Hamas terrorist training camps in Iran:


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Hamas terrorist training camps in Iran, worlds biggest exporter of Islamic terrorism today.

Timeline: Terror Attacks by Hamas Since Israel’s Gaza Withdrawal - The Israel Project - Archive

Terrorist training camps in Iran (partial list):
1) Imam Ali Training Garrison, Tehran 2) Bahonar Garrison, near the dam of Karaj 3) Qom’s Ali-Abad Garrison, Tehran-Qom Highway 4) Mostafa Khomeini Garrison, Tehran 5) Crate Camp Garrison, 40 km from the Ahwaz-Mahshar Highway 6) Fateh Qani-Hosseini Garrison, between Tehran and Qom 7) Qayour Asli Garrison, 30 km from Ahwaz-Khorramshahr Highway

8) Abouzar Garrison, Qaleh-Shahin district, Ahwaz, Khuzestan province 9) Hezbollah Garrison, east of Tehran 10) Eezeh Training Garrison 11) Amir-ol-Momenin Garrison, Ilam province 12) Kothar Training Garrison, Khuzestan province 13) Imam Sadeq Garrison, Qom
14) Lavizan Training Centre, northeast Tehran 15) Abyek Training Centre, west of Tehran
16) Dervish Training Centre, 18 km from the Ahwaz-Mahshar Highway 17) Qazanchi Training Centre, Ravansar-Kermanshah-Kamyaran tri-junction 18) Beit-ol-Moqaddas University, Qom 19) Navab Safavi School, Ahwaz 20) Nahavand Training Centre, 45 km from Nahavand, western Iran[38]
Hamas terrorist training camps in Iran, worlds biggest exporter of Islamic terrorism today.

Timeline: Terror Attacks by Hamas Since Israel’s Gaza Withdrawal - The Israel Project - Archive

Terrorist training camps in Iran (partial list):
1) Imam Ali Training Garrison, Tehran 2) Bahonar Garrison, near the dam of Karaj 3) Qom’s Ali-Abad Garrison, Tehran-Qom Highway 4) Mostafa Khomeini Garrison, Tehran 5) Crate Camp Garrison, 40 km from the Ahwaz-Mahshar Highway 6) Fateh Qani-Hosseini Garrison, between Tehran and Qom 7) Qayour Asli Garrison, 30 km from Ahwaz-Khorramshahr Highway

8) Abouzar Garrison, Qaleh-Shahin district, Ahwaz, Khuzestan province 9) Hezbollah Garrison, east of Tehran 10) Eezeh Training Garrison 11) Amir-ol-Momenin Garrison, Ilam province 12) Kothar Training Garrison, Khuzestan province 13) Imam Sadeq Garrison, Qom
14) Lavizan Training Centre, northeast Tehran 15) Abyek Training Centre, west of Tehran
16) Dervish Training Centre, 18 km from the Ahwaz-Mahshar Highway 17) Qazanchi Training Centre, Ravansar-Kermanshah-Kamyaran tri-junction 18) Beit-ol-Moqaddas University, Qom 19) Navab Safavi School, Ahwaz 20) Nahavand Training Centre, 45 km from Nahavand, western Iran[38]
If there's a raid on Iran's nuclear sites, you can put a "turned to rubble" in front of each of these camps.:lol::eusa_whistle:
Hamas terrorist training camps in Iran, worlds biggest exporter of Islamic terrorism today.

Timeline: Terror Attacks by Hamas Since Israel’s Gaza Withdrawal - The Israel Project - Archive

Terrorist training camps in Iran (partial list):
1) Imam Ali Training Garrison, Tehran 2) Bahonar Garrison, near the dam of Karaj 3) Qom’s Ali-Abad Garrison, Tehran-Qom Highway 4) Mostafa Khomeini Garrison, Tehran 5) Crate Camp Garrison, 40 km from the Ahwaz-Mahshar Highway 6) Fateh Qani-Hosseini Garrison, between Tehran and Qom 7) Qayour Asli Garrison, 30 km from Ahwaz-Khorramshahr Highway

8) Abouzar Garrison, Qaleh-Shahin district, Ahwaz, Khuzestan province 9) Hezbollah Garrison, east of Tehran 10) Eezeh Training Garrison 11) Amir-ol-Momenin Garrison, Ilam province 12) Kothar Training Garrison, Khuzestan province 13) Imam Sadeq Garrison, Qom
14) Lavizan Training Centre, northeast Tehran 15) Abyek Training Centre, west of Tehran
16) Dervish Training Centre, 18 km from the Ahwaz-Mahshar Highway 17) Qazanchi Training Centre, Ravansar-Kermanshah-Kamyaran tri-junction 18) Beit-ol-Moqaddas University, Qom 19) Navab Safavi School, Ahwaz 20) Nahavand Training Centre, 45 km from Nahavand, western Iran[38]

Of course, Iran provides weapons, training, money and shelter for Hamas.
Hamas terrorist training camps in Iran, worlds biggest exporter of Islamic terrorism today.

