'Hamas will not be subservient to Iran'


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
Hamas will not be subservient to Iran, the Guardian quoted senior officials in the Gaza-based organization as saying Tuesday.

Last month, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh visited Iran for a three-day trip in a show of solidarity with the Shi'ite regime. The move highlighted the divide between Sunni Arab leaders and Shi'ite Iran, as leaders from Gulf states warned Haniyeh not to visit Iran as planned.

During the visit, Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said that “Iran will always be supportive of the Palestinian cause and the Islamic resistance in Palestine.”

Salah Bardawil, a member of the Hamas political bureau, denied that his organization would launch rockets at Israel in response to a potential Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear sites. "If there is a war between two powers, Hamas will not be part of such a war," the Guardian quoted him as saying. "Hamas is not part of military alliances in the region... our strategy is to defend our rights."

The sentiment was echoed by another senior Hamas official, who said that the organization "would not get involved" in an Iranian-Israeli war, according to the Guardian report.

'Hamas will not be subservient to Iran' - JPost - Middle East

Not long ago, Hezbollah made a similar statement, and with Israel's triple layer of missile defense, the likelihood that US ships carrying missile shields will be added to this protection and the likelihood that Israeli will destroy many of Iran's missile launchers during its attack, it is unlikely many of Iran's missiles will get through.
Bullshit, both Hezbollah and Hamas are subservient to Iran for weapons, cash, training and support.

In the past, they have been dependent on Iran for much of their weapons, cash and training, but with the Iranian economy tanking, Syria teetering on the edge of chaos and with Iran's military and military industries suffering severe damage from an Israeli/US attack, it is unlikely Iran would be able to sustain that level of support in the future, and if they invited harsh Israeli retaliations that would kill Arabs because of their support of the Iranian regime, it would likely cost Hamas and Hezbollah considerable local support.
Bullshit, both Hezbollah and Hamas are subservient to Iran for weapons, cash, training and support.

In the past, they have been dependent on Iran for much of their weapons, cash and training, but with the Iranian economy tanking, Syria teetering on the edge of chaos and with Iran's military and military industries suffering severe damage from an Israeli/US attack, it is unlikely Iran would be able to sustain that level of support in the future, and if they invited harsh Israeli retaliations that would kill Arabs because of their support of the Iranian regime, it would likely cost Hamas and Hezbollah considerable local support.

Syria falling would be a huge blow to Hamas and Hezbollah, if I'm not mistaken both groups have their headquarters in Damascus. The new Syrian regime would probably banish them both since they were arm in arm with Assad, without outside support Hamas and Hezbollah would fall back alot, probably not die completely but they would lose alot of the clout they have right now.

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