Happy dance for Romney!


Feb 14, 2011
Dang, my party is making this hard but yay for today!

Dang, my party is making this hard but yay for today!


So why cant consrevatives nominate a real conservative if they really think conservatism has the right answers?

Where does this inferiority complex conservatives have come from?

I'm starting to wonder if maybe it just might be the Truth after all.

With Romneys record and the gazzillions the Wall Street banks are spending to buy him the election (over $1.2 million in just thre days over the weekend in MI alone), you would think conservatives would say, 'Fuck no! We'll pick our own damne candidate! Stick your money up your ass!'

But no, it seems too many conservatives really do, in their heart of hearts, think that the left has the best answers; they just want more time to get used to the social engineering, that's all.

Is his dancing better than his singing? It has to be better than his ability to create jobs.
and in spite of santorums campaign robo calling democrats ..

these people are cracking me up :p

Not sure if it makes a difference.

Santorum was never about Santorum. Santorum was about "We don't like Romney".

Romney's whole premise is, "I'm electable, suck it conservatives, evangelicals, Tea Partiers, etc.... It's not like you're going to vote for Obama."

And mostly, he's right. Most of the guys who don't like Romney will get behind him in November.

It's just that no one else will.
Dang, my party is making this hard but yay for today!


So why cant consrevatives nominate a real conservative if they really think conservatism has the right answers?

Where does this inferiority complex conservatives have come from?

I'm starting to wonder if maybe it just might be the Truth after all.

With Romneys record and the gazzillions the Wall Street banks are spending to buy him the election (over $1.2 million in just thre days over the weekend in MI alone), you would think conservatives would say, 'Fuck no! We'll pick our own damne candidate! Stick your money up your ass!'

But no, it seems too many conservatives really do, in their heart of hearts, think that the left has the best answers; they just want more time to get used to the social engineering, that's all.


Part of the problem might be with your definition of "real conservative". A lot of people who consider themselves conservatives are nowhere near as extreme as the conservatives who post on these boards. No Republican from Lincoln to Reagan would qualify as a conservative to some of the conservatives on these boards.
Part of the problem might be with your definition of "real conservative". A lot of people who consider themselves conservatives are nowhere near as extreme as the conservatives who post on these boards. No Republican from Lincoln to Reagan would qualify as a conservative to some of the conservatives on these boards.

I think it's hard to make an argument about what constitutes "conservative" at this point when you have Ann Coulter endorsing a mandate for insurance, but only if a State compells it and not the Feds.

My problem with Romney, (after his batshit crazy and evil religion), is that I have no idea what he believes.

He condemns Santorum for doing things he did. Like voting for the Earmarks for the 2002 Olympics he asked for. It's almost like that Simpsons episode where Mayor Quigly pardons Sideshow Bob, and Sideshow Bob condemns him for being soft on crime.


The hope of his supporters is that he can quickly dispense with Santorum so he can start "moving to the center" on issues.

If this sounds cynical and depressingly familiar to me, it's because we heard the same thing in 1996 with Bob Dole, who desperately wanted to move back to the center, realized the conservatives wouldn't go for it, and then picked Jack Kemp* as his running mate. It was John McCain wanted to dispose of Huckabee so he could move to the center, and then having to double back and pick up Palin to give Conservatives a reason to show up.

(*- Incidently, met Jack Kemp once in 2004, before he passed away. What a totally impressive guy.)
If Romney's the choosen one for November, I'll be voting in an independent party.
Santorum was never about Santorum. Santorum was about "We don't like Romney".

Romney's whole premise is, "I'm electable, suck it conservatives, evangelicals, Tea Partiers, etc.... It's not like you're going to vote for Obama."

And mostly, he's right. Most of the guys who don't like Romney will get behind him in November.

It's just that no one else will.

Otherwise, congratulations to Gov. Romney for eking out a narrow victory over a crazy person in the Governor’s home state, a whopping 41 percent of the vote – looks real good for November…
Yup, Romney is well on his way to losing by Goldwater like proportions in November.

Considering how poorly your predictions have turned out so far, im surprised your still bold enough to make them. Kudos for that. Never stop trying.
If Romney's the choosen one for November, I'll be voting in an independent party.

I'm thinking the same thing.

Given a choice between the guy who supported cap and trade, abortion, gun bans, healthcare mandates, a platform of raising revenue while refusing to cut spending....and Obama... anyone else is preferable.

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