Has a woman ever started a global religion?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Thinking of it the other day I wondered if a woman ever founded a religion that endured and got popular so it expanded beyond her own small circle of friends like. Seems to me every world religion you'll have ever heard of was begun by a man. Is that wrong?
I should have answered that more thoroughly. Christianity actually was started by the women telling the men folk Jesus had risen. The woman saw Him first when He came out of the tomb-grave.
I should have answered that more thoroughly. Christianity actually was started by the women telling the men folk Jesus had risen. The woman saw Him first when He came out of the tomb-grave.

Maybe right for the Gnostic version of Christianity.
Mary Baker Eddy comes to mind she was the founder of Christian Science and there was Aimie Semple McPherson who founded the Foursquare church. Both have endured and have sizable followings. I doubt you will find much outside the U.S. where mostly male dominated societies control everything.
Thinking of it the other day I wondered if a woman ever founded a religion that endured and got popular so it expanded beyond her own small circle of friends like. Seems to me every world religion you'll have ever heard of was begun by a man. Is that wrong?

The Bible has prophetesses in it.
Thinking of it the other day I wondered if a woman ever founded a religion that endured and got popular so it expanded beyond her own small circle of friends like. Seems to me every world religion you'll have ever heard of was begun by a man. Is that wrong?

The Bible has prophetesses in it.

7 recognized by Judaism. Not the same thing though, nor is a religion with female deity or just female clergy.

Looking it up, Pentocostalism, Shakers, Theosophy, Christian Science are some denominations started by women. Anything else though?
7 recognized by Judaism. Not the same thing though, nor is a religion with female deity or just female clergy.

Looking it up, Pentocostalism, Shakers, Theosophy, Christian Science are some denominations started by women. Anything else though?

Not sure of what you mean by "not the same thing," but here are BibleGateway dot com's search results for the word "prophetess:" BibleGateway - Quick search: prophetess
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Thinking of it the other day I wondered if a woman ever founded a religion that endured and got popular so it expanded beyond her own small circle of friends like. Seems to me every world religion you'll have ever heard of was begun by a man. Is that wrong?

Mary Baker Eddy was the founder of the cult known as Christian Science.
Thinking of it the other day I wondered if a woman ever founded a religion that endured and got popular so it expanded beyond her own small circle of friends like. Seems to me every world religion you'll have ever heard of was begun by a man. Is that wrong?

Mary Baker Eddy was the founder of the cult known as Christian Science.

A few denominational examples exist, but was thinking more of a root religion like Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Budhism, etc.
World Mission Society Church of God was established on
April 28, 1964 by Ahn Sahng-hong in South Korea. I don't know how widespread this movement is but they do have active members here in the United States.

Home 2015 - World Mission Society Church of God

I know what you are saying though. Men do seem to be the more driven gender when it comes to changing the world. Women are wise enough to be content and happy in their environment. Men seem to be more energetic when it comes to leaving their mark on the world. Women are also almost entirely absent in the world of philosophy as well. It is very difficult if we were challenged with naming one female philosopher. It is very easy to meet the challenge of naming 50 famous male philosophers. I don't know if this is a good or a bad thing. I don't even know if this is a biological difference in the genders or the zeitgeists of the past have deliberately excluded participation from women in the fields of religion and philosophy. I share your observation. Men seem to be more successful in the field of creating a lasting religion.
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Thinking of it the other day I wondered if a woman ever founded a religion that endured and got popular so it expanded beyond her own small circle of friends like. Seems to me every world religion you'll have ever heard of was begun by a man. Is that wrong?

Religions aren't necessarily founded by a single charismatic personality-cult figure. I suspect women in general are much less in need of the egotism involved to bother.

So I submit that may have a lot to do with why religions -- cult religions anyway -- are founded by (and subsequently run by) men.
who gives

a flying fig

if a a woman did this or that????????????

oh my Lord ...I want to scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't stand it no more

WHO CAN GIVE A FIG??????????????????????
who gives

a flying fig

if a a woman did this or that????????????

oh my Lord ...I want to scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't stand it no more

WHO CAN GIVE A FIG??????????????????????

That's what Eve said when a gust of wind blew her fig leaf away.

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