Has Joe gone shiver legged?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I've been watching Joe Scarborough (Morning Joe, MSNBC) and his band of liberal head munchers and I'm thinkin Joe shows all the signs of liberal progressivism...

I kinda liked the show in the past, it was the only show on MSNBC that at least showed a slight veneer of fair and balanced political munching. Now, with Joe tingling on the liberal line it been reduced to comedy and farcical fantasies...
I've been watching Joe Scarborough (Morning Joe, MSNBC) and his band of liberal head munchers and I'm thinkin Joe shows all the signs of liberal progressivism...

I kinda liked the show in the past, it was the only show on MSNBC that at least showed a slight veneer of fair and balanced political munching. Now, with Joe tingling on the liberal line it been reduced to comedy and farcical fantasies...

Correct, Lumpster....Joe has begun to lean more to the Left...as though the witch he has with him in the morn isn't Left enough....

But, I watch Morning Joe for the same reason folks say they play a crooked roulette wheel...'cause it's the only wheel in town!

I can't get enough political palaver...so it's Joe in the Morn,...at least until Bill Bennett comes on at 91
I've been watching Joe Scarborough (Morning Joe, MSNBC) and his band of liberal head munchers and I'm thinkin Joe shows all the signs of liberal progressivism...

I kinda liked the show in the past, it was the only show on MSNBC that at least showed a slight veneer of fair and balanced political munching. Now, with Joe tingling on the liberal line it been reduced to comedy and farcical fantasies...

Correct, Lumpster....Joe has begun to lean more to the Left...as though the witch he has with him in the morn isn't Left enough....

But, I watch Morning Joe for the same reason folks say they play a crooked roulette wheel...'cause it's the only wheel in town!

I can't get enough political palaver...so it's Joe in the Morn,...at least until Bill Bennett comes on at 91

Yup, it is the only game in town worth reviewing.

Also, what's with the "witch" and all the dim wit expressions.. She almost makes Gretchy seem overly bright.

The Fox news morning crew drives me nuts...although they occasionally have an interesting guest...
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I've been watching Joe Scarborough (Morning Joe, MSNBC) and his band of liberal head munchers and I'm thinkin Joe shows all the signs of liberal progressivism...

I kinda liked the show in the past, it was the only show on MSNBC that at least showed a slight veneer of fair and balanced political munching. Now, with Joe tingling on the liberal line it been reduced to comedy and farcical fantasies...

Correct, Lumpster....Joe has begun to lean more to the Left...as though the witch he has with him in the morn isn't Left enough....

But, I watch Morning Joe for the same reason folks say they play a crooked roulette wheel...'cause it's the only wheel in town!

I can't get enough political palaver...so it's Joe in the Morn,...at least until Bill Bennett comes on at 91

Yup, it is the only game in town worth reviewing.

Also, what's with the "witch" and all the dim wit expressions.. She almost makes Gretchen Carlson seem bright..

The Fox news morning crew drives me nuts...although they occasionally have an interesting guest...

Yes...and they are far too chipper for me before coffee!
Ditto the guest part...and some interesting stories.

But I need my politics in the morn.

Thinking of having the remote surgically attached to my paw!
Correct, Lumpster....Joe has begun to lean more to the Left...as though the witch he has with him in the morn isn't Left enough....

But, I watch Morning Joe for the same reason folks say they play a crooked roulette wheel...'cause it's the only wheel in town!

I can't get enough political palaver...so it's Joe in the Morn,...at least until Bill Bennett comes on at 91

Yup, it is the only game in town worth reviewing.

Also, what's with the "witch" and all the dim wit expressions.. She almost makes Gretchen Carlson seem bright..

The Fox news morning crew drives me nuts...although they occasionally have an interesting guest...

Yes...and they are far too chipper for me before coffee!
Ditto the guest part...and some interesting stories.

But I need my politics in the morn.

Thinking of having the remote surgically attached to my paw!

:lol:... sheesh... that is extreme...but quite humorous...thanks
I've been watching Joe Scarborough (Morning Joe, MSNBC) and his band of liberal head munchers and I'm thinkin Joe shows all the signs of liberal progressivism...

I kinda liked the show in the past, it was the only show on MSNBC that at least showed a slight veneer of fair and balanced political munching. Now, with Joe tingling on the liberal line it been reduced to comedy and farcical fantasies...

I stopped watching Morning Joe simply because everyone of them are dimwitted in their own way. Joe isn't a Lefty, he's an annoying fence sitter.

I watch Imus just because they're all funny and he has good guests.
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I've been watching Joe Scarborough (Morning Joe, MSNBC) and his band of liberal head munchers and I'm thinkin Joe shows all the signs of liberal progressivism...

I kinda liked the show in the past, it was the only show on MSNBC that at least showed a slight veneer of fair and balanced political munching. Now, with Joe tingling on the liberal line it been reduced to comedy and farcical fantasies...

I stopped watching Morning Joe simply because everyone of them are dimwitted in their own way. Joe isn't a Lefty, he's an annoying fence sitter.

I watch Imus just because they're all funny and he has good guests.

