Hamas exposed: dependent on your tax $$$


Jul 15, 2008

[Podcast audio mp3 available at attacreport.com/ar_audio/pod_06_0226.mp3 - be sure to listen to the full 5-minute audio presentation!]

February 26, 2006

ATTAC Report This Week


Terrorists Picking Your Pocket

For years, it’s been illegal to send money to the terror group Hamas. But according to new evidence, your tax dollars have already been leaking to the terrorists — through the back door.

Hello. I’m your host, Boruch Ellison, and this is “ATTAC Report This Week” for February 26, 2006.


By far the largest and most active terrorist group in the Middle East, if not the world, is the Palestine Liberation Organization, or PLO. It serves as an umbrella organization for several violent groups and fields tens of thousands of revolutionary “soldiers.”

In the shadow of the PLO giant, smaller groups have managed to stay out of the spotlight, operating on the sidelines with less scrutiny. But the recent rise to power of Hamas has changed all that.

Its name stands for the Arabic words meaning “Islamic Resistance Movement.” The reality of Hamas, however, reflects more the theories of Marxist revolution than of any religion. Founded in the 1980s, the group originally kept a low profile while gradually seizing control of Arab social structures in the Gaza Strip of Israel. Later, Hamas dropped all pretenses and openly joined the PLO revolution, known as the intifadeh. Hamas has conducted many terrorist attacks over the years, using methods ranging from shootings and timed explosives to missile launches and suicide bombings. With such attacks, it has targeted not only Israelis, but Arabs and Americans as well.

It’s not too surprising that the U.S. government has included Hamas on its official list of terror groups. That designation makes it illegal to contribute money to Hamas, or to launder money to its front organizations. Some of those fronts, operating in disguise as charities, have been shut down by federal law enforcement authorities in the last few years.

But while some smaller channels for money have dried up, larger ones continue to keep the Hamas terror machine alive and well.

For example, just one week ago the Muslim Brotherhood organization announced that it would continue financing Hamas, and even promised to increase the flow of money. The Muslim Brotherhood was, in fact, the parent organization that created Hamas in the first place, and it, too, is a terrorist group long affiliated with the Communist apparatus in several nations.Based in Communist Egypt, the organization is officially illegal, but it’s an open secret that the Egyptian secret police not only tolerates, but actually controls, the Muslim Brotherhood.

And that’s significant, because the Egyptian government, under Communist control since 1952, currently receives $2 billion each year in foreign aid from the United States. That money helps subsidize the activities of Egyptian intelligence — including the Muslim Brotherhood, and through that group, Hamas.

A second channel comes through the PLO. Although Hamas is not yet an official member organization of the PLO, the PLO-controlled “Palestinian Authority” does support the terrorist activities of Hamas cells.

Take the case of Adnan Gul, the former number two man in Izzidin al-Qassam, the military wing of Hamas. Gul received his pay as an official member of the Palestinian Authority’s police agency, which supported Gul’s activities in producing bombs and missiles for Hamas terrorism.

The PLO has also admitted providing millions of dollars to Hamas as far back as the early 1990s, under the direct orders of Yassir Arafat, the PLO’s long-time leader.

For years now, the U.S. government has been giving hundreds of millions of dollars per year to the PLO and its Palestinian Authority. This aid indirectly pays for Hamas and the deadly work of terrorists such as Adnan Gul.

Although President Bush officially claims he doesn’t want to support Hamas, he also doesn’t want Congress to take away his power to send money to the Palestinian Authority.

In fact, the Bush Administration is quietly keeping up the flow of at least some of that money. Less than two weeks ago, the World Bank announced it would make another payment of $48 million to the Palestinian Authority. The World Bank is funded by the United States, yet President Bush is not using his authority to intervene.

The flow of American money to the PLO and Hamas isn’t likely to stop unless Congress steps in.

Thank you for listening. From all of us at ATTAC Report, good-bye.
You know what else is dependent on your tax dollars?


LOL do some research before you sip the vehmertly anti-sematic coolaid that Shogun is pouring.

In 2007, direct economic aid from the US amounted to $120 million, or about 0.07% of Israel's GDP.
Do they needed it for defense sure, but it makes up not even a percent of their GDP.

Unilateral international transfers: unrequited and generally unheeded | New England Economic Review | Find Articles at BNET
GHook posits

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">In 2007, direct economic aid from the US amounted to $120 million, or about 0.07% of Israel's GDP. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

There seems to be a difference of opinion regarding the amount of aid. You are quoting (I suppose) only the direct aid, and ignoring the larger picture.

JERUSALEM, Aug. 16 &#8212; Israel and the United States signed a deal on Thursday to give Israel $30 billion in military aid over the next decade in what officials called a long-term investment in peace.

As to aid to Hamas and the PA?

That is money sent to support the refugees of the conflict.

