CDZ Have the Russian infiltrated the alt-left, socialist Dems and some media outlets to undermine U.S?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This question is somewhat tongue in cheek but also debatable considering the absolutely extreme rise of the alt-left. There are many policies in schools today that certainly pay homage to Communism, such as the shutting down of discussion in Universities. The suppressing of peoples personal choices and decisions in business and speech that have caused ruined lives.

Then of course you have the media that has been exerting great effort to constantly attack and attempt to destroy the legitimacy of the President and looking to present a one sided view of his administration. Throw in the "Resistance" groups, that often receive funding by secret donors and you have to wonder, could Russia be working aggressively to undermine the entire U.S system and so many of these rabid far left are simply patsies in a massive effort by the Kremlin?

This question is somewhat tongue in cheek but also debatable considering the absolutely extreme rise of the alt-left. There are many policies in schools today that certainly pay homage to Communism, such as the shutting down of discussion in Universities. The suppressing of peoples personal choices and decisions in business and speech that have caused ruined lives.

Then of course you have the media that has been exerting great effort to constantly attack and attempt to destroy the legitimacy of the President and looking to present a one sided view of his administration. Throw in the "Resistance" groups, that often receive funding by secret donors and you have to wonder, could Russia be working aggressively to undermine the entire U.S system and so many of these rabid far left are simply patsies in a massive effort by the Kremlin?

----------------------------------------------- INFILTRATION !! seems to me that the USA has been infiltrated since 'dead kennedys' 1964 or 1965 immigration Act . Same thing is happening in Canada through muslim immigration from what i hear . Same infiltration has been done in Western Europe . Not necessarily by Russians though SCanadian .
This question is somewhat tongue in cheek but also debatable considering the absolutely extreme rise of the alt-left. There are many policies in schools today that certainly pay homage to Communism, such as the shutting down of discussion in Universities. The suppressing of peoples personal choices and decisions in business and speech that have caused ruined lives.

Then of course you have the media that has been exerting great effort to constantly attack and attempt to destroy the legitimacy of the President and looking to present a one sided view of his administration. Throw in the "Resistance" groups, that often receive funding by secret donors and you have to wonder, could Russia be working aggressively to undermine the entire U.S system and so many of these rabid far left are simply patsies in a massive effort by the Kremlin?

----------------------------------------------- INFILTRATION !! seems to me that the USA has been infiltrated since 'dead kennedys' 1964 or 1965 immigration Act . Same thing is happening in Canada through muslim immigration from what i hear . Same infiltration has been done in Western Europe . Not necessarily by Russians though SCanadian .

I hope YOU are being tongue in cheek. I wouldn't go THAT far.

Bottom line, it is rich to hear from the alt-left how Trump is compromised considering that there was an outright Socialist running for Democratic leadership, and really could have won if the game was fair. On top of, "resistance groups", I mean the name itself says it all, how radical does this get? Communism in schools and attacks of religious freedom over the last decade. All of this would be very much "in play" in Russia and other communist states.
This question is somewhat tongue in cheek but also debatable considering the absolutely extreme rise of the alt-left. There are many policies in schools today that certainly pay homage to Communism, such as the shutting down of discussion in Universities. The suppressing of peoples personal choices and decisions in business and speech that have caused ruined lives.

Then of course you have the media that has been exerting great effort to constantly attack and attempt to destroy the legitimacy of the President and looking to present a one sided view of his administration. Throw in the "Resistance" groups, that often receive funding by secret donors and you have to wonder, could Russia be working aggressively to undermine the entire U.S system and so many of these rabid far left are simply patsies in a massive effort by the Kremlin?

How is this a debate? All you have a right wing propaganda.
This question is somewhat tongue in cheek but also debatable considering the absolutely extreme rise of the alt-left. There are many policies in schools today that certainly pay homage to Communism, such as the shutting down of discussion in Universities. The suppressing of peoples personal choices and decisions in business and speech that have caused ruined lives.