Timeline: Terror Attacks by Hamas Since Israel’s Gaza Withdrawal - The Israel Project - Archive

Terrorist training camps in Iran (partial list):
1) Imam Ali Training Garrison, Tehran 2) Bahonar Garrison, near the dam of Karaj 3) Qom’s Ali-Abad Garrison, Tehran-Qom Highway 4) Mostafa Khomeini Garrison, Tehran 5) Crate Camp Garrison, 40 km from the Ahwaz-Mahshar Highway 6) Fateh Qani-Hosseini Garrison, between Tehran and Qom 7) Qayour Asli Garrison, 30 km from Ahwaz-Khorramshahr Highway

8) Abouzar Garrison, Qaleh-Shahin district, Ahwaz, Khuzestan province 9) Hezbollah Garrison, east of Tehran 10) Eezeh Training Garrison 11) Amir-ol-Momenin Garrison, Ilam province 12) Kothar Training Garrison, Khuzestan province 13) Imam Sadeq Garrison, Qom
14) Lavizan Training Centre, northeast Tehran 15) Abyek Training Centre, west of Tehran
16) Dervish Training Centre, 18 km from the Ahwaz-Mahshar Highway 17) Qazanchi Training Centre, Ravansar-Kermanshah-Kamyaran tri-junction 18) Beit-ol-Moqaddas University, Qom 19) Navab Safavi School, Ahwaz 20) Nahavand Training Centre, 45 km from Nahavand, western Iran[38]

Where'd you hear that? From the guy who said there were WMD in Iraq? :lol:
Hamas terrorist training camps in Iran, worlds biggest exporter of Islamic terrorism today.

Timeline: Terror Attacks by Hamas Since Israel’s Gaza Withdrawal - The Israel Project - Archive

Terrorist training camps in Iran (partial list):
1) Imam Ali Training Garrison, Tehran 2) Bahonar Garrison, near the dam of Karaj 3) Qom’s Ali-Abad Garrison, Tehran-Qom Highway 4) Mostafa Khomeini Garrison, Tehran 5) Crate Camp Garrison, 40 km from the Ahwaz-Mahshar Highway 6) Fateh Qani-Hosseini Garrison, between Tehran and Qom 7) Qayour Asli Garrison, 30 km from Ahwaz-Khorramshahr Highway

8) Abouzar Garrison, Qaleh-Shahin district, Ahwaz, Khuzestan province 9) Hezbollah Garrison, east of Tehran 10) Eezeh Training Garrison 11) Amir-ol-Momenin Garrison, Ilam province 12) Kothar Training Garrison, Khuzestan province 13) Imam Sadeq Garrison, Qom
14) Lavizan Training Centre, northeast Tehran 15) Abyek Training Centre, west of Tehran
16) Dervish Training Centre, 18 km from the Ahwaz-Mahshar Highway 17) Qazanchi Training Centre, Ravansar-Kermanshah-Kamyaran tri-junction 18) Beit-ol-Moqaddas University, Qom 19) Navab Safavi School, Ahwaz 20) Nahavand Training Centre, 45 km from Nahavand, western Iran[38]

Where'd you hear that? From the guy who said there were WMD in Iraq? :lol:
No the guy who said "there are no gays in Iran" or "The Holocaust is fake".


Hamas terrorist training camps in Iran, worlds biggest exporter of Islamic terrorism today.

Timeline: Terror Attacks by Hamas Since Israel’s Gaza Withdrawal - The Israel Project - Archive

Terrorist training camps in Iran (partial list):
1) Imam Ali Training Garrison, Tehran 2) Bahonar Garrison, near the dam of Karaj 3) Qom’s Ali-Abad Garrison, Tehran-Qom Highway 4) Mostafa Khomeini Garrison, Tehran 5) Crate Camp Garrison, 40 km from the Ahwaz-Mahshar Highway 6) Fateh Qani-Hosseini Garrison, between Tehran and Qom 7) Qayour Asli Garrison, 30 km from Ahwaz-Khorramshahr Highway

8) Abouzar Garrison, Qaleh-Shahin district, Ahwaz, Khuzestan province 9) Hezbollah Garrison, east of Tehran 10) Eezeh Training Garrison 11) Amir-ol-Momenin Garrison, Ilam province 12) Kothar Training Garrison, Khuzestan province 13) Imam Sadeq Garrison, Qom
14) Lavizan Training Centre, northeast Tehran 15) Abyek Training Centre, west of Tehran
16) Dervish Training Centre, 18 km from the Ahwaz-Mahshar Highway 17) Qazanchi Training Centre, Ravansar-Kermanshah-Kamyaran tri-junction 18) Beit-ol-Moqaddas University, Qom 19) Navab Safavi School, Ahwaz 20) Nahavand Training Centre, 45 km from Nahavand, western Iran[38]

Where'd you hear that? From the guy who said there were WMD in Iraq? :lol:
No the guy who said "there are no gays in Iran" or "The Holocaust is fake".