It benefits Israel, as much as the palestinians, in that were that money not sent, the world would see those people starve because the lands that they are on cannot possible support the population economically.
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clearly, you hate jews and are posting antisemitic rhetoric.
LOL do some research before you sip the vehmertly anti-sematic coolaid that Shogun is pouring.

Do they needed it for defense sure, but it makes up not even a percent of their GDP.

Unilateral international transfers: unrequited and generally unheeded | New England Economic Review | Find Articles at BNET

Actually, Israel recieves more aid than any other country in the world from the US, despite the fact that it has quite a high per capita income. The US virtually subsidizes the Israeli military completely.

Total Cost to US Tax-Payers over the years: $134,791,507,200.
WRMEA: U.S. Aid to Israel

Key Facts:

Direct U.S. aid for each Israeli citizen in 2001 (per capita annual income of Israel = $16,710) -- over $500

Direct U.S. Aid for each Ethiopian citizen in 2001 (per capita annual income of Ethiopia = $100) -- about $.45

$2.76 billion military aid grant
$2.1 billion economic support funds
$600 million refugee resettlement grant

$2 billion

Military aid grant $1 billion
Commercial loan guarantees $9 billion
Arrow missile development $60 million

TOTAL AID FOR FY 2003 $14.82 billion

Percentage of U.S. foreign aid that goes to Israel -- 30%

Israel's population as a percentage of world population -- .01%

Section 116 of the Foreign Assistance Act (FAA) states, "No assistance may be provided under this part to the government of any country which engages in a consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights." 22 U.S.C. 2304(a)

from U.S. Military Aid and Israel.

Have a great weekend!
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You know, Chuck, as a peace offering to you I will take back by reply to that sorry paraquat.

Ghook, I hope you have a great weekend, buddy!
You know, Chuck, as a peace offering to you I will take back by reply to that sorry paraquat.

Ghook, I hope you have a great weekend, buddy!

This is America, we can disagree on the most fundamental levels, and still get along. That is part of why it is so great.

I can even admit the same can not be said for Israel :)

You have a great weekend too.
I have no problem subsidizing the military of essentially the only middle eastern country that isn't trying to kill us.
the fact that your messiah isn't an arab, doesn't hurt either, does it?
It has nothing to do with my Messiah. It has to do with the fact that Islam wants to kill off Americans and pretty much everyone else except themselves (and sometimes each other as well, actually) and they will stop at nothing...and Israel is pretty much our only ally in that part of the world.

Israel doesn't target us, they help us, give them the money.
Screw the countries which regularly attack us.
It has nothing to do with my Messiah. It has to do with the fact that Islam wants to kill off Americans and pretty much everyone else except themselves (and sometimes each other as well, actually) and they will stop at nothing...and Israel is pretty much our only ally in that part of the world.

Israel doesn't target us, they help us, give them the money.
Screw the countries which regularly attack us.

I can' agree with this, because it is to general. while it is true some who claim to be Muslims want to kill us, I do not think that is in anyway the general feeling of most Muslims. Most of their leaders maybe, but not most of their people.

I would argue that those Muslims who want to kill in the name of Allah are not Muslims at all. No more than Jews, or Christians who want to kill in the name of their god, are really Jews or Christians.
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I'm sure it's not. But the fact is, it's the nation of Islam that vomits forth jihadists and terrorists on a regular basis...and countries that are Muslim countries are NOT our friends.
I'm sure it's not. But the fact is, it's the nation of Islam that vomits forth jihadists and terrorists on a regular basis...and countries that are Muslim countries are NOT our friends.

On a regular basis? What percentage of Muslims worldwide are taking part in violence of any kind? I'll be looking for your raw data.

Also, how many cases of espionage against the United States have Israelis been accused of? Naturally you would know the answer to this question to substantiate your previous claims.
I have no problem subsidizing the military of essentially the only middle eastern country that isn't trying to kill us.

Is that why the states also virtually subsidizes the Saudi military? It's more a divide between governments that accept US influence vs. those that don't. Those are the good guys make good deals and bad guys don't, regardless of whether they're brutalist regimes or not.
I have no problem subsidizing the military of essentially the only middle eastern country that isn't trying to kill us.

CBS News | FBI Probes Pentagon Spy Case | August 27, 2004 22:15:19

USS Liberty Memorial Main Page
En route from his residence in Lebanon’s hills to the Beirut residence of the AUB president, Dean’s limousine and convoy took 21 rifle bullets. The automobile bearing the ambassador and Mrs. Dean was also struck by two light anti-tank weapons.
Picked up by Lebanese security, the anti-tank canisters had made-in-America markings. After unanswered telegrams to the State Department and all but silent responses to his telephone inquiries, Dean eventually learned that the anti-tank weapons were sold and shipped to Israel in 1974.

American Ambassador Recalls Israeli Assassination Attempt&mdash;With U.S. Weapons

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