Then of course you have the media that has been exerting great effort to constantly attack and attempt to destroy the legitimacy of the President and looking to present a one sided view of his administration. Throw in the "Resistance" groups, that often receive funding by secret donors and you have to wonder, could Russia be working aggressively to undermine the entire U.S system and so many of these rabid far left are simply patsies in a massive effort by the Kremlin?

----------------------------------------------- INFILTRATION !! seems to me that the USA has been infiltrated since 'dead kennedys' 1964 or 1965 immigration Act . Same thing is happening in Canada through muslim immigration from what i hear . Same infiltration has been done in Western Europe . Not necessarily by Russians though SCanadian .

I hope YOU are being tongue in cheek. I wouldn't go THAT far.

Bottom line, it is rich to hear from the alt-left how Trump is compromised considering that there was an outright Socialist running for Democratic leadership, and really could have won if the game was fair. On top of, "resistance groups", I mean the name itself says it all, how radical does this get? Communism in schools and attacks of religious freedom over the last decade. All of this would be very much "in play" in Russia and other communist states.
naw , everything i said in Post number 2 is true and accurate in my opinion . Certainly true for the USA and Europe and from what i hear for Canada also . I just don't blame the Russians . I blame democrats and 'dead kennedy' primarily for USA infiltration by an imported 'fifth column' SCanadian .
This question is somewhat tongue in cheek but also debatable considering the absolutely extreme rise of the alt-left. There are many policies in schools today that certainly pay homage to Communism, such as the shutting down of discussion in Universities. The suppressing of peoples personal choices and decisions in business and speech that have caused ruined lives.

Then of course you have the media that has been exerting great effort to constantly attack and attempt to destroy the legitimacy of the President and looking to present a one sided view of his administration. Throw in the "Resistance" groups, that often receive funding by secret donors and you have to wonder, could Russia be working aggressively to undermine the entire U.S system and so many of these rabid far left are simply patsies in a massive effort by the Kremlin?

The fake news outlets coming from sources tied to Russia presented themselves as being from the right, not the left.
All of this would be very much "in play" in Russia and other communist states.
Of course we know this is the case because the US does it to other countries all the time. Especially the "communist" type.

Bottom line, it is rich to hear from the alt-left how Trump is compromised considering that there was an outright Socialist running for Democratic leadership, and really could have won if the game was fair.
What does Bernie Sanders have to do with your delusions? How is he compromised?
This question is somewhat tongue in cheek but also debatable considering the absolutely extreme rise of the alt-left. There are many policies in schools today that certainly pay homage to Communism, such as the shutting down of discussion in Universities. The suppressing of peoples personal choices and decisions in business and speech that have caused ruined lives.

Then of course you have the media that has been exerting great effort to constantly attack and attempt to destroy the legitimacy of the President and looking to present a one sided view of his administration. Throw in the "Resistance" groups, that often receive funding by secret donors and you have to wonder, could Russia be working aggressively to undermine the entire U.S system and so many of these rabid far left are simply patsies in a massive effort by the Kremlin?


The Marxist drivel put out by the Soviets during the 1950's and especially during the 1960's and 1970's is indeed alive and well, and resides in academia to this day, long after the demise of the SU. It's all the fashion in the liberal arts depts. and at Harvard and other mis-named 'Ivy League' swamps, so yes, they have. 'The Reflatulence' movement is using the same Gramscian methodologies developed in the 1920's in their assorted fake 'movement' hoaxes today.
naw , everything i said in Post number 2 is true and accurate in my opinion . Certainly true for the USA and Europe and from what i hear for Canada also . I just don't blame the Russians . I blame democrats and 'dead kennedy' primarily for USA infiltration by an imported 'fifth column' SCanadian .