I bow to your brilliance.. Joe is "an annoying fence sitter"... :bowdown:
Watch it daily too. It's about the best place to find a heavy concentration of lefty clowns each day so it's a convenient way to keep up with their b.s.

I watch hardball, C Mathews for that reason also..
MSNBC ratings would plummate to nothing if we political junkies stopped watching. The ratings are so low I sometmes wonder who even watches then I remember it's people like me that like to see what the talking points are & the propaganda that will be spewed by the left each day.....
You certainly won't find much truth or integrity there :laugh2:

Joe's not a liberal progressive???? Wow that is News!!!
MSNBC ratings would plummate to nothing if we political junkies stopped watching. The ratings are so low I sometmes wonder who even watches then I remember it's people like me that like to see what the talking points are & the propaganda that will be spewed by the left each day.....
You certainly won't find much truth or integrity there :laugh2:

Joe's not a liberal progressive???? Wow that is News!!!

I believe I've heard Joe describe himself as a progressive republican.. whatever the hell that is..:confused:
MSNBC ratings would plummate to nothing if we political junkies stopped watching. The ratings are so low I sometmes wonder who even watches then I remember it's people like me that like to see what the talking points are & the propaganda that will be spewed by the left each day.....
You certainly won't find much truth or integrity there :laugh2:

Joe's not a liberal progressive???? Wow that is News!!!

I believe I've heard Joe describe himself as a progressive republican.. whatever the hell that is..:confused:

Wait....doesn't he regularly talk about what a conservative he was while in Congress???
MSNBC ratings would plummate to nothing if we political junkies stopped watching. The ratings are so low I sometmes wonder who even watches then I remember it's people like me that like to see what the talking points are & the propaganda that will be spewed by the left each day.....
You certainly won't find much truth or integrity there :laugh2:

Joe's not a liberal progressive???? Wow that is News!!!

I believe I've heard Joe describe himself as a progressive republican.. whatever the hell that is..:confused:

Wait....doesn't he regularly talk about what a conservative he was while in Congress???

He talks about his hero Ronald Reagan all the time. He thinks he's a real Conservative.
MSNBC ratings would plummate to nothing if we political junkies stopped watching. The ratings are so low I sometmes wonder who even watches then I remember it's people like me that like to see what the talking points are & the propaganda that will be spewed by the left each day.....
You certainly won't find much truth or integrity there :laugh2:

Joe's not a liberal progressive???? Wow that is News!!!

I believe I've heard Joe describe himself as a progressive republican.. whatever the hell that is..:confused:

Wait....doesn't he regularly talk about what a conservative he was while in Congress???

I recall him taking off time for some back problems.. I suspect he also spent some time at a re-education camp for progressive nincompoops...
MSNBC ratings would plummate to nothing if we political junkies stopped watching. The ratings are so low I sometmes wonder who even watches then I remember it's people like me that like to see what the talking points are & the propaganda that will be spewed by the left each day.....
You certainly won't find much truth or integrity there :laugh2:

Joe's not a liberal progressive???? Wow that is News!!!

I believe I've heard Joe describe himself as a progressive republican.. whatever the hell that is..:confused:

Wait....doesn't he regularly talk about what a conservative he was while in Congress???

God yes. Hardly a day goes by without him saying something like, "Back in '94 I..." Someone ought to clue him in that was 17 friggin' years ago. But it's an interesting comment on how out of touch he is today.
I believe I've heard Joe describe himself as a progressive republican.. whatever the hell that is..:confused:

Wait....doesn't he regularly talk about what a conservative he was while in Congress???

God yes. Hardly a day goes by without him saying something like, "Back in '94 I..." Someone ought to clue him in that was 17 friggin' years ago. But it's an interesting comment on how out of touch he is today.

Why shouldn't he comment on '94, when he sees today's Reps make some of the same mistakes and worse than they did back then? Isn't that the definition of insanity, to do the same thing and expect a different result? The people like some of their positiions, but eventually they have to get something done, like the '94 class eventually did.
Wait....doesn't he regularly talk about what a conservative he was while in Congress???

God yes. Hardly a day goes by without him saying something like, "Back in '94 I..." Someone ought to clue him in that was 17 friggin' years ago. But it's an interesting comment on how out of touch he is today.

Why shouldn't he comment on '94, when he sees today's Reps make some of the same mistakes and worse than they did back then? Isn't that the definition of insanity, to do the same thing and expect a different result? The people like some of their positiions, but eventually they have to get something done, like the '94 class eventually did.

You're quite a comedian... I suppose you're.. for.. Obama jobs (slush fund) plan...
I still watch the show but Joe has been leaning left for a while now...He's getting tough to watch.
Every now and again he get's loud proclaiming what a Republican he is.I guess working day in and out with all the Libs there have worn off on him...
I still watch the show but Joe has been leaning left for a while now...He's getting tough to watch.
Every now and again he get's loud proclaiming what a Republican he is.I guess working day in and out with all the Libs there have worn off on him...

I suspect he gets bonuses for ragging on the right...:eusa_whistle:

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