Hamas-Fatah Crisis Dominates Palesteenian Media


Jun 29, 2011

RAMALLAH, January 9, 2012 (WAFA) – The three Palestinian Arabic dailies Monday highlighted the new crisis in Fatah-Hamas relations following Hamas ban on a high level Fatah delegation from entering the Gaza Strip.

Al-Hayat al-Jadida, al-Quds and al-Ayyam highlighted Fatah Central Committee’s statement which said it will re-evaluate the reconciliation agreement it had reached with Hamas. The committee also demanded from Hamas to apologize to Fatah and the Palestinian people for its “interior ministry behavior.”

Al-Quds reported on Hamas criticism of the Central Committee’s statement and its refusal to apologize to Fatah. The headline featured Hamas calling Fatah to abide by the reconciliation agreement and not to evade it.
Palestine News & Info Agency - WAFA - Newspapers Review: Hamas-Fatah Crisis Dominates Dailies
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Fatah Party fares poorly in elections
Tue, May 16, 2017 - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ ruling Fatah Party posted a poor showing in Palestinian municipal elections across the West Bank, even though the rival Hamas movement stayed out of the race, results announced on Sunday showed.
The vote reflected public discontent with Abbas and his Fatah movement, whose popularity has sunk due to a weak economy, nepotism in its ranks and its failure to lead the Palestinians closer to independence. Saturday’s vote gave Palestinians a rare chance to cast ballots after more than a decade without presidential or legislative elections. Abbas’ embattled party ran virtually unopposed, and the election was seen as a litmus test of Fatah’s popularity. However, the results indicated lackluster support for the party, which has dominated Palestinian politics for half a century.

In an indication of public sentiment, only 53 percent of eligible voters cast ballots. In Hebron, the West Bank’s largest city and a Hamas stronghold, Fatah won just seven of 15 seats. “The result wasn’t great for us,” said Tayseer Abu Sneineh, the head of Fatah’s list in the city. In Nablus, another major city, Fatah won 11 of 15 seats, but only after forming an alliance with Muslim candidates. Turnout in Nablus was just 21 percent. Fatah only won clear victories in two major cities, Jenin and Jericho. In several cities, Fatah could not piece together enough candidates to field a campaign list, leaving local Fatah politicians to run as independents.

About 2.2 million Palestinians live in the West Bank, of whom just more than 787,000 were eligible to vote. East Jerusalem’s 300,000 residents did not take part in the elections. The Palestinians have been divided between rival governments since Hamas defeated Fatah in the 2006 legislative elections and drove the latter out of the Gaza Strip the following year, leaving Abbas in control only of the Palestinian Authority autonomy government in parts of the West Bank. Repeated attempts to reconcile have failed.

Fatah and Hamas were supposed to compete in elections last year in both the West Bank and Gaza. However, with the rival factions disqualifying each other’s candidates, Fatah went forward with the elections in the West Bank alone in a bid to renew its legitimacy. The Palestinian president is more than a decade into what was supposed to be a four-year term. Central Elections Commission head Hanna Nasser said the organization plans to approach Hamas about the possibility of holding municipal elections in the Gaza Strip.

Fatah Party fares poorly in elections - Taipei Times

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