HAHAHA. Blacks and hispanics whine HS admission tests are too tough


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
As the article concedes, asians do extremely well on these HS admission tests. So the tests are not culturally biased - the blacks and hispanics are just dummies.

NAACP to file complaint over entry test for elite New York high schools - Yahoo! News

By Jonathan Allen | Reuters – Wed, Sep 26, 2012

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The largest U.S. civil rights group plans to file a complaint on Thursday over the admissions test at New York City's specialized high schools, among the nation's most elite public schools, citing effective discrimination against black and Latino students, the group said.
The complaint with the U.S. Department of Education focuses on eight schools in the city, particularly on Stuyvesant High and Bronx Science, which boast stellar alumni including several Nobel laureates, famed actors and musicians, and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.
While more than half the population of New York City is black or Latino, black students made up only 1.2 percent of the Stuyvesant student body last year, while Latino students represented 2.4 percent, city data showed.

Rapper Himanshu Suri, who was vice president of the Stuyvesant student union from 2001 to 2002, said knowledge of and preparation for the test varied widely across neighborhoods, and that the school, where Asians make up more than two-thirds of the student body, suffered for its lack of diversity.

"These are schools for the brightest students in New York City," he added. "We're saying something wrong if we're saying New York City's brightest students are almost all Chinese or Korean."
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I wish someone would ask the NAACP why blacks do so poorly on every test, whether it's getting into HS or college or the police force or whatever.
Have y'all considered the possibility that Asians are more likely to be highly motivated to do well in school or are by default more intelligent because of the difficulty/drive/intelligence they (or their parents/grandparents) had to have to get into the US in the first place - particularly bearing in mind the traditional antipathy of Americans towards Asians? Blacks are 'native' to the US, and Hispanics live just over the border. In other words, if you grabbed a random selection of Asians and dropped them into the same environment as the blacks and hispanics you talk about, you would probably end up with the same attainment levels as you would have with everybody else.

Although it has to be conceded that blacks, despite years of effort to remedy the situation, do consistently underperform in academic testing. Interestingly though this doesn't generally apply to recent immigrant blacks from Africa. Maybe the same mechanism is at work with them as with Asians...

Finally, does the article mention that Asians out perform whites as well? Cos they do, both Asians from China/Japan and Asians from India out perform us whites in our own tests, so maybe not too wise to laugh too loud....
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Hey, that's my high school!

Various people and groups have tried to sue the school about this in the past, it's already been ruled on.

Stuy isn't going to change their test.
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Have y'all considered the possibility that Asians are more likely to be highly motivated to do well in school ...

yes yes yes. We've all heard that tired explanation a million times. That's space alien talk. Why won't you accept the simplest explanation - blacks are mentally inferior.
Hey, you still haven't told us about your advanced degrees. Go ahead.
Have y'all considered the possibility that Asians are more likely to be highly motivated to do well in school ...

yes yes yes. We've all heard that tired explanation a million times. That's space alien talk. Why won't you accept the simplest explanation - blacks are mentally inferior.

I think I said that further down; just like whites are mentally inferior to Asians.
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As the article concedes, asians do extremely well on these HS admission tests. So the tests are not culturally biased - the blacks and hispanics are just dummies.

NAACP to file complaint over entry test for elite New York high schools - Yahoo! News

By Jonathan Allen | Reuters – Wed, Sep 26, 2012

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The largest U.S. civil rights group plans to file a complaint on Thursday over the admissions test at New York City's specialized high schools, among the nation's most elite public schools, citing effective discrimination against black and Latino students, the group said.
The complaint with the U.S. Department of Education focuses on eight schools in the city, particularly on Stuyvesant High and Bronx Science, which boast stellar alumni including several Nobel laureates, famed actors and musicians, and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.
While more than half the population of New York City is black or Latino, black students made up only 1.2 percent of the Stuyvesant student body last year, while Latino students represented 2.4 percent, city data showed.

Rapper Himanshu Suri, who was vice president of the Stuyvesant student union from 2001 to 2002, said knowledge of and preparation for the test varied widely across neighborhoods, and that the school, where Asians make up more than two-thirds of the student body, suffered for its lack of diversity.

"These are schools for the brightest students in New York City," he added. "We're saying something wrong if we're saying New York City's brightest students are almost all Chinese or Korean."

i am not sure how far the want to lower the bar...... it has already been dropped to disgusting levels so even the dumbest ones pass.

The problem is the parents.... asian parents put a of pressure on their children to do well in school....
Remember, afros have tiny, simple brains. And, if a good culture could compensate, afros not only have shit for brains, but also shit for culture. Asians maybe have a few IQ points on mongrels who pass for white. And, Asians also don't have much in the way of reproductive parts to interfere with their academic interests.

Afros are worthless animals. Hispanics, though, can be a decent part of society, even if they can't rise to greatness.
I wish someone would ask the NAACP why blacks do so poorly on every test, whether it's getting into HS or college or the police force or whatever.

Because white people want to keep people of color down.
That's what Democrats use to keep people of color in line
to control them and keep them voting Democrat.:cool:
The truth is blacks and meso's are lazy and don't give a damn about pushing their children.

You didn't answer my question. Is there a reason? Are you afraid of something?

How about you? How high were you pushed? Don't be shy. You shoot your fool mouth off all time time, why be shy now, coward?
The truth is blacks and meso's are lazy and don't give a damn about pushing their children.

You didn't answer my question. Is there a reason? Are you afraid of something?

How about you? How high were you pushed? Don't be shy. You shoot your fool mouth off all time time, why be shy now, coward?

Don't expect too much. His low IQ means he finds it extremely difficult to answer questions that require something more than a yes/no answer.
The black people aren't complaining about white people. They are complaining about Asians.

The NAACP misses the point. Reducing the standards would eliminate the school from being an advanced or elite school. It would become just another crime ridden failure like all the rest.
As the article concedes, asians do extremely well on these HS admission tests. So the tests are not culturally biased - the blacks and hispanics are just dummies.

NAACP to file complaint over entry test for elite New York high schools - Yahoo! News

By Jonathan Allen | Reuters – Wed, Sep 26, 2012

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The largest U.S. civil rights group plans to file a complaint on Thursday over the admissions test at New York City's specialized high schools, among the nation's most elite public schools, citing effective discrimination against black and Latino students, the group said.
The complaint with the U.S. Department of Education focuses on eight schools in the city, particularly on Stuyvesant High and Bronx Science, which boast stellar alumni including several Nobel laureates, famed actors and musicians, and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.
While more than half the population of New York City is black or Latino, black students made up only 1.2 percent of the Stuyvesant student body last year, while Latino students represented 2.4 percent, city data showed.

Rapper Himanshu Suri, who was vice president of the Stuyvesant student union from 2001 to 2002, said knowledge of and preparation for the test varied widely across neighborhoods, and that the school, where Asians make up more than two-thirds of the student body, suffered for its lack of diversity.

"These are schools for the brightest students in New York City," he added. "We're saying something wrong if we're saying New York City's brightest students are almost all Chinese or Korean."

Sadly..there are truths to your words. After all we had teachers cheating for students.
I think I said that further down; just like whites are mentally inferior to Asians.

Wouldn't surprise me, but the gap is not very large. Doesn't matter anyway since whites are NOT demanding affirmative action special treatment like our dusky brothers are.
Minorities are not inferior. It's the lack of commitment in learning that is the problem. Families have to instill that hard work in school is the only avenue to success in later life and they are not doing this.

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