Hamas: Here to stay

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
"The bottom-line: The fact that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians showed up for Hamas's annual anniversary in Gaza on Tuesday is a clarion testimony that Hamas is here to stay, regardless of Israeli and American wishful thinking."

Notwithstanding treacherous conspiracies constantly devised against Hamas by Hamas's enemies, Hamas is likely to stay with us for a long time to come and even grow.

Since 2006, when Hamas won the Palestinian legislative elections, defeating the American-funded Fatah movement, the United States and its puppet regimes and allies in the Arab world used every conceivable means to undermine and weaken Hamas.

Following the showdown with Fatah in 2007, many western news agencies parroted the big lie that Hamas carried out a coup against the so-called Palestinian "legitimacy", ignoring the fact that Hamas was itself the government, having won the elections.

Unfortunately, some western, Israeli and Arab media continue to parrot the same mendacity. They just overlook the fact that the American and Israeli intelligence colluded and connived with certain Palestinian warlords to destabilize Hamas before ganging up on and decapitating its legitimate government.

Hamas: Here to stay

And as long as the Palestinians continue to harbor, and support those demonic terrorists, they deserve any hardship they get. The ones who don't run for Israel will likely rot.

They'll only have themselves to blame when they get shot @, as they allow Hamas to hide behind them, their cities bombed, as they allow Hamas to hide in them, etc.

And as long as the Palestinians continue to harbor, and support those demonic terrorists, they deserve any hardship they get. The ones who don't run for Israel will likely rot.

They'll only have themselves to blame when they get shot @, as they allow Hamas to hide behind them, their cities bombed, as they allow Hamas to hide in them, etc.

The 'Palestinian' people are a human shield, they will fight to the last Palestinian, their extremist religion and their paranoid and irrational hatred of Jews assures that Hamas will always remain, that is unless Hamas is eliminated and it's indoctrination and propaganda shut down.
"The bottom-line: The fact that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians showed up for Hamas's annual anniversary in Gaza on Tuesday is a clarion testimony that Hamas is here to stay, regardless of Israeli and American wishful thinking."

Notwithstanding treacherous conspiracies constantly devised against Hamas by Hamas's enemies, Hamas is likely to stay with us for a long time to come and even grow.

Since 2006, when Hamas won the Palestinian legislative elections, defeating the American-funded Fatah movement, the United States and its puppet regimes and allies in the Arab world used every conceivable means to undermine and weaken Hamas.

Following the showdown with Fatah in 2007, many western news agencies parroted the big lie that Hamas carried out a coup against the so-called Palestinian "legitimacy", ignoring the fact that Hamas was itself the government, having won the elections.

Unfortunately, some western, Israeli and Arab media continue to parrot the same mendacity. They just overlook the fact that the American and Israeli intelligence colluded and connived with certain Palestinian warlords to destabilize Hamas before ganging up on and decapitating its legitimate government.

Hamas: Here to stay

From Hamas: Here to stay...

"The US bullied banks around the world to stop any money transfer to the Gaza Strip. Western Union, acting at America's beck and call, blacklisted between 15,000-20,000 Palestinians it was told were sympathetic to Hamas."

Banks are the quickest way to end Racist Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine. Belgium is the starting line.

"Although access to New York banks remains essential for foreign exchange transactions because of the role of the dollar, interbank transfer instructions are conducted through the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), which is based in Belgium.

"So, instead of New York — as in the period when sanctions were applied on South Africa– Belgium is now the pressure point.

"SWIFT links 8,740 financial institutions in 209 countries.

"Without access to SWIFT and its interbank payment network, countries are unable either to pay for imports or to receive payment for exports.

"In short, no payment — no trade.

To End the Occupation...
And as long as the Palestinians continue to harbor, and support those demonic terrorists, they deserve any hardship they get. The ones who don't run for Israel will likely rot.

They'll only have themselves to blame when they get shot @, as they allow Hamas to hide behind them, their cities bombed, as they allow Hamas to hide in them, etc.

Do Racist Rabbis deserve to rot?

Or is your "shame" reserved only for Muslim fanatics?
And as long as the Palestinians continue to harbor, and support those demonic terrorists, they deserve any hardship they get. The ones who don't run for Israel will likely rot.

They'll only have themselves to blame when they get shot @, as they allow Hamas to hide behind them, their cities bombed, as they allow Hamas to hide in them, etc.


And what was your excuse for persecuting them way before Hamas evolved?

Hi, you have received -211 reputation points from Mr.Fitnah.
Reputation was given for this post.

being neglected?

