

Unless Daca is part of a bill the gop must pass, Ryan won't bring it up, unless Trump (aka Miller Sessions) tells him it's ok, and the chances of that are unknown, but very possibly zero.

All this despite supermajorities in polls and the senate wanting a daca fix, and while I'm not sure about polls, a supermaj in the senate want to end this shutdown v, debt limit debate.

Senate to vote Monday on plan to reopen government

For people who think that immigration into the US is a natural human right there is no compromise.
Schumer also btw tried to snooker THE President in to signing a BAD DEAL, by substituting the word Allocate with Appropriate.

Now why is this significant?

Because a similar deal for The Wall was stuck 17 years ago, and the legislation read "Appropriate" rather than ALLOCATE and 17 years later, NO FUNDS have been allocated for THE WALL that was agreed to 17 years ago because Liars like UpChuck Schumer, and Nazi Pelosi have blocked "ALLOCATION" of the funds.
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Funny how they vote for the wall but then refuse to vote to fund it.

Very telling in just how corrupt and dishonest these people are.
Or even desired?

Unless Daca is part of a bill the gop must pass, Ryan won't bring it up, unless Trump (aka Miller Sessions) tells him it's ok, and the chances of that are unknown, but very possibly zero.

All this despite supermajorities in polls and the senate wanting a daca fix, and while I'm not sure about polls, a supermaj in the senate want to end this shutdown v, debt limit debate.

Senate to vote Monday on plan to reopen government
Trump said he would sign whatever as long as border security is included.
To be fair, his word doesnt mean much..

Promising to Appropriate Funds rather than Allocate them is NO DEAL on Border Security. This is the con game Schumer tried to play with The President.

17 years later after "Appropriating" funds for THE WALL which everyone agreed to needed done, THE DEMS have fought to DENY ALLOCATION of funds for the wall, which means effectively there was NEVER an AGREEMENT to actually do anything with THE WALL....only an ILLUSION and FALSE PROMISE to DEBATE FUNDING for THE WALL.

Schumer is a Pathological Liar and not to be trusted.

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This shutdown puts the greatest strain on blue state finances in about 30 days they should start collapsing. Then Trump will have great leverage.
McConnell has promised Dem's a straight up and down vote on DACA separate from the budget bill so what are Dem's afraid of? My guess is Dem's know they don't have the votes or the support of the American people to pass a DACA bill on its owns, so they are holding the budget and government hostage to get it.
hey,,,didnt Nu Shooz pop out a huge hit in 1984? 85? "Point Of No Return"? maybe that song was referring to Chumer/Pelosi and any Democrat named "Dick"?
Have we reached the point where compromise is not achievable?

Probably so when you have an opposing party who cares not their affect on the nation, the American people or the military, has made it their goal to oppose and RESIST Trump on EVERYTHING no matter the cost, wants 100% their agenda pushed through even when they are not in power, constantly uses extreme and incendiary language to describe the results of the President's efforts, and insist on things dead against the present administration with a deliberate bent on creating a scandal opposing a budget in which there is nothing they oppose just for the express purpose of keeping the FISA investigation out of the news.
McConnell has promised Dem's a straight up and down vote on DACA separate from the budget bill so what are Dem's afraid of? My guess is Dem's know they don't have the votes or the support of the American people to pass a DACA bill on its owns, so they are holding the budget and government hostage to get it.

That's a worthless promise coming from a Republican.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

Shall I go on?
McConnell has promised Dem's a straight up and down vote on DACA separate from the budget bill so what are Dem's afraid of? My guess is Dem's know they don't have the votes or the support of the American people to pass a DACA bill on its owns, so they are holding the budget and government hostage to get it.

That's a worthless promise coming from a Republican.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

Shall I go on?
Thing is Billy that in the past the gop base had no problem with a shutdown because they didn't believe in gummit. And the dems have already been burned by Ryan once by compromising on an immigration bill only to have him refuse bringing it up for a vote. Now we add in Trump, who has reneged on at least one bipartisan agreement over DACA and funding, and wall funding etc too. If the Dems can't force the gop to pass DACA as part of funding, the gop may well just let the Dreamers be deported because their base want's them deported.

But meanwhile, Trump has so pissed off the dem base that they seem ok with a shut down now too. That's the point in the link.

So, neither base is 50%, yet added together they're over 50%. So, we may have over 50% perfectly happy with no compromise. The Founders based the constitution on the believe that rational "white men" would choose some compromise that gave the players enough of what they needed to pass a law

That belief broke down in 1856 and the result is well known. Not that I think a civil war is going to happen, but gummit will fail
Or even desired?

Unless Daca is part of a bill the gop must pass, Ryan won't bring it up, unless Trump (aka Miller Sessions) tells him it's ok, and the chances of that are unknown, but very possibly zero.

All this despite supermajorities in polls and the senate wanting a daca fix, and while I'm not sure about polls, a supermaj in the senate want to end this shutdown v, debt limit debate.

Senate to vote Monday on plan to reopen government

For people who think that immigration into the US is a natural human right there is no compromise.
Well, the dems compromised with the gop in the senate for an immigration reform bill.

It remains to be seen if they'll agree to funding the Wall, and reducing chain immigration, in exchange for DACA, and whether the gop will agree.

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