Happy B_day Jimnyc !!!!

Thought at this hour I could be the first! Jim, you've given me a head full of grey hairs over the years, but I just want to let you know what a wonderful man you have become and you are a blessing to me and the rest of the family! I think now that it's been at least 2 years since you've winged a snowball at a cop car, so I guess eventually, we all grow up!

Have a great day, and know that you are truly loved!
All the man ever wants is boobs, and more boobs, and you guys aren't posting them for him.

Happy Birthday, Jimmy! (You look like a Jimmy - not a Jim.)

<marquee direction=left><speed=15> :boobies: :boobies: :boobies: :boobies: :boobies: </speed></marquee>
<marquee direction=right><speed=15> :boobies: :boobies: :boobies: :boobies: :boobies: </speed></marquee>

Unfortunately, you have a limit set on how many images can be contained in one post, and 10 is it.
Wow! Jim - Congrats on reaching 50! Thanks for all you've done to richen my life by forming this message board. You're a good man.

Have a Wonderful Day and Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<a href='http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008_ZSXXXXXX42US' target='_blank'><img src='http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/13/13_10_4.gif' alt='Airplane Wishes 1' border=0></a>
Close, but no cigar!

John = Bunny
Jimmy = Precious
Jeff = Fossee
Janeen = Piglet
Joan said:
Close, but no cigar!

John = Bunny
Jimmy = Precious
Jeff = Fossee
Janeen = Piglet

So can we call John Bunny now?? :banana: He's gonnna love that........ :D And Precious Jim..... :D
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear, Jimmy
Happy birthday to you.

Hope you get some tonight
Hope you get some tonight
Hope you get some cake & ice cream
Happy birthday to you
Joan said:
Close, but no cigar!

John = Bunny
Jimmy = Precious
Jeff = Fossee
Janeen = Piglet

Ok.. I got 1 out of 4 right.. That's gotta be worth some points.
Happy Happy Birthday, Jimnyc! I am telling you, every time I login it is somebody else's birthday again! Your families all got busy in the winter months.
Thank you all for the well wishes.

I didn't post yesterday as this birthday was one of my worst in recent memory. I of course reminded everyone at work at least 300x in the past month that my b-day was upcoming. Not one of my colleagues remembered until reminded. One person at work all together actually remembered. One card, from my wonderful son (and a pair of beads and a used tennis ball). No card or even a 'happy birthday' from wife when I picked up my son (we are separated though). Couple of family calls, Mom spent night with me and I have Jordan for the weekend. Was in bed by 8pm.

I didn't expect gifts or parties, but a few smiling faces with warm wishes, and maybe a few cards in my mailbox instead of the usual bills would have been better.

I guess things get less and less exciting as you get older.

Add in the fact that my department was outsourced and we are awaiting news as to who stays and who goes. I'm a consultant and I'm quite confident they will look harder at the full time guys, although my abilities are better. I just recently signed a lease for my apartment at $1625 per month, truck payment, electricity, cable tv, cable telephone, cable modem... You get the point, the income is kind of needed right now (as if it ever isn't).

Living alone, boring birthday, no alcohol involved, in bed before the street lights came on. What a life I lead! :laugh:

I'm gonna treat myself for my b-day anyway and go get another tattoo before I'm broke! LOL (and maybe finally get my windows tinted in my 4 Runner).

Have I been rambling again?

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