Yep. Even the Russians have moved on, but the 'movements' here have merely shifted to fomenting violent racism, hate crimes, Xian bashing drivel, neurotic sexual fetishes, and other garbage as a substitute for inane Marxist rhetoric; they still hate the U.S. and want to destroy it, just out of spite.

One of the more hilarious and hypocritical ironies of their cognitively dissonant insanities is their refuge nations of choice are usually 'New Zealand' or 'Canada', both white, and both wouldn't exist today as free countries without the 'Evul Empire' the witless gimps so loathe.
This question is somewhat tongue in cheek but also debatable considering the absolutely extreme rise of the alt-left. There are many policies in schools today that certainly pay homage to Communism, such as the shutting down of discussion in Universities. The suppressing of peoples personal choices and decisions in business and speech that have caused ruined lives.

Then of course you have the media that has been exerting great effort to constantly attack and attempt to destroy the legitimacy of the President and looking to present a one sided view of his administration. Throw in the "Resistance" groups, that often receive funding by secret donors and you have to wonder, could Russia be working aggressively to undermine the entire U.S system and so many of these rabid far left are simply patsies in a massive effort by the Kremlin?

They did almost the same as in Canada. The Progressive thinker got together and from hiring people to post on the internet and the Media writers to write pro progressive news, and hide negative news and push solicitation of news that would look bad for the right. This included reporting news of what ever they deemed reportable. This was why the TV Net, Fox news became popular. News from both side of the spectrum.
This question is somewhat tongue in cheek but also debatable considering the absolutely extreme rise of the alt-left. There are many policies in schools today that certainly pay homage to Communism, such as the shutting down of discussion in Universities. The suppressing of peoples personal choices and decisions in business and speech that have caused ruined lives.

Then of course you have the media that has been exerting great effort to constantly attack and attempt to destroy the legitimacy of the President and looking to present a one sided view of his administration. Throw in the "Resistance" groups, that often receive funding by secret donors and you have to wonder, could Russia be working aggressively to undermine the entire U.S system and so many of these rabid far left are simply patsies in a massive effort by the Kremlin?

The fake news outlets coming from sources tied to Russia presented themselves as being from the right, not the left.
MSM is still, "on the job"; where are the "perceived shills at wikileaks" now that the paid campaigning season is over?
This question is somewhat tongue in cheek but also debatable considering the absolutely extreme rise of the alt-left. There are many policies in schools today that certainly pay homage to Communism, such as the shutting down of discussion in Universities. The suppressing of peoples personal choices and decisions in business and speech that have caused ruined lives.

Then of course you have the media that has been exerting great effort to constantly attack and attempt to destroy the legitimacy of the President and looking to present a one sided view of his administration. Throw in the "Resistance" groups, that often receive funding by secret donors and you have to wonder, could Russia be working aggressively to undermine the entire U.S system and so many of these rabid far left are simply patsies in a massive effort by the Kremlin?


Dems are scared, I see it in their faces. They got word this morning just how deep this investigation is going to go. They asked for it and they are going to rue the day that they did.
When you have right winger Republicans chanting "we love Russia", that kind of tells the story. We already know how much they admire Putin and love then end of "rights". As long as it's "other's" rights.
This question is somewhat tongue in cheek but also debatable considering the absolutely extreme rise of the alt-left. There are many policies in schools today that certainly pay homage to Communism, such as the shutting down of discussion in Universities. The suppressing of peoples personal choices and decisions in business and speech that have caused ruined lives.

Then of course you have the media that has been exerting great effort to constantly attack and attempt to destroy the legitimacy of the President and looking to present a one sided view of his administration. Throw in the "Resistance" groups, that often receive funding by secret donors and you have to wonder, could Russia be working aggressively to undermine the entire U.S system and so many of these rabid far left are simply patsies in a massive effort by the Kremlin?


lol. Rubber room topic perhaps?

This Trump thing is interesting to say the least.

I'm not entirely sure how to think of the Russians myself. Are they closer to our left or our right anymore?

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