Happy Mother's Day


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
To moms and moms who aren't and will be or maybe just do what moms do.

Priceless: "Mom didn't talk a lot about her politics outside our family, though if someone else brought it up, she was quick to state and defend her point of view. When our neighbor trashed Geraldine Ferraro in 1984, she made sure he could see the Mondale-Ferraro yard sign from his window. When the election was over, she put the sign in a basement window, facing his house (I'm pretty sure it's still there.)"

A Mother's Day Tribute to Strong Women

'Strong women raised me.'

"They taught me to be independent, to think for myself. They taught me to read books, newspapers and magazines other than Cosmo and Woman's Day. They expected me to be a professional, to have a career.

I'm not sure I appreciated all they did for me until my middle age. I certainly didn't tell them how thankful I was for my upbringing. Now, only one of them is left. This is for her. And for those who are gone. And for the person who brought us together.

My mom grew up a Southern Baptist on a farm in middle Tennessee, the only one of four children to graduate from high school. She lit off to Nashville, attending the sort of "business school" women went to in the 1940s and '50s, then she took a job at General Shoe Co. as a keypunch operator. She wore beautiful clothes, bought a nice car, and sometimes alluded to the fun city social life she led."
Although I have never been able to be a real mother, my kitty cats gave me a mommy's day card, via my husband, today! :D
Every Mom or Mom-inator worth her salt wants one thing more than anything else....the happiness and success of her kidlets. But when a Mom has raised a fine Man to adulthood by herself, she has achieved the very highest degree of Mom-ination.

Remember as you run around today, on here or in the community where you live your real life, the man or woman today you are represents the kind of Mom or Mom-inator you had.

Represent her so she'd be PROUD, as midcan has done.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you ladies. Those of you that are mother's, congratulations and thanks for bringing kidlets into the world. Those of you that are not yet mothers but want to be, just send me your address and I'll be there sometime this afternoon!
Although I have never been able to be a real mother, my kitty cats gave me a mommy's day card, via my husband, today! :D

Every woman who loves on a kidlet and lifts them up intellectually or spiritually or ethically -- even if only for a day -- is a Mom-inator.

I strongly suspect you have been a Mom-inator to many kidlets, Care4all.

Mother's Day is for people who only have time for their mothers once a year. :razz:
Mother's Day is for people who only have time for their mothers once a year. :razz:

Whatever makes you happy. :lol:

I can see your point though. May hold true for some.
I only know this from having worked in a fancy restaurant. Mother's Day was always the most miserable holiday of the year. It seemed the more people disliked their mother's, the more they were willing to dress up and spend money on a pricey Mother's Day brunch.
Mother's Day is for people who only have time for their mothers once a year. :razz:

Whatever makes you happy. :lol:

I can see your point though. May hold true for some.
I only know this from having worked in a fancy restaurant. Mother's Day was always the most miserable holiday of the year. It seemed the more people disliked their mother's, the more they were willing to dress up and spend money on a pricey Mother's Day brunch.

Well maybe that's what you found in that place, at that time. My kids woke me up with coffee. Sat around while I told them about my 'date' last night. Right now they're playing Wii, while brunch is being made. ;) (Even 20 somethings are 'kids' on Mother's Day). They gave me a photo array they made last week, very quirky funny. If they stay around we'll bar-b-que, if they have things to do, I'll probably get Chinese, after all, it's my day. LOL!
Mother's Day is for people who only have time for their mothers once a year. :razz:

Whatever makes you happy. :lol:

I can see your point though. May hold true for some.
I only know this from having worked in a fancy restaurant. Mother's Day was always the most miserable holiday of the year. It seemed the more people disliked their mother's, the more they were willing to dress up and spend money on a pricey Mother's Day brunch.

I cooked dinner last night for my mom and wife and bought them nothing :) No complaints. But my back will hurt when they set me loose on yardwork when the weather is nice! :lol:
Whatever makes you happy. :lol:

I can see your point though. May hold true for some.
I only know this from having worked in a fancy restaurant. Mother's Day was always the most miserable holiday of the year. It seemed the more people disliked their mother's, the more they were willing to dress up and spend money on a pricey Mother's Day brunch.

Well maybe that's what you found in that place, at that time. My kids woke me up with coffee. Sat around while I told them about my 'date' last night. Right now they're playing Wii, while brunch is being made. ;) (Even 20 somethings are 'kids' on Mother's Day). They gave me a photo array they made last week, very quirky funny. If they stay around we'll bar-b-que, if they have things to do, I'll probably get Chinese, after all, it's my day. LOL!

That is what mama's day is about :) Happy mama's day Annie!
It predates our oldest memories. We knew it before we knew ourselves. It shined for us as we lay crying at night, hungry or wet, or both. It shined for us as we slowly began to use our fingers, hands; legs and toes. It never wavered as we pulled ourselves up onto unsteady feet. The force of it changed when we took those inevitable spills. It’s a warmth that always shines down upon us. The light of love that shines from a mother’s eye is as precious to us as any other thing.

We moved from unsteady footsteps to running in the backyard and whenever we looked, there was mom, watching us with that special light. The looks sometimes changed, though the love never faded away. Fear as we took our first falls, or the first day of school. Sometimes the look was one of worry at a broken heart from the first crush. But through it all, the love never faded.

We notice it when we triumph in sports. We see it when we get our first car. Though it shines with trepidation, it still shines when we go on our first date. We see it expressed as happiness when we get our first job and when we go off to college. It becomes watered down with tears at our failures, but shines even the brighter because of it. The light becomes fierce and a force to be reckoned with if we are in jeopardy.

Through all of our lives; be they busy or sedate, our mothers are always there. She holds in her eyes all of our dreams and hopes and fears, told in the darkness when life seemed to be so overwhelming. She sits with us in sickness, laughs with us in health, eats with us when we hunger, and cries when we are sad. Our mothers are the very bedrock of our existence. We can never fathom a day when they are not there. We feel the light of love shine from their eyes each and every time we see them.

This month will mark the fifth anniversary of my mother passing. I will be reading a passage in a book that strikes me as something that mom would enjoy and I think to call her, only to realize that she cannot be called by any device known to me. Yet I feel that she has read the passage. Her presence is alive, within me. When I lay awake at night with my fears and dreams, she lays there too. When I am confronted with a problem that is beyond my ability to immediately solve, her wisdom comes marching down the years and into my mind. On those days when it seems that I can’t recall her face, or the sound of her voice; I have but to sit in a quiet place for a few minutes and I can feel the light. It is a special light; which she held for me. It has been five years, but that light shines as brightly now as it ever has. It warms my soul and makes things right again.

We set aside one day a year for our mothers, but in truth, they set aside every day for us. However, we can honor our mothers every day. Small little tokens that show we love her and cherish her. So take today to show how much she means to you. Tomorrow may be too late. Cherish the time you have with her.

And bask in that light that shines just for you.

Me writing as Darkwind

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