Hasta Luego Clown


VIP Member
Feb 1, 2004
Washington D.C.
So long Fritz you made a complete buffoon out of yourself in your short time here. Have a lovely time in your lonely, pathetic existence.:wank:
Originally posted by OCA
So long Fritz you made a complete buffoon out of yourself in your short time here. Have a lovely time in your lonely, pathetic existence.:wank:

Can you link me some of his handiwork, I was not around for his brief time here.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Can you link me some of his handiwork, I was not around for his brief time here.

Read the last 2-3 pages of the now locked thread called "racism".

i actually unsub'd that thread... it was givin me a headache reading the crap that was in there
Originally posted by jon_forward
yes, glad its closed but now they are free to spread their crap all over

Absolutely not.

If it's done through the course of an on topic post, fine. If these posts get made out of nowhere with only the intention of race baiting or to be disruptive, they will be deleted. Refusal to abide by those rules will end up with the same fate as Fritz.

Email/PM me if you feel there is an inappropriate post. Everyone is entitled to their opinions here so long as the rules are followed and it's not disruptive to the board.
Originally posted by jimnyc
Absolutely not.

If it's done through the course of an on topic post, fine. If these posts get made out of nowhere with only the intention of race baiting or to be disruptive, they will be deleted. Refusal to abide by those rules will end up with the same fate as Fritz.

Email/PM me if you feel there is an inappropriate post. Everyone is entitled to their opinions here so long as the rules are followed and it's not disruptive to the board.

Jimmy, I'm very happy you've made this decision regarding intellectual freedom, free speech, and open debate. This board rocks.
Yes, I think we need many more posts on homosexuality, the 20 or so we have on here are not enuff.
Originally posted by Big D
Yes, I think we need many more posts on homosexuality, the 20 or so we have on here are not enuff.

Fortunately, the threads you speak of don't lead members to call other members vulgar names. The gay marriage issue is going to be a big part of this years election and is in the news every day. I suggest you re-read what transpired with FritzDeKatt to understand fully why the racism thread was closed.

Also, I believe after 60+ pages that everybody got to say what they wanted.
Originally posted by Big D
Yes, I think we need many more posts on homosexuality, the 20 or so we have on here are not enuff.

Yeah, here we are defending your right to post your trash and you rub our faces in it with your damn sniping!:clap:

Originally posted by jimnyc
Fortunately, the threads you speak of don't lead members to call other members vulgar names. The gay marriage issue is going to be a big part of this years election and is in the news every day. I suggest you re-read what transpired with FritzDeKatt to understand fully why the racism thread was closed.

Also, I believe after 60+ pages that everybody got to say what they wanted.
Would it not be wiser to remove the people who could not control there behaviour, then to remove the subject?
the main problem as I see it was that a few people had an agenda that was pushed...I am glad that its closed...60 pages is enough...all was said that needed to be...may the thread rest in peace...right along with fritz!
Originally posted by Big D
Would it not be wiser to remove the people who could not control there behaviour, then to remove the subject?

You are still free to post your views on any subject you wish. That particular thread had run it's course. New members likely wouldn't read 60 some odd pages anyway, so I think the participation was dwindling.

I can guarantee you that if the discussion stays on course that no one will be banned and no posts deleted.

The problem where this all started is that certain members were trying to turn every and any thread into a racial thread. I don't mind it here and there on the board as long as it doesn't feel like we are being infiltrated and overtaken!

I will admit that your posts weren't a problem that I can recall and you were always civil. Any of these actions are not directed at you. So if you see a story or article and you want to post it and start a discussion, feel free.
The problem for a racialist such as myself is that so many issues of the day are racial, however unacknowledged. Take gun control. In NYC, where I live, there are fairly strict gun control laws. But the violence is overwhelmingly committed by blacks, and to a lesser extent, Hispanics. But, I'll try to abide by the rules here.

Meanwhile, I must take credit for that awesomest of threads. Maybe jim can confirm, but did it break all records? What that shows to me is that race is a very hot issue, and that people are friggin' dying to discuss is honestly, even if it does dissolve into nasty name-calling (and I should point out here that we "racists" are not the only guilty ones here). The media has completely shut out frank discussion of race (read Coloring the News for a good treatment of this) and you can't even talk about it at the office or dinner tables without people crying or blubbering or screaming or whatever. The Internet is a great place for it. As we speak, there are thousands of folks out there, writing, reading and chatting "forbidden stuff" about race. Racist stuff, they say, is third in popularity for stuff on the Internet, beaten only by porno and genealogy.

What they all have in common: blood.

Just food for thought.
Originally posted by William Joyce
Meanwhile, I must take credit for that awesomest of threads. Maybe jim can confirm, but did it break all records? What that shows to me is that race is a very hot issue, and that people are friggin' dying to discuss is honestly, even if it does dissolve into nasty name-calling (and I should point out here that we "racists" are not the only guilty ones here).

That was easily the longest thread on this board and it got to that many pages in a relatively short period.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't agree with everything you guys write, but I do agree with an awful lot. Black crime is a serious problem in our nation and so many of the statistics are mind boggling. Many will just write that off as "they're just stats, they don't tell the whole picture", but in reality they do. It shows there is a huge crime problem by a very small percentage of our population that is extrememly disproportionate. To ignore those stats is not caring or the desire to be blind. The problem has only been getting worse over the years.

Anyway, the point is that the discussions have to remain civil. You must know going in that no one is going to change their mind by what they read. It's nice to debate one anothers points, but if people don't agree to disagree it turns into what Fritz did the other night.

So don't think anyone is singling anyone out because of their beliefs. The only thing being singled out is disruptive posts and members who get particularly vulgar with others as Fritz did.
Originally posted by jimnyc

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't agree with everything you guys write, but I do agree with an awful lot. Black crime is a serious problem in our nation and so many of the statistics are mind boggling. Many will just write that off as "they're just stats, they don't tell the whole picture", but in reality they do. It shows there is a huge crime problem by a very small percentage of our population that is extrememly disproportionate. To ignore those stats is not caring or the desire to be blind. The problem has only been getting worse over the years.
Injusticeline is a website which appears to have developed a new and bold explanation of why blacks are more than eight times more likely than whites to be convicted criminals, and why this and related statistics have gone virtually unreported in the major media. In particular, while the obvious explanation for the crime-rate disparity is that blacks commit far more crimes than whites, and the obvious explanation for why the major media have not mentioned these stats is that their liberal bias does not incline them to give ammunition to those who question the Great Liberal Axiom which states that all men -- along with women, and very possibly dogs, sheep, worms, plants, turds and children -- are created 'equal', the bold new explanation offered by Injusticeline is actually the old and mendacious liberal one, dat ole Debbil racism, ie, that it is (white) 'racist' cops, 'racist' judges, 'racist' prosecutors and 'racist' juries who are responsible for the differential incarceration rates of blacks and whites. Accordingly, while the website's author claims to be a libertarian, the proffered explanation simply demonstrates a fact I have often observed before, to wit, that libertarians are no more able to deal with the ugly facts of race than are liberals or conservatives, all of whom are paralyzed with fear of being labeled with what might be called the present day's ultimate term of opprobriation, 'racist'.

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