Has War with Iran already started?


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
h t t p : / / w w w . b l o o m b e r g . c o m / a p p s / n e w s ? p i d = 2 0 6 0 1 0 8 7 & s i d = a a p K i 2 H a o f q U

The monstrous dictator in Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh is finally being challenged by the people of his country. After 28 years the people have finally had enough of this tyranny.

Now of course the puppet of all puppets King Abdullah in Saudi Arabia is sprinting to the defense of the Yemeni dictator and the Iran is being blamed for backing the freedom fighters in Yemen.

King Abdullah, the racist bastard and great friend to the US bureaucrats is our pawn in getting the War with Iran started. Something is going to happen and some time will pass but War with Iran backed or executed by the US in some way is guaranteed to happen. Either by Obama or the next president, doesn't matter who you vote for or what party you choose.

For God's sake I ask my American brothers and sisters to not fall for the next group of lies that cost us so much in Iraq, and if you go back further the lies that cost us so much in Vietnam.

If we fight this war tens of thousands of Americans will die, millions of innocent Iranian civilians will die, the middle and lower class will pay for the war through taxes and with our blood. No matter what the monsters in Washington say, whatever it is they tell you we're fighting for, it's not worth it.
h t t p : / / w w w . b l o o m b e r g . c o m / a p p s / n e w s ? p i d = 2 0 6 0 1 0 8 7 & s i d = a a p K i 2 H a o f q U

The monstrous dictator in Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh is finally being challenged by the people of his country. After 28 years the people have finally had enough of this tyranny.

Now of course the puppet of all puppets King Abdullah in Saudi Arabia is sprinting to the defense of the Yemeni dictator and the Iran is being blamed for backing the freedom fighters in Yemen.

King Abdullah, the racist bastard and great friend to the US bureaucrats is our pawn in getting the War with Iran started. Something is going to happen and some time will pass but War with Iran backed or executed by the US in some way is guaranteed to happen. Either by Obama or the next president, doesn't matter who you vote for or what party you choose.

For God's sake I ask my American brothers and sisters to not fall for the next group of lies that cost us so much in Iraq, and if you go back further the lies that cost us so much in Vietnam.

If we fight this war tens of thousands of Americans will die, millions of innocent Iranian civilians will die, the middle and lower class will pay for the war through taxes and with our blood. No matter what the monsters in Washington say, whatever it is they tell you we're fighting for, it's not worth it.

Sure dr dimwit. The same monikor from the other poli forum, posting the same garbage.

Hilarious how a welfare-slurping dog like you is complaining about paying taxes...you need to have A JOB to pay taxes, sweetie, something you've been without for what, 20 years?

Go back to your communist paradise comrade, and let the adults do the talking,'k?
Take no notice of RHODE , the bitch cannot help it. No the war has not started with Iran, will it start, yes if Israel has got anything to do with it. If it cannot hoodwink the US into fighting Iran then it will do it itself. Either way war with Iran will quickly widen into a greater conflict.
Take no notice of RHODE , the bitch cannot help it. No the war has not started with Iran, will it start, yes if Israel has got anything to do with it. If it cannot hoodwink the US into fighting Iran then it will do it itself. Either way war with Iran will quickly widen into a greater conflict.

Still pretending to be a real poster, you weak pussy?

After iran has murdered 2,000 US troops in iraq, kidnapped the 52 american hosteage, and murdered william buckley and other US officials in Lebanon, the US is looooong overdue to dealing with the iranian filth.
Take no notice of RHODE , the bitch cannot help it. No the war has not started with Iran, will it start, yes if Israel has got anything to do with it. If it cannot hoodwink the US into fighting Iran then it will do it itself. Either way war with Iran will quickly widen into a greater conflict.
After iran has murdered 2,000 US troops in iraq, kidnapped the 52 american hosteage, and murdered william buckley and other US officials in Lebanon, the US is looooong overdue to dealing with the iranian filth.

Iran murdered 2,000 US troops?

When did his happen???
First of all, Iran is undergoing a revolution right now. One thing politicians know is when an adversary is having a meltdown, stay out of the way.

Now, the irony, the people are protesting the government because, get this, there is too much religion. Yep, that's why the revolution. Too much religion. The citizens want religion OUT of the government.

That is where the irony comes in. You see, the Republicans have made it clear, they way MORE religion in our government. Mysticism in schools. Teaching the occult as an equal alternative to science. Demanding our politicians have supernatural beliefs.

You see, the Republicans should be supporting the government of Iran because that is what they want here, but with a Jesical slant.
First of all, Iran is undergoing a revolution right now. One thing politicians know is when an adversary is having a meltdown, stay out of the way.