Please provide a link to a video of that guy saying what you claim. Thanks.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjXotoTbRko]Israeli Mossad train in US Woods - Seeking Conflict on American Soil - YouTube[/ame]

Oh wait, thats not Hamas,... Israeli Mossad train in US Woods
We'd better invade right away! Then we can take all their gold and set up a UN Bank like we did in Libya.

That's Freedom!
The buddy-buddy relationship between American and Israel could falter as it is revealed that Mossad intelligence officers posed as CIA agents in order to recruit and train Iranian terrorists, all unbeknown to US authorities. American intelligence officials have come clean with details surrounding Israel’s attempt to infiltrate the network of the Iranian terrorist group Jundallah. According to internal memos just released, Washington was initially unaware that agents working for Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, were recruiting Iranian terrorists under the guise that they would be hired and trained by the CIA. The memos that reveal the CIA’s then discovery of the program come from the last year of the George W Bush administration, and it is unsure if such campaigns still exist overseas today. What is known, however, is that Mossad — who is largely funded by the CIA and typically works hand-in-hand with their American counterpart — did not approach American officials for authorization in fronting as US agents in their attempt to infiltrate Jundallah.
Israeli agents posed as CIA to recruit terrorists — RT
Please provide a link to a video of that guy saying what you claim. Thanks.
The guy is Ahmadinejad, aka little Adolf, look it up.

Ok, so you made that up. Check.
He said at a Columbia University Q and A that "there are no gays in Iran". Which prompted many in the media to create satirical clips of him. And everybody knows he's a bigtime Holocaust denier who even holds Holocaust denying conventions for retards like yourself to attend to. What else is new. Check, and mate.
The guy is Ahmadinejad, aka little Adolf, look it up.

Ok, so you made that up. Check.
He said at a Columbia University Q and A that "there are no gays in Iran". Which prompted many in the media to create satirical clips of him. And everybody knows he's a bigtime Holocaust denier who even holds Holocaust denying conventions for retards like yourself to attend to. What else is new. Check, and mate.

would that be the conference questioning aspects of the holocaust story attended by many rabbis ?
Ok, so you made that up. Check.
He said at a Columbia University Q and A that "there are no gays in Iran". Which prompted many in the media to create satirical clips of him. And everybody knows he's a bigtime Holocaust denier who even holds Holocaust denying conventions for retards like yourself to attend to. What else is new. Check, and mate.

would that be the conference questioning aspects of the holocaust story attended by many rabbis ?
I thought you said before that you weren't a Holocaust denier. Now you're putting forth this regurgitated neo Nazi idea that the presence of a few crazy Jews there, somehow gives legitimacy to the Holocaust deniers? Ahmadinejad wants Israel destroyed, he's said it openly and in public many times. Holocaust denial is one of the avenues that little Adolf thinks would undermine Israel's legitimacy and therefore assist in its demise. Those crazy Jim Jones / David Koresh type Jews want Israel to be destroyed as well. That's why they're there. Did David Koresh represent Christianity? No.

"questioning aspects". Is that a politically correct way of saying HOLOCAUST DENIER? The problem with people like you is you assume everybody is as stupid, crazy, and ignorant as you are.
Ok, so you made that up. Check.
He said at a Columbia University Q and A that "there are no gays in Iran". Which prompted many in the media to create satirical clips of him. And everybody knows he's a bigtime Holocaust denier who even holds Holocaust denying conventions for retards like yourself to attend to. What else is new. Check, and mate.

would that be the conference questioning aspects of the holocaust story attended by many rabbis ?
This was a masterpiece.

[ame=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yG9sTpvAFxY]YouTube - SNL *Iran so far*[/ame]
Please provide a link to a video of that guy saying what you claim. Thanks.
The guy is Ahmadinejad, aka little Adolf, look it up.

Ok, so you made that up. Check.
Mate? This is another masterpiece, only this time it's Adolfs own words!

[ame=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sF4pYQ_5obk]YouTube - No gays in Iran says Ahmadinejad[/ame]
How many times do you have to post the same crap about a group of insignificant crazy Jews? There were also similar crazy Jews during Hitler's time. But don't let that stop you from posting and reposting Netreu Karta Jews crapola for like the 100th time. Your clip is meaningless drivel, and a red herring, as usual. I didn't even need to open it. Nobody ever opens your clips.


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