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And as long as the Palestinians continue to harbor, and support those demonic terrorists, they deserve any hardship they get. The ones who don't run for Israel will likely rot.

They'll only have themselves to blame when they get shot @, as they allow Hamas to hide behind them, their cities bombed, as they allow Hamas to hide in them, etc.

The 'Palestinian' people are a human shield, they will fight to the last Palestinian, their extremist religion and their paranoid and irrational hatred of Jews assures that Hamas will always remain, that is unless Hamas is eliminated and it's indoctrination and propaganda shut down.
How does your knee-jerk support for authoritarianism deflect Israel's racist rabbis?

"'Racism originated in the Torah,' said Rabbi Yosef Scheinen, who heads the Ashdod Yeshiva. “The land of Israel is designated for the people of Israel.

"This is what the Holy One Blessed Be He intended and that is what the [sage] Rashi interpreted.”

Do you think the Holy One Blessed Be He and Rashi are hypocrites?

You sure as hell are.

Top Rabbis...

And as long as the Palestinians continue to harbor, and support those demonic terrorists, they deserve any hardship they get. The ones who don't run for Israel will likely rot.

They'll only have themselves to blame when they get shot @, as they allow Hamas to hide behind them, their cities bombed, as they allow Hamas to hide in them, etc.


And what was your excuse for persecuting them way before Hamas evolved?

Hi, you have received -211 reputation points from Mr.Fitnah.
Reputation was given for this post.

being neglected?


Loaded question, but as I've said before, if they renounce Hamas, Hezbollas, etc., I have no problem with their statehood, as long as they keep their undeserved hands off Jerusalem.
Nice. I could only hit you for three points when you called me a liar. So consider the one I gave you today an extension to calling me a liar. I've still got more than two hundred to go to keep up with Mr Fitnah.

Good stuff Mr. Fitnah. :iagree:

And as long as the Palestinians continue to harbor, and support those demonic terrorists, they deserve any hardship they get. The ones who don't run for Israel will likely rot.

They'll only have themselves to blame when they get shot @, as they allow Hamas to hide behind them, their cities bombed, as they allow Hamas to hide in them, etc.


And what was your excuse for persecuting them way before Hamas evolved?

Hi, you have received -211 reputation points from Mr.Fitnah.
Reputation was given for this post.

being neglected?

And as long as the Palestinians continue to harbor, and support those demonic terrorists, they deserve any hardship they get. The ones who don't run for Israel will likely rot.

They'll only have themselves to blame when they get shot @, as they allow Hamas to hide behind them, their cities bombed, as they allow Hamas to hide in them, etc.


And what was your excuse for persecuting them way before Hamas evolved?

Hi, you have received -211 reputation points from Mr.Fitnah.
Reputation was given for this post.

being neglected?


Loaded question, but as I've said before, if they renounce Hamas, Hezbollas, etc., I have no problem with their statehood, as long as they keep their undeserved hands off Jerusalem.

Actually, what do you mean by Jerusalem? Jerusalem consists of 3 parts--Jewish West Jerusalem, Arab East Jerusalem, and the walled Old City--sacred to 3 faiths. West Jerusalem contains the Knesset, the museum where the Dead Sea Scrolls reside, and all other places of Jewish interest. Arab East Jerusalem (excluding the Old City), is actually a bunch of Arab villages that were annexed to Jerusalem after the Six-Day War, for some insane reason that I can't figure out. The Arabs can have back their decrepit villages for all I care. The real thorny problem, of course, is the Old City. I remember waking up one morning there to the sounds of Jewish prayer, church bells, and the Muslim muezzin all at once--which I'll never forget. The Old City is an exotic, sometimes even magical, place.
for some insane reason that I can't figure out.

Oh, yes, that was only one of our mistakes. The Zionism was stronger in those days. Defend the attack and take as much land as you can.

Another mistake was giving so much land to the Jordanians and the Egyptians. It set the stage for all the rest of the Arabians to demand the land that they lost in aggressive wars with Israel.

And these ones now, didn't even have a country!

Zionism has been tempered by sixty years of Muslim hate and desire for our total and outright dissolution. It's now, more about comprehensive peace and enough land to fulfil our prophecy.

We are not a stupid people. If we could gain an Arabian wide comprehensive peace, there would be much on the table.

But that's even more :cuckoo: at this point in time.
Jerusalem must never again be divided; it is the eternal capital of Israel and the Jewish people. Jews were not even allowed to pray at the western wall before they recaptured the east it in 67', I'm defiantly not a moderate when it comes to Jerusalem.

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