Hamas: annulment of Oslo accords national necessity

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
GAZA,(PIC)-- Hamas said that cancelling Oslo accords is a national necessity through re-adopting the Palestinian national project for liberation and independence that mainly depends on the resistance option to defend the Palestinian rights.

On the 19th anniversary of Oslo agreement, Hamas said in a statement, that the Oslo Accords and other agreements signed between the PLO/PA and Israel were a serious failure of the PLO, adding that time has come to free the POL from Oslo's abysmal conditions by renewing the organization's main aims.

The statement stressed that the Palestinian national reconciliation is based on the national constants, an end to the security cooperation with the occupation, and unite efforts to resist and not only on election which cannot be applied in an atmosphere of PA and Israeli oppression.

Hamas: annulment of Oslo accords national necessity
"CHOMSKY (December, 2000): The Oslo agreements did represent a shift in U.S.-Israeli policy. Both states had by then come to recognize that it is a mistake to use the Israel Defense Forces to run the territories.

"It is much wiser to resort to the traditional colonial pattern of relying on local clients to control the subject population, in the manner of the British in India, South Africa under apartheid, the U.S. in Central America, and other classic cases.

"That is the assigned role of the Palestinian Authority, which like its predecessors, has to follow a delicate path: It must maintain some credibility among the population, while serving as a second oppressor, both militarily and economically, in coordination with the primary power centers that retain ultimate control.

"The long-term goal of the Oslo process was described accurately by [Foreign Minister] Shlomo Ben-Ami shortly before he joined the Barak government: It is to establish a condition of permanent neo-colonialist dependency. The mechanisms have been spelled out explicitly in the successive interim agreements; and more important, implemented on the ground."

Specter of an "Ugly Future", Noam Chomsky interviewed by Yitzhak Laor

Nothing changes in the Occupied Territories until Israel begins sustaining economic losses from its occupation of Palestine.
I am convinced that the OSLO accords will---very shortly, be a moot point. Iranian aggression via its proxy terrorist organization Hezbollah and its forming alliances with other terrorist organizations and most especially with its alliance with ASSAD -----will lead to widespread conflict in the region galvanized by "JIHADIST" projects for "allah and a WHOLE NEW REALITY----------you can start crying THE ZIONISTS DID IT now-----in fact you can teach little children to chant it just as they were taught to chant "THE JEWS WENT ON VACATION" on 9-10-01
GAZA,(PIC)-- Hamas said that cancelling Oslo accords is a national necessity through re-adopting the Palestinian national project for liberation and independence that mainly depends on the resistance option to defend the Palestinian rights.

On the 19th anniversary of Oslo agreement, Hamas said in a statement, that the Oslo Accords and other agreements signed between the PLO/PA and Israel were a serious failure of the PLO, adding that time has come to free the POL from Oslo's abysmal conditions by renewing the organization's main aims.

The statement stressed that the Palestinian national reconciliation is based on the national constants, an end to the security cooperation with the occupation, and unite efforts to resist and not only on election which cannot be applied in an atmosphere of PA and Israeli oppression.

Hamas: annulment of Oslo accords national necessity

That puts you, Mr. Tinmore, in agreement with the settlers of Judea and Samaria. I didn't know you were a Zionist! :confused:
GAZA,(PIC)-- Hamas said that cancelling Oslo accords is a national necessity through re-adopting the Palestinian national project for liberation and independence that mainly depends on the resistance option to defend the Palestinian rights.

On the 19th anniversary of Oslo agreement, Hamas said in a statement, that the Oslo Accords and other agreements signed between the PLO/PA and Israel were a serious failure of the PLO, adding that time has come to free the POL from Oslo's abysmal conditions by renewing the organization's main aims.

The statement stressed that the Palestinian national reconciliation is based on the national constants, an end to the security cooperation with the occupation, and unite efforts to resist and not only on election which cannot be applied in an atmosphere of PA and Israeli oppression.

Hamas: annulment of Oslo accords national necessity

That puts you, Mr. Tinmore, in agreement with the settlers of Judea and Samaria. I didn't know you were a Zionist! :confused:

And we probably agree that the sky is blue also.:eusa_whistle:

Arafat was duped into buying a bill of goods without the consent of the people. I can't see where the agreement has any legitimacy.
I am convinced that the OSLO accords will---very shortly, be a moot point. Iranian aggression via its proxy terrorist organization Hezbollah and its forming alliances with other terrorist organizations and most especially with its alliance with ASSAD -----will lead to widespread conflict in the region galvanized by "JIHADIST" projects for "allah and a WHOLE NEW REALITY----------you can start crying THE ZIONISTS DID IT now-----in fact you can teach little children to chant it just as they were taught to chant "THE JEWS WENT ON VACATION" on 9-10-01
"QUESTION: How, then, would you describe the American interests in this area, if we shake off the usual nonsense about 'peace and democracy'...?

