Has Your View of Race Changed in the Past 5 Years

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
I am curious. I figure a lot of whites thought: Hey, it couldn't be the worst thing in the world to have a black president. It would be pretty monumental. Sure would erase a lot of racial tension.

Only to discover:

Just the opposite has happened.
Nope, since I live with minorities, I know just how bigoted and hateful they are. But My California relatives seem to LOVE Obama. They live in all WHITE communities. I don't care WHO is president anymore. Black, white or martian. Rich white ones get us into insane wars, others try to balance military budgets and get vilified. The new shiny mixed race guy wants us to accept homosexuality and illegal immigrants in the same gulp. NONE of those assholes represent the common man, the common voter or common sense. There is a disconnect here. And I don't care anymore. My views on race and my views on politics have become more cynical, if anything.
I am curious. I figure a lot of whites thought: Hey, it couldn't be the worst thing in the world to have a black president. It would be pretty monumental. Sure would erase a lot of racial tension.

Only to discover:

Just the opposite has happened.

Yes. In the past, I don't recall recognizing it,[race] but now I do and it's dark and I don't mean that as a pun. Our culture has reversed itself many, many years. Very, very joyless to view America now, since the past, almost, four years. I look forward to the day when race relations can be restored, to some degree, but I think, much of the damage has been done and it all may only get worse.

I think a war of a different sort, is in the making and I hope I am wrong.
Nope, since I live with minorities, I know just how bigoted and hateful they are. But My California relatives seem to LOVE Obama. They live in all WHITE communities. I don't care WHO is president anymore. Black, white or martian. Rich white ones get us into insane wars, others try to balance military budgets and get vilified. The new shiny mixed race guy wants us to accept homosexuality and illegal immigrants in the same gulp. NONE of those assholes represent the common man, the common voter or common sense. There is a disconnect here. And I don't care anymore. My views on race and my views on politics have become more cynical, if anything.

This is why, for me, it's hard to get excited about Romney.

I'm totally distraught about what's happening to whites, i.e., they're becoming the minority, they're at the mercy of anti-white forces like Obama, Holder, Rev. Wright, etc., they're attacked by illegals, Spanish is taking over, whites are "fair game" for Hollywood to mock, all that.

But Romney's going to do what? Make Israel and corporate America his No. 1 and 2 priorities?

funk that junk.

He's like John McCain only without the military service.
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My view of Afros has grown increasingly negative. We get an Afro president, winning more votes than any other politician in US history, and liberals/Afros don't ease up on complaining that society is racist against Afros, even while overt anti-white is pervasive across the country.
But Romney's going to do what? Make Israel and corporate America his No. 1 and 2 priorities?

funk that junk.

He's like John McCain only without the military service.

Romney is a Mormon. Mormons don't fantasize about having sex with Christ-killers. So, he's no McCain. He won't start wars for Israel, I don't think. Starting wars against countries that don't like Israel is a priority for McCain.

Romney, like Obama, has to give some support and lip service to Israel because of the neocons entrenched in high places in government and the political parties.
I'm totally distraught about what's happening to whites, i.e., they're becoming the minority, they're at the mercy of anti-white forces like Obama, Holder, Rev. Wright, etc., they're attacked by illegals, Spanish is taking over, whites are "fair game" for Hollywood to mock, all that.
You’re totally afraid.
Only thing that's changed for me is the awareness that minorities in this country have become more intense, pop culturally acceptable and bigger racists than those they once decried, believing they are entitled to be racist because 'it happened to them first' (which is a load of crap for racism has existed for over 5000 years.)
I am curious. I figure a lot of whites thought: Hey, it couldn't be the worst thing in the world to have a black president. It would be pretty monumental. Sure would erase a lot of racial tension.

Only to discover:

Just the opposite has happened.

All his election has done for me is to cement the idea that incompetence knows no racial boundaries.
America was by no means the only nation built on the backs of black slaves nor was she anywhere near the worst offender. However, only in America will a black child born today be so inundated with this victim mentality designed to keep them down and rob them of any desire they may have to embrace the unparallelled freedom America provides all her citizens, to the point that if that child does grow up and choose to take advantage of the privileges America offers they will be seen as a minority twice over.

So-called "black leaders" like Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters and Obama have much to lose in ever admitting America is no longer the slave trading fledgling nation they so love to hate. These charlatans have built entire political careers on the perpetuation of black oppression.