Now, the irony, the people are protesting the government because, get this, there is too much religion. Yep, that's why the revolution. Too much religion. The citizens want religion OUT of the government.

That is where the irony comes in. You see, the Republicans have made it clear, they way MORE religion in our government. Mysticism in schools. Teaching the occult as an equal alternative to science. Demanding our politicians have supernatural beliefs.

You see, the Republicans should be supporting the government of Iran because that is what they want here, but with a Jesical slant.

Its hilarious, the anti-war activists, pacifists, far leftists, etc., cannot seem to get their shyte together - look at the sunni-monkey's post below yours.

Idiots like that chimp don't even think that millions of angry iranians, many of whose family memebers were tortured and murdered in the dictatorship's gulags - are anything more than "malcontents," just too hilarious.
Rhodes son I'm a million times more conservative than you are, were or ever will be. I'm a Ron Paul supporter and you're a George Bush supporter, Bush was the most liberal president in history up until Obama. You're one of the cowards I was talking about in the last thread, go fight in Iraq or Afghanistan and fight the soon to come war with Iran. You can rest assured if there's ever a real war that protects the American citizen or our rights I'll be the first to sign up rather than cower under my sheets like you do.

PublicProtector- I agree with you, it hasn't started but this will be a moment on the list our neocon gov't makes as a bunch of excuses in order to start a war with them.

RDean- Iran isn't going through a revolution and Democrats want this country to be as religious as Republicans do. They want us to be people of faith rather than people of reality, being faithful and ignoring the real world is the only way anyone could support either party.
Rhodes son I'm a million times more conservative than you are, were or ever will be.

Assuming that were true, do you want a doggie biscuit now? Who the fuck cares?

I'm a Ron Paul supporter

That explains alot, since Paul is a psychotic moron who thinks that if the US should pull itself back inside a shell, and go its own way ignoring the planet, and then everything would work out in the end. Its like 1805 all over again with Ronnie... :cuckoo:

You're one of the cowards I was talking about in the last thread, go fight in Iraq or Afghanistan and fight the soon to come war with Iran.

Another fly-by-night fucktard. I already did my 20 years you dipshit, and have already announced about 20 times that I would GLADLY re-enlist (assuming they'd even take someone my age) and be the FIRST pilot into iran...

And you are lucky to be hiding behind the web pussy, because I don't take kindly to being called a coward - especially after I've been seriously wounded in combat defending the freedom of speech rights of no-brain trash like you.

You can rest assured if there's ever a real war that protects the American citizen or our rights I'll be the first to sign up rather than cower under my sheets like you do.

Yawn, another big talking internet teen fairy. Go join shogun in the girlymen's locker room...
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Rhodes son I'm a million times more conservative than you are, were or ever will be.

Assuming that were true, do you want a doggie biscuit now? Who the fuck cares?

You said I was liberal, I think you've realized that was a stupid comment (even for you).

I'm a Ron Paul supporter

That explains alot, since Paul is a psychotic moron who thinks that if the US should pull itself back inside a shell, and go its own way ignoring the planet, and then everything would work out in the end. Its like 1805 all over again with Ronnie... :cuckoo:

He doesn't think we should be in a shell, educate yourself a little before you pretend to know someone's opinion. He thinks we should trade with EVERYONE, which we don't do now, so if anything he wants to break the fences that we're so big on.

You're one of the cowards I was talking about in the last thread, go fight in Iraq or Afghanistan and fight the soon to come war with Iran.

Another fly-by-night fucktard. I already did my 20 years you dipshit, and have already announced about 20 times that I would GLADLY re-enlist (assuming they'd even take someone my age) and be the FIRST pilot into iran...

And you are lucky to be hiding behind the web pussy, because I don't take kindly to being called a coward - especially after I've been seriously wounded in combat defending the freedom of speech rights of no-brain trash like you.

Lol, sensitive and an internet tough guy. Weird combination but seems to fit the billing. Why'd you stop at 20 years? Were you scared? Why are there people who might not be so willing dying in your place in our warmongering efforts? There's 2 wars going on now you support, you don't have to wait for war with Iran.

Lucky I'm behind a web lol, bring your old ass on.

You can rest assured if there's ever a real war that protects the American citizen or our rights I'll be the first to sign up rather than cower under my sheets like you do.

Yawn, another big talking internet teen fairy. Go join shogun in the girlymen's locker room...

Sounds like something you'd enjoy watching. But don't get your hopes up. It's all starting to come together, you've given yourself the name "rhodesscholar" to try and hide how stupid you are. Well done, you do a good job of repeating the dumbest people on tv's opinions. Hannity, Limbaugh, you, what's the total level of education of the 3? Probably 2 high school diplomas.

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