Happy Square Root Day

no one told me there would be math....

and spelling counts.

I remember i had a physics prof my sophomore year at college. he was a stickler for solutions not answers so we had to explain why we used the formulas we did etc. not only would he penalize your calculation errors, he would deduct points for spelling and grammar mistakes. I loved that guy.

math and spelling?
My investments professor requires us to write memos on portfolio management, and he takes off for grammar and spelling. My tax law teacher also takes off for the memos we write for that class.

It's a good thing, too. Kids these days have such horrible grammar. It's those goddamn text messages.

My 13-year-old niece was my friend on MySpace, and I sent her a message telling her I was deleting her because I couldn't stand to read her messages because her grammar was so bad.

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