Has the romney campaign been making up fans?


May 19, 2012
It seems that over the weekend mittens jumped up 130,000 plus twitter followers. It is a bit odd considering the news over the weekend had little to do with the campaigns and more to do with a dark night masacre. Mittens jumped from 3-4k new followers per day to 135,000. Pretty damned amazing for a weekend of nothing from him. Not to mention it seems many of these trwittetr people have trouble with the english language, and they do not have any friends or followers of their own.

So questions that arise from this.

1. Is this the work of mittens or the republicans making up imaginary people to attempt to boost mittens popularity in an area where his worst demographic hangs out?

2. Are there really thousands of people who english is not their first language rooting for the outsourcer in chief? This could be a bunch of pinoys or chinese looking to improve jobs in their country by boosting mittens popularity. They may be angry at the dems for proposing penalties on outsourcing and recognize how good mittens would be for employment in their country.

3. Are republicans practicing for making people up in the next election?

4. Is this just a really sad attempt where mitt got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and now is trying to pretend it never happened like his creation of Romneycare, his statements about firing people, his time at bain, his tax returns, his mormon faith, his ballerina horse, and his vast number of conflicting statements?

Mitt Romney Accused of Buying Twitter Followers | Trending Now - Yahoo! News
ironically I just started following him on twitter and I don't remember why exactly. I think someone I already follow re tweeted something he said this weekend and I stared following him. I am but one lowly follower, so i can't tell you about the other 129, 999 other followers he obtained but it might have been from something like that.
Romney is a "wanted" corporation.

It seems that over the weekend mittens jumped up 130,000 plus twitter followers. It is a bit odd considering the news over the weekend had little to do with the campaigns and more to do with a dark night masacre. Mittens jumped from 3-4k new followers per day to 135,000. Pretty damned amazing for a weekend of nothing from him. Not to mention it seems many of these trwittetr people have trouble with the english language, and they do not have any friends or followers of their own.

So questions that arise from this.

1. Is this the work of mittens or the republicans making up imaginary people to attempt to boost mittens popularity in an area where his worst demographic hangs out?

2. Are there really thousands of people who english is not their first language rooting for the outsourcer in chief? This could be a bunch of pinoys or chinese looking to improve jobs in their country by boosting mittens popularity. They may be angry at the dems for proposing penalties on outsourcing and recognize how good mittens would be for employment in their country.

3. Are republicans practicing for making people up in the next election?

4. Is this just a really sad attempt where mitt got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and now is trying to pretend it never happened like his creation of Romneycare, his statements about firing people, his time at bain, his tax returns, his mormon faith, his ballerina horse, and his vast number of conflicting statements?

Mitt Romney Accused of Buying Twitter Followers | Trending Now - Yahoo! News

Still waiting for those "tons of polls" that show Obama isn't being deserted by independents.

What's the matter...caught in yet another lie ?

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