Hands Off our Slush Fund?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Is it possible the Democrats want to use the remaining TARP Funds as their personal slush fund for political payoffs and influence for the 2010 election, just asking?

Hands Off Our Slush Fund! Thune Amendment Fails [Stephen Spruiell]

Apparently, Massachusetts voters didn't speak loudly enough. The Senate just rejected an amendment to the debt-limit bill, offered by Sen. John Thune, that would have sewn up the TARP fund and committed all TARP repayments to deficit reduction. Democrats such as Sen. Chris Dodd argued against the Thune amendment on the grounds that they want to use the money to fund new stimulus programs, such as the "Son of Stimulus" bill the House passed late last year. The administration has also voiced desires to funnel TARP money to small businesses through the Small Business Administration, an agency with a Fannie-and-Freddie-like blindness to risk and fraud.

Fifty-three senators voted for the Thune amendment, including Democrats Russ Feingold and Jim Webb. But that wasn't enough. Under a deal cut with Senate majority leader Harry Reid late last year, amendments to the debt-limit bill must secure 60 votes to pass. TARP's metamorphosis into all-purpose political slush fund, which started when the previous administration used it to bail out the automakers, continues unabated. Even in the face of political disaster, the Democrats just can't help themselves.

Hands Off Our Slush Fund! Thune Amendment Fails - Stephen Spruiell - The Corner on National Review Online
How much do you think ACORN will get to do more voter fraud?

How about the Black Panthers to block/intimidate polling places?

Your tax dollars at work.
I find it interesting that Democrats don't want to talk about this. Is it that they think it's true and don't mind it?. They thing it's true and are embarrassed by it?. They think it's crazy and don't what to discuss it?.

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