Hapless Repubs fight each other over what Trump meant on Obamacare


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2011
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) confidently said "yes" when asked whether he saw Trump's remarks on health care as an endorsement of the House GOP leadership plan — a proposal panned by conservatives as "Obamacare-lite."

"He said there should be tax credits, he said states should have more flexibility, he says we've got to [deal] with Medicaid and the transition, so what's the Republican plan?" McCarthy said. "He just laid it out." […]

Not so, insisted Rep. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.), a member of the House Freedom Caucus who has crafted a more conservative Obamacare replacement plan with Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.).

"We all hear what we want to hear in life," Sanford said of McCarthy's comments. "What I heard Trump say was something very similar to what Sen. Paul and I introduced. The leader must be hearing something a little different."

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) was equally adamant that Trump did not sign off on the leadership Obamacare proposal.

"No, I did not hear that. I heard repeal and replace, which is what we all campaigned on," Jordan said.

Republicans fight over what Trump meant on Obamacare

holy cow, those are some confused pilgrims!

Sounds like they aren't quite marching in lockstep.

That's how we got the travesty we have now
lumpy, when you can't reply to the OP, you deflect. That's what you do.

Everyone knows that ACA is going to be improved not replaced.

We are going to have government health care for everyone, per Trump. Ryan and McCarthy will open the bill to up and down vote to bring on Dems that are needed for a majority. Freedom Caucus appears unable to stop this.

I wish some of our old comrades no longer here for some time could share this discussion with us on the Board.
sac, Republicans are in control of everything. Say, "Everything. Republicans control everything". It will help you come to terms with your devastating loss.

The Demoncrat party is in free fall. And the more they lie, the worse it gets for them. CNN had to report that 70+% of We, the People, felt positive about Trump's speech, regardless of the fact that only 3 positive media stories were reported.

You can expect repeal and replace. Obamacare is on an inexorable path to it's money grabbing demise. And 70% of We, the People, will be the better for it, even if we have to drag you 30% kicking and screaming along with us, to actual affordable insurance premiums.
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lumpy, when you can't reply to the OP, you deflect. That's what you do.

Everyone knows that ACA is going to be improved not replaced.

We are going to have government health care for everyone, per Trump. Ryan and McCarthy will open the bill to up and down vote to bring on Dems that are needed for a majority. Freedom Caucus appears unable to stop this.

I wish some of our old comrades no longer here for some time could share this discussion with us on the Board.

The ACA is in complete failure mode and the new improved plan will ultimately fail as well. Stealing from the productive to pay for the freeloaders will never work out well. The only exceptions I would have is for children up to 16, military that served the country/earned the right and responsible elder adults that were forced to pay into the social security/medicare system.

Eh, the meme is apt. to my point of view but I'd agree that I can be annoying to closet and outed liberals, thanks for noticing...
lumpy, when you can't reply to the OP, you deflect. That's what you do.

Everyone knows that ACA is going to be improved not replaced.

We are going to have government health care for everyone, per Trump. Ryan and McCarthy will open the bill to up and down vote to bring on Dems that are needed for a majority. Freedom Caucus appears unable to stop this.

I wish some of our old comrades no longer here for some time could share this discussion with us on the Board.

The ACA is in complete failure mode and the new improved plan will ultimately fail as well. Stealing from the productive to pay for the freeloaders will never work out well. The only exceptions I would have is for children up to 16, military that served the country/earned the right and responsible elder adults that were forced to pay into the social security/medicare system.

Eh, the meme is apt. to my point of view but I'd agree that I can be annoying to closet and outed liberals, thanks for noticing... :thup:
My dear lumpy, you can be annoying to almost anybody at times. Some people have even suggested moi can be, too, but that is just being mean and not true at all. :lol: You may be right about ACA being a failure, but it will remain in one form or another.
lumpy, when you can't reply to the OP, you deflect. That's what you do.

Everyone knows that ACA is going to be improved not replaced.

We are going to have government health care for everyone, per Trump. Ryan and McCarthy will open the bill to up and down vote to bring on Dems that are needed for a majority. Freedom Caucus appears unable to stop this.

I wish some of our old comrades no longer here for some time could share this discussion with us on the Board.

The ACA is in complete failure mode and the new improved plan will ultimately fail as well. Stealing from the productive to pay for the freeloaders will never work out well. The only exceptions I would have is for children up to 16, military that served the country/earned the right and responsible elder adults that were forced to pay into the social security/medicare system.

Eh, the meme is apt. to my point of view but I'd agree that I can be annoying to closet and outed liberals, thanks for noticing... :thup:
My dear lumpy, you can be annoying to almost anybody at times. Some people have even suggested moi can be, too, but that is just being mean and not true at all. :lol: You may be right about ACA being a failure, but it will remain in one form or another.

Yup, it will .. it seems every great civilization fails under the weight of good political intentions abused and gone wrong.
lumpy, when you can't reply to the OP, you deflect. That's what you do.

Everyone knows that ACA is going to be improved not replaced.

We are going to have government health care for everyone, per Trump. Ryan and McCarthy will open the bill to up and down vote to bring on Dems that are needed for a majority. Freedom Caucus appears unable to stop this.

I wish some of our old comrades no longer here for some time could share this discussion with us on the Board.

The ACA is in complete failure mode and the new improved plan will ultimately fail as well. Stealing from the productive to pay for the freeloaders will never work out well. The only exceptions I would have is for children up to 16, military that served the country/earned the right and responsible elder adults that were forced to pay into the social security/medicare system.

Eh, the meme is apt. to my point of view but I'd agree that I can be annoying to closet and outed liberals, thanks for noticing... :thup:
My dear lumpy, you can be annoying to almost anybody at times. Some people have even suggested moi can be, too, but that is just being mean and not true at all. :lol: You may be right about ACA being a failure, but it will remain in one form or another.

Yup, it will .. it seems every great civilization fails under the weight of good political intentions abused and gone wrong.

Remember when you were young and every job you got came with insurance as a perk at no cost. Then, when you had additional dependents the cost was reasonable and the deductables were affordable.
Those were the days before people were sue happy, the government wasn't so, "helping out" and doctors malpractice insurance hadn't quadrupled or worse.
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House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) confidently said "yes" when asked whether he saw Trump's remarks on health care as an endorsement of the House GOP leadership plan — a proposal panned by conservatives as "Obamacare-lite."

"He said there should be tax credits, he said states should have more flexibility, he says we've got to [deal] with Medicaid and the transition, so what's the Republican plan?" McCarthy said. "He just laid it out." […]

Not so, insisted Rep. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.), a member of the House Freedom Caucus who has crafted a more conservative Obamacare replacement plan with Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.).

"We all hear what we want to hear in life," Sanford said of McCarthy's comments. "What I heard Trump say was something very similar to what Sen. Paul and I introduced. The leader must be hearing something a little different."

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) was equally adamant that Trump did not sign off on the leadership Obamacare proposal.

"No, I did not hear that. I heard repeal and replace, which is what we all campaigned on," Jordan said.

Republicans fight over what Trump meant on Obamacare

holy cow, those are some confused pilgrims!

It's obvious the only way to get cheaper care is to list crap programs. That was the second 1/2 of Obamas sentence "you can keep your plan, if it's as good as the ACA " trumpettes always seem to ignore the second 1/2
As Goldwater pointed out, people are inherently greedy , companies only paid because they had to then. . No longer

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