"CHOMSKY: The primary interest, uncontroversially, is effective control of the world's most important energy reserves.

"These may be administered by what the British, in their day in the sun, called an 'Arab facade' behind which Britain would continue to rule. The facade must be weak and pliant; if the ruling dictatorships challenge the dominant power, they can expect a violent reaction."

Specter of an "Ugly Future", Noam Chomsky interviewed by Yitzhak Laor
I am so impressed NOAM CHOMSKY has declared OIL be

I disagree-----food grains are the the SUPREME BEING
wheat, rice, oats, millet, corn ...........
Joseph knew that ---he handed Egypt to the Pharoah
based on stored grain
I am so impressed NOAM CHOMSKY has declared OIL be

I disagree-----food grains are the the SUPREME BEING
wheat, rice, oats, millet, corn ...........
Joseph knew that ---he handed Egypt to the Pharoah
based on stored grain
Maybe you and Joe can tell Noam and the rest of us how to grow wheat, rice, oats, millet and corn today without OIL?
how dramatic you are georgie-----"without oil" there is no "without oil" because ----it is the OIL countries that have managed to make themselves dependent on food imports. Stop exports of food (keep in mind there are NON MUSLIM OIL PRODUCERS---for example the USA is one) to the oil countries dependent on food imports and oil prices will drop to pennies a barrel And even better ---ALTERNATIVE FUELS solar power, wind power, etc etc etc Somehow because of some little economic sanction----MESOPOTAMIA ---the land of the two rivers and FERTILE CRESCENT managed to starve -----because of economic sanctions I am still trying to figure out how the FERTILE CRESCENT can starve -----or for that matter----the NILE VALLEY-----which is already suffering a food crisis
I am so impressed NOAM CHOMSKY has declared OIL be

I disagree-----food grains are the the SUPREME BEING
wheat, rice, oats, millet, corn ...........
Joseph knew that ---he handed Egypt to the Pharoah
based on stored grain
Maybe you and Joe can tell Noam and the rest of us how to grow wheat, rice, oats, millet and corn today without OIL?

Ask Cuba. They lost oil, fertilizer, pesticides, and farm equipment repair parts with the fall of the Soviet Union. They lost the main market for their export of sugar.

It is an interesting read on how they overcame these obstacles.
how dramatic you are georgie-----"without oil" there is no "without oil" because ----it is the OIL countries that have managed to make themselves dependent on food imports. Stop exports of food (keep in mind there are NON MUSLIM OIL PRODUCERS---for example the USA is one) to the oil countries dependent on food imports and oil prices will drop to pennies a barrel And even better ---ALTERNATIVE FUELS solar power, wind power, etc etc etc Somehow because of some little economic sanction----MESOPOTAMIA ---the land of the two rivers and FERTILE CRESCENT managed to starve -----because of economic sanctions I am still trying to figure out how the FERTILE CRESCENT can starve -----or for that matter----the NILE VALLEY-----which is already suffering a food crisis

Starvation is caused more by political policies, usually imposed by foreign powers, than by any natural famine.

Gaza Mom » Gaza; settlements; Israel; Hamas; agriculture
how dramatic you are georgie-----"without oil" there is no "without oil" because ----it is the OIL countries that have managed to make themselves dependent on food imports. Stop exports of food (keep in mind there are NON MUSLIM OIL PRODUCERS---for example the USA is one) to the oil countries dependent on food imports and oil prices will drop to pennies a barrel And even better ---ALTERNATIVE FUELS solar power, wind power, etc etc etc Somehow because of some little economic sanction----MESOPOTAMIA ---the land of the two rivers and FERTILE CRESCENT managed to starve -----because of economic sanctions I am still trying to figure out how the FERTILE CRESCENT can starve -----or for that matter----the NILE VALLEY-----which is already suffering a food crisis

Starvation is caused more by political policies, usually imposed by foreign powers, than by any natural famine.

Gaza Mom » Gaza; settlements; Israel; Hamas; agriculture
Tinny can believe what he wants to believe, but I think starvation is caused more by natural disasters such as drought. That is why you see Somalis dropping like flies in the road. If Tinny would research today's news, he would read that in one African country people are marrying off their daughters at a very young age because they can't feed them as a result of a drought in that country. Meanwhile, Tinny, around the time of the last Intifade, there was an article in the papers about what was happening, and one Palestinian woman, pregnant with her tenth child, was bemoaning the fact that she didn't know how she was going to feed all her children. So in many cases starvation is the result of overpopulation.

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