Half a loaf


Sep 23, 2010
For years I’ve maintained that Socialism is a religion while Islam is a political movement. In both philosophies dirty little moralists use the power of government to dictate daily behavior and to punish. In both philosophies individual liberties are surrendered to the whims of clerics. At long last the first shot has been fired in the war to define Islam as a political movement:

What began as a clear First Amendment issue has exploded into a landmark case regarding the status of Islam as a political entity. Last Thursday the Detroit Transit Authority (SMART), a government entity, argued before the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals that my organization’s “Leaving Islam?” ad was political because Islam is political.

Government argues that Islam is 'political'
Exclusive: Pamela Geller gives blow-by-blow account of trial over Detroit ads
Published: 11 hours ago

Government argues that Islam is ‘political’

Legally defining Islam as a political movement should be the easier war to win simply because Islam openly espouses theocracy; whereas, Socialism advocates theocracy by stealth. Both are worldwide movements. Both should be driven away from the public purse for the same reason:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; . . .

When the First Amendment is strictly enforced Muslims and Socialists can still preach their philosophies, but conversion to either belief system would become voluntary instead of compelled by moral laws written by clerics and funded by tax dollars. If the tax collector’s morality is too vague for you take this one to the bank. Islam and Socialism are forms of government designed to enrich moral freaks.

Finally, I never thought I would live long enough to see Islam challenged as a political movement. I always hoped Socialism would be defeated first because Socialists have done more to destroy America than did Muslims —— mainly because Socialists have been at it in America a lot longer than Muslims. Still, I am not disappointed. A half a loaf is better than none.
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