Hate Your Boss? Call the Government


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
In an unprecedented and controversial move, the White House has launched a new program at the Department of Labor which will refer workers who have complaints about their bosses to a toll free number at the American Bar Association, where they can get a lawyer to work on their case on a contingency fee basis.

More than 40,000 workers annually contact the Department of Labor with complaints about their bosses. But Labor can’t get to all of them, an estimated 10%, because of budget constraints, the White House says. So the White House has instead launched a program for “unresolved complainants” with the ABA. Workers will now be provided a toll-free number that connects them with ABA lawyers nationwide who are experienced in things like alleged workplace abuses of minimum wage, overtime and family medical leave laws.

Hate Your Boss? Call the Government - FoxBusiness.com
We may disagree on what employment practices should be illegal, Willow but I bet we agree that, where possible, privatization is best. If you had been screwed out of pay at work, who would you rather have working on your case? Some DOL employee or a private attorney that dun get paid unless he wins your case and collects?

This SHOULD have been met with applause by any conservative. But presumably, since the idea came from a Democrat, they instead ridiculed it.

Don't you ever get tired of partisan bullshit in the media? I do.
Why should taxpayers pay for the phone system for people to call a lawyer?

"Toll free phone calls" to ABA lawyers? Just more taxpayer welfare going to trial lawyers.

Anyone who is too stupid to find a lawyer on his own is probably a lousy employee in the first place.
Why should taxpayers pay for the phone system for people to call a lawyer?

"Toll free phone calls" to ABA lawyers? Just more taxpayer welfare going to trial lawyers.

Anyone who is too stupid to find a lawyer on his own is probably a lousy employee in the first place.

Most people cannot find an employment lawyer without a referral, boedicca. It isn't as if Average Joe Worker keeps Jones, Day on retainer, yanno. How many do you know, offhand?

As for who is paying for the toll-free number, really? That's giving you heartburn?

Petty much?
Why should taxpayers pay for the phone system for people to call a lawyer?

"Toll free phone calls" to ABA lawyers? Just more taxpayer welfare going to trial lawyers.

Anyone who is too stupid to find a lawyer on his own is probably a lousy employee in the first place.

No doubt!!!! It'd be much-more civil to jettison any-and-all self-respect.....bend-over and grab-your-ankles....and, wave your ass, in the air, TO your boss.....like some Teabaggin' PUSSY!!!!!!

Why should taxpayers pay for the phone system for people to call a lawyer?

"Toll free phone calls" to ABA lawyers? Just more taxpayer welfare going to trial lawyers.

Anyone who is too stupid to find a lawyer on his own is probably a lousy employee in the first place.

Most people cannot find an employment lawyer without a referral, boedicca. It isn't as if Average Joe Worker keeps Jones, Day on retainer, yanno. How many do you know, offhand?

As for who is paying for the toll-free number, really? That's giving you heartburn?

Petty much?

That is ludicrous. I just entered "employment lawyer" and my city in a browser and was served up quite a few choices.

And without the intervention of the federal government. Imagine that!
Does anyone pay attention to Shaman's posts? Just annoying that they take up so much of my computer screen.


Time for you to SADDLE-UP!!!!!!!!!!

Why should taxpayers pay for the phone system for people to call a lawyer?

"Toll free phone calls" to ABA lawyers? Just more taxpayer welfare going to trial lawyers.

Anyone who is too stupid to find a lawyer on his own is probably a lousy employee in the first place.

Most people cannot find an employment lawyer without a referral, boedicca. It isn't as if Average Joe Worker keeps Jones, Day on retainer, yanno. How many do you know, offhand?

As for who is paying for the toll-free number, really? That's giving you heartburn?

Petty much?

That is ludicrous. I just entered "employment lawyer" and my city in a browser and was served up quite a few choices.

And without the intervention of the federal government. Imagine that!

(A) Not all employment lawyers are suited to all cases. Some only handle workers' comp cases. Some only represent employers. Some handle discrimination cases but not wage and hour violations. Law, like life, is rarely as simple as one Google search.

(B) Employment law for workers is not a traditional contingent fee area of practice. These lawyers who have agreed to work with DOL through the ABA almost certainly have been paid fee up front, on an hourly basis, at all times in the past.

(C) Explain to me again why privatizing some DOL functions the government cannot perform well is a bad thing? I'm all ears.
So, let me get this straight.

An individual is, by your charcterization, incompetent to find the proper lawyer for his particular issue, so he should cede responsibility to an automated phone system set up by the government to direct him to whichever lawyer some anonymous functionary deems to be best?

Oh Puh-leeeze.

Try reading up on the under and unemployment among law school graduates because the economy can't absorb them all. This is legal welfare.
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gotta make damn share lawyers get their fair share of federal dollars. It's like someone on Fox asked. Do they have a federal number you can call to get a lawyer if you have an asshole employee you don't know what to do with?? No,, fuck no they do not.
so that lying obie wan can talk out of one side of his mouth about how "business friendly" he is be we know if his lips move he lies.
So, let me get this straight.

An individual is, by your charcterization, incompetent to find the proper lawyer for his particular issue, so he should cede responsibility to an automated phone system set up by the government to direct him to whichever lawyer some anonymous functionary deems to be best?

Oh Puh-leeeze.

Try reading up on the under and unemployment among law school graduates because the economy can't absorb them all. This is legal welfare.

"Welfare" is a hand out to the poor, am I right? Who is getting a hand out here? These clients will pay these lawyers -- they will just do so in nontraditional ways. As you say, times are hard, competition is stiff and I'm sure the lawyers are happy to have the work.

I did not say any individual is incompetent to find a proper lawyer to represent him. I said it was uncommon to have a personal or business acquaintence with an employment lawyer. Sorry the notion of bar association referrals in such situations give you a big butt hurt, but it is how such needs have best been met in the past.

You are welcome to suggest better, cheaper ways for the DOL to refer citizens to the ABA. I hate automated phone systems myself. Again, all ears here.

Admit it, boedicca. This idea is a great one which you feel honor-bound to trash because it originated with a Democrat. You are behaving like a partisan hack on this thread.
Paying for the phone referral service to connect people to LAWYERS subsidizes lawyers by delivering potential clients to them without any investment in advertising or even a bloody phone system.

Yep. It's lawyer welfare.

It's not a great idea. It's another lame ass big government program to shovel taxpayer dollars for the benefit of a special interest group. It's also condescending as hell - as if an employee with a valid complaint cannot look out for his own interest by finding a lawyer.

Oh.Mi.Gawd, how does such a person survive without the Government to handle all the details of his life!
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Paying for the phone referral service to connect people to LAWYERS subsidizes lawyers by delivering potential clients to them without any investment in advertising or even a bloody phone system.

Yep. It's lawyer welfare.

It's not a great idea. It's another lame ass big government program to shovel taxpayer dollars for the benefit of a special interest group. It's also condescending as hell - as if an employee with a valid complaint cannot look out for his own interest by finding a lawyer.

Oh.Mi.Gawd, how does such a person survive without the Government to handle all the details of his life!

I actually like my boss. Probably explains why Im helping him become a Judge lol

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