Haneyya briefs former US Attorney General on political developments in Palestine

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
GAZA, (PIC)-- The Palestinian Prime Minister in Gaza Ismail Haneyya briefed former US Attorney General Ramsey Clarke noon Wednesday on the latest political developments in the Palestinian arena.

"We see in this visit an important political significance for us and our people, [Clarke] being a high profile political figure who worked in official and non-official positions. We've seen him in many arenas studying rights and justice. He is an illustrious politician who asserts his solidarity with the Palestinians and elected Palestinian government," said Haneyya during a press conference following his meeting with Clarke.

Haneyya emphasized the need for continuation of similar visits, and said he discussed earlier with Clarke the possibility of organizing future trips by world leaders and figures to the Gaza Strip.

Haneyya briefs former US Attorney General on political developments in Palestine

Good luck with that.

To broker peace you have to talk to all the combatants
The Palestinian Prime Minister in Gaza Ismail Haneyya briefed former US Attorney General Ramsey Clarke noon Wednesday on the latest political developments in the Palestinian arena.
Which, when translated from the gaza babblespeak into a normal human, means "Haneyya bullshits former US Attorney General on political developments in Never-Never land".

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