Has Religion Ever Done Any Harm?

Most wars, the Crusades, the Inquisitions, 9/11, blowing up girl's schools, the suppression of women and homosexuals, arranged marriages to minors, ethnic cleansing, the systematic raping of children, human sacrifice, burning witches, suicide bombings, condoning slavery.....are you kidding?

Let us dissect your observation.

Most wars,

Not really true at all. Going back to the civil war, was that because of religion? Maybe it could be argued that the abolitionists were the fundamental reason for the war. Does that mean the end result, freeing of the black man, was bad or good?

WW1? WW2? What exactly was the religous intent of Japan bombing Pearl Harbor?

Korea? What religious group was behind the US going into Korea?

Vietnam? Did JFK escalate the war because he was Catholic? Certainly LBJ was no choir boy.

72 days of terror bombing Serbia? I don't think there is a person who makes the claim that Clinton was religious.

Iraq? Please don't tell me that had one thing to do with religion.

The bombing of Libya and the arming of Syrian rebels? On what religious basis did Obama make those calls?

the Crusades,

OK, this was because of religious edicts. But the good that came out of it was that trade routes were established which benefited a lot of folks.

the Inquisitions,

A brief period in history that effected mostly those of one religion. The good? Let's learn and not do that again.


Do you have some evidence this was done because of religion and not just done by those of a certain religion? Can you differentiate the difference?

blowing up girl's schools,

WTF are you even talking about? If you are talking about 16th Baptist Church bombing? Really? Do you think that was over religion, which if anything the two groups shared, or over race?

the suppression of women

So how are women suppressed? Women can have the baby ripped from their womb today. Are you saying there are NO people who hold to NO religion that are anti-abortion? Really? I don't see women suppressed, sorry just don't see it.

and homosexuals,

Again, you have to prove that homosexuality is for the greater good of society. It not only goes against evolution society can not advance with a purely homosexual community. That said, again, a difference of opinion is not suppression, nor is it a strictly religious subject.

arranged marriages to minors,

Holy crap you are really throwing the kitchen sink at this.

ethnic cleansing,

All I will provide is the definition of ethnic: An ethnic group or ethnicity is a category of people who identify with each other based on common ancestral, social, cultural or national experience.

the systematic raping of children,

How in the hell do you blame that on religion? Systematic rape? WTF?

human sacrifice,

Gosh you just can't help yourself.

burning witches, suicide bombings, condoning slavery.....are you kidding?

Now what I would like you to do is go and open a phone book and look up charities. I do believe you will find the vast majority are based on religion.

Religion has always been the cement that bonded society together. Without religion there would not be the world we live in today. Has there been things done in the name of a religion that I don't think should have been done, absolutely. But the same could be said for relativism and secular humanism.

The good religion has done far exceeds the bad.
"The good religion has done far exceeds the bad"

So it's good that we've gotten people to live in a fantasy world?

Nearly every religion treats women as second class citizens.

Some religion allows for pedophilia (child brides)

Homosexuality is abundant in nature. Plants, animals and insects all exhibit homosexual actions.

Religion devides everyone into little sects who are all taught that the other sects are wrong.
Most wars, the Crusades, the Inquisitions, 9/11, blowing up girl's schools, the suppression of women and homosexuals, arranged marriages to minors, ethnic cleansing, the systematic raping of children, human sacrifice, burning witches, suicide bombings, condoning slavery.....are you kidding?

Let us dissect your observation.

Most wars,

Not really true at all. Going back to the civil war, was that because of religion? Maybe it could be argued that the abolitionists were the fundamental reason for the war. Does that mean the end result, freeing of the black man, was bad or good?

WW1? WW2? What exactly was the religous intent of Japan bombing Pearl Harbor?

Korea? What religious group was behind the US going into Korea?

Vietnam? Did JFK escalate the war because he was Catholic? Certainly LBJ was no choir boy.

72 days of terror bombing Serbia? I don't think there is a person who makes the claim that Clinton was religious.

Iraq? Please don't tell me that had one thing to do with religion.

The bombing of Libya and the arming of Syrian rebels? On what religious basis did Obama make those calls?

the Crusades,

OK, this was because of religious edicts. But the good that came out of it was that trade routes were established which benefited a lot of folks.

the Inquisitions,

A brief period in history that effected mostly those of one religion. The good? Let's learn and not do that again.


