CDZ Has multiculturalism doomed America--as in has it made us unable to compete with other nations?

'Universalism(loyalty to and concern for others without regard to national or other allegiances.) is an inherently flawed, even suicidal, ethical system. It compels those deceived by its siren song to sacrifice self and group interests for the benefit of mankind as a whole. Yet it is practiced widely only by Western peoples – who are thereby impaired in competing with those whose loyalty remains closer to home. Universalism harms those we care about most – our own friends, relatives and kinsmen. It benefits those who are, at best, indifferent to our beliefs – and, at worst, utterly contemptuous of them.'

'Noble intentions are a poor excuse for stupid action. Man is the only species that calls some suicidal actions ‘noble.’ The rest of creation knows better. The penalty for those who fail to grasp nature’s realities is the same as it is in the animal kingdom – disappearance.'

Garret Hardin



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