I knew these things to be true of many prior to Obama's being elected but honestly thought for a moment the boy king might work to at least dispel the racial myths that so many destroy themselves with. Unfortunately, as we now know all too well, Obama is one of the worst offenders in regard to ginning up racial division in order to benefit himself.

I'd have to say, YES my view of racism has changed in that I now hold out little hope that anything short of a reversal of the roles of master and slave will be enough to satisfy race baiting triflers like Obama.
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I am curious. I figure a lot of whites thought: Hey, it couldn't be the worst thing in the world to have a black president. It would be pretty monumental. Sure would erase a lot of racial tension.

Only to discover:

Just the opposite has happened.
My view on Race hasn't changed since my H.S. days in Long Beach California. Any race that has a majority in numbers can be an oppressor, and enjoy it.
But Romney's going to do what? Make Israel and corporate America his No. 1 and 2 priorities?

funk that junk.

He's like John McCain only without the military service.

Ron Paul is still second to Romney for the Republican nomination.

"Hope springs eternal."

PS-Having taken a rather serious look at Negroes over the past decade or so, I find that the majority of Negroes one sees in public (including the media) really does represent the majority of Negroes in the US.

The only thing which has changed is that Negroes have given up, knowing that even with "Affirmative-Action" and "Headstart" and Jesse and Al, they *still* can't make it on their own.
I'm totally distraught about what's happening to whites, i.e., they're becoming the minority, they're at the mercy of anti-white forces like Obama, Holder, Rev. Wright, etc., they're attacked by illegals, Spanish is taking over, whites are "fair game" for Hollywood to mock, all that.

You're a pathetic fucking coward.
I'm totally distraught about what's happening to whites, i.e., they're becoming the minority, they're at the mercy of anti-white forces like Obama, Holder, Rev. Wright, etc., they're attacked by illegals, Spanish is taking over, whites are "fair game" for Hollywood to mock, all that.

You're a pathetic fucking coward.

Despite the fact I have been assaulted by mezicans and negroids, Shame on ME for noticing what butt fucking assholes hypocrites minorities are? Shame on ME for noticing? What the fuck do you actually KNOW about any of this fucking sorry ass shit, ya preachy little dickwad know-it-all? What? I have NEVER seen you post how you gained all this knowledge of yours. Please, tell us how YOU gained this knowledge Einstein. This should be good.
I'm totally distraught about what's happening to whites, i.e., they're becoming the minority, they're at the mercy of anti-white forces like Obama, Holder, Rev. Wright, etc., they're attacked by illegals, Spanish is taking over, whites are "fair game" for Hollywood to mock, all that.

You're a pathetic fucking coward.

Despite the fact I have been assaulted by mezicans and negroids, Shame on ME for noticing what butt fucking assholes hypocrites minorities are? Shame on ME for noticing?

You're an absolutely illogical fucking idiot. Personal anecdotes are proof of NOTHING, and the fact that you were on the receiving end of a few beat-downs you no doubt deserved extrapolates to precisely NOTHING about any people, race, religion, or ethnicity. Shame on you for being a racist fucking moron who thinks he's the center of the universe.
How can you say that shit? You don't KNOW what I deserved. That sounds prejudiced. I like how ya never answered my question. What DO you know about any of this ? Tell us. I am not little old lady, ya jackass. Answer the fucking question. You can do that, can't ya? Too HARD for ya? I live with all this ...wonderful folks. YOU?
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Please, tell us how YOU gained this knowledge Einstein. This should be good.

You want to know why I'm not an illogical turd like you? Do you walk around assuming the rest of the world is as shit-all stupid as you? Or did you want to know that I've worked for the better part of two decades with people from literally every corner of the globe, every 'race,' religion, and ethnicity? Did you want to know that I worked with and taught immigrants for years, both legal and illegal? Did you want to know that I helped to teach and train refugees and asylum seekers in the US for years? Did you want to know that I've lived and taught and learned around the world? Did you want to know that through business, training and sport I've always had friends of many races, religions, ethnicities, etc? Were you interested in knowing that I lived for years right next door to immigrant families, both legal and illegal and that even now I have neighbors from all over the world and that I get to know them as people and families rather than stereotypes or manifestations of some personal trauma the way you do? There are good people and bad people from every place and circumstance. YOU, for example, are a rotten, illogical piece of shit from whatever filthy hole disgorged you. The good news is that bad people like you are outnumbered by your betters, wherever they are from.

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