Do you have some evidence this was done because of religion and not just done by those of a certain religion? Can you differentiate the difference?

blowing up girl's schools,

WTF are you even talking about? If you are talking about 16th Baptist Church bombing? Really? Do you think that was over religion, which if anything the two groups shared, or over race?

the suppression of women

So how are women suppressed? Women can have the baby ripped from their womb today. Are you saying there are NO people who hold to NO religion that are anti-abortion? Really? I don't see women suppressed, sorry just don't see it.

and homosexuals,

Again, you have to prove that homosexuality is for the greater good of society. It not only goes against evolution society can not advance with a purely homosexual community. That said, again, a difference of opinion is not suppression, nor is it a strictly religious subject.

arranged marriages to minors,

Holy crap you are really throwing the kitchen sink at this.

ethnic cleansing,

All I will provide is the definition of ethnic: An ethnic group or ethnicity is a category of people who identify with each other based on common ancestral, social, cultural or national experience.

the systematic raping of children,

How in the hell do you blame that on religion? Systematic rape? WTF?

human sacrifice,

Gosh you just can't help yourself.

burning witches, suicide bombings, condoning slavery.....are you kidding?

Now what I would like you to do is go and open a phone book and look up charities. I do believe you will find the vast majority are based on religion.

Religion has always been the cement that bonded society together. Without religion there would not be the world we live in today. Has there been things done in the name of a religion that I don't think should have been done, absolutely. But the same could be said for relativism and secular humanism.

The good religion has done far exceeds the bad.
"The good religion has done far exceeds the bad"

So it's good that we've gotten people to live in a fantasy world?

Nearly every religion treats women as second class citizens.

Some religion allows for pedophilia (child brides)

Homosexuality is abundant in nature. Plants, animals and insects all exhibit homosexual actions.

Religion devides everyone into little sects who are all taught that the other sects are wrong.

Right On!!

Just look at the most recent major religion...Mormonism!

Joseph Smith...a convicted con man came up with a fable which included the angel Mormon and some golden plates. Nobody else ever saw the angel or the plates and Smith used the old testament as a guide and wrote the book of Mormon. Man.....anybody who doubts the motivation for that should realize that Smith and Brigham Young married nearly 100 young wives total. WOW!!!! What a bunch of young pussy!!!
For a more objective example(s) of religion doing harm look no farther than cults. David Koresh's, Applewhite's, etc.

That was what I meant about Mormonism. All religion is major bullshit, cult or not!

"A ghost floating on a cloud meeting his audience to escort them through pearly gates to an exclusive community."

"The 2/3 who are sinners burning eternally in a lake of fire and brimstone."

"A flood covers the earth to a depth of five miles and evaporates within a few months."

"Big fish puking up live men."

"Seas separating for the good guys and drowning the bad guys chasing them."

"Compound walls falling at the sound of a trumpet."

"A human being turned into a pillar of salt in her tracks."

"Men living through a 1200 degree furnace."

"The earth standing still."

"Ten commandments presented to one man by god in the form of a burning bush."

"A man walking on water."

"A man/god on earth feeding five thousand plus women and children who also ate with two fish and five loaves then gathering 12 baskets of leftovers."

"Water turned into fine wine."

"Lepers healed by touching them."

"Selectively raising dead men."

"Virgin birth."


Here's My Team:

" The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."
~Thomas Jefferson~ (excerpt from a letter to John Adams)

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
~Dr. Albert Einstein~ (excerpt from his obituary)
Most wars, the Crusades, the Inquisitions, 9/11, blowing up girl's schools, the suppression of women and homosexuals, arranged marriages to minors, ethnic cleansing, the systematic raping of children, human sacrifice, burning witches, suicide bombings, condoning slavery.....are you kidding?
On December 25, 1941, Julius Streicher, one of the most vicious of Hitler’s assistants, celebrated Christmas by penning the following editorial in his rabidly Antisemitic newspaper, Der Stuermer:

If one really wants to put an end to the continued prospering of this curse from heaven that is the Jewish blood, there is only one way to do it: to eradicate this people, this Satan’s son, root and branch.
"let me count the ways"..................oh, wait there are books already for that.


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