Has the dam broken?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by William A. Jacobson @ » Has the dam broken? - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion with links.

Obama is trying to hold back the storm surge.

Presidential race tied in Ohio newspaper poll (sample D+3):

President Barack Obama, 49 percent. Republican challenger Mitt Romney, ditto….

This is a major change from a similar poll a month ago, when Obama held a 51-46 percent lead over Romney.

Minnesota Poll: Obama leading, but Romney sees gains:

… [A] new Star Tribune Minnesota Poll has found that it is narrowing here as well, with President Obama holding a 3-point lead and Republican Mitt Romney making gains in the state.

The poll shows Obama with support from 47 percent of likely voters and Romney earning backing from 44 percent — a lead within the poll’s margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

Last month, Obama had an 8-percentage point advantage in the Minnesota Poll. Romney has apparently cut into the Democrat’s advantage among women since then and picked up support from Minnesotans who were previously undecided or said they would vote for a third-party candidate.

Poll: Obama still ahead in Pa., but Romney up:

President Obama holds a six-point lead over Mitt Romney in a new Inquirer Pennsylvania Poll with just over nine full days of campaigning left for the Republican nominee to make a play for the state.

Obama was the choice of 49 percent of likely voters, to 43 percent who backed Romney in the survey conducted for the newspaper by a bipartisan team of pollsters….

The poll’s margin represents a net swing of 2 percentage points in Romney’s favor since the last Inquirer survey, which found the president ahead 50 percent to 42 percent in the first week of October.

I don’t expect Romney to win Pennsylvania or Minnesota, but the fact that the race is tightening even in blue territory is a very good sign. Ohio a dead heat? That’s also hopeful because of the trend.

This has to help in Iowa, The Des Moines Register endorsement: Mitt Romney offers a fresh economic vision considering the source’s history of endorsing Dems post-Nixon:

• 1976: Jimmy Carter (D) – won
• 1980: Jimmy Carter (D) – lost
• 1984: Walter Mondale (D) – lost
• 1988: Michael Dukakis (D) – lost
• 1992: Bill Clinton (D) – won
• 1996: Bill Clinton (D) – won
• 2000: Al Gore (D) – lost
• 2004: John Kerry (D) – lost
• 2008: Barack Obama (D) – won

One can only hope! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

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