Has anybody seen Dick Cheney?

I saw him! He was on a space ship and....wait

No, that was Darth Vader. Sorry about that...
Maybe him and Sarah Palin can shoot their fellow right wing extreme members in the face while hunting in Washington. :eusa_whistle: :badgrin:

And exactly what is in season in Washington, DC? lol

I bet it is QUACKERS? There are sure a lot of them around! :lol:

Yes, I said QUACKERS ... not to be confused with QUAKERS ... we do not want to get them riled up, don'cha know! :eusa_shifty:
lets hope he isnt involved with this bailout thing.

Hate to tell you Busara, but I did see him yesterday......

He was sitting across the table from Bush Jr., along with Obama, McCain and all the others in the bailout mess.

Nope.....the evil dark lord of the Sith still has a firm grip on the throat of this country.
He is working on his almost completed Death Star.

Actually, I think he's negotiating with Satan's union guys to get it done by deadline.

Heard that they're having mechanical problems though......something about Bush and Cheney being so full of shit that they keep clogging up the toilets in the Executive Section of the Death Star.
He is probably arranging for a subsidiary of Haliburton to manage some of the 700 million that we are about to throw at failing mortgages. NICE....!

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