Hackers Post Cops' Personal Data To Avenge Occupy Movement...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Computer hackers are avenging the Occupy movement by exposing the personal information of police officers who evicted protesters and threatening family-values advocates who led a boycott of an American Muslim television show.

In three Internet postings last week, hackers from the loose online coalition called Anonymous published the email and physical addresses, phone numbers and, in some cases, salary details of thousands of law enforcement officers all over the country.

The hackers said they were retaliating for police violence during evictions of Occupy protest camps in cities around the country, but law enforcement advocates slammed the disclosures as dangerous.

“I hope the individuals behind these cyberattacks understand the consequences of what they are doing,” said John Adler, president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association. “There are very dangerous criminals out there who might seek retribution” against any of these police officers.

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Hackers post cops' personal data to avenge Occupy movement - Washington Times
Piggies should consider what they are doing and who's side they are on. If they are worried themselves then they should consider changing the line of work they are in.
If you ever piss off anonymous then you are officially up shit creek.
Piggies should consider what they are doing and who's side they are on. If they are worried themselves then they should consider changing the line of work they are in.

Until you need one. Then you cry and whine because they dont get there fast enough. Typical anarchist twerp. All blather no balls.
Piggies should consider what they are doing and who's side they are on. If they are worried themselves then they should consider changing the line of work they are in.

That's pretty disrepectful.

They basically do what they are told and charged to do. Keep the public peace. While I don't always agree with the methods..I do agree with the overall mission.
Piggies should consider what they are doing and who's side they are on. If they are worried themselves then they should consider changing the line of work they are in.

And you and your friends should remember that the Second Amendment exists and if you go after the police, it will be exercised.
Piggies should consider what they are doing and who's side they are on. If they are worried themselves then they should consider changing the line of work they are in.

That's pretty disrepectful.

They basically do what they are told and charged to do. Keep the public peace. While I don't always agree with the methods..I do agree with the overall mission.

Seattle and the Mayor were just bitch slapped by Holder.

:huddle: Ok team, do we want to win or lose.

seattle violating civil rights - Bing
Piggies should consider what they are doing and who's side they are on. If they are worried themselves then they should consider changing the line of work they are in.

That's pretty disrepectful.

They basically do what they are told and charged to do. Keep the public peace. While I don't always agree with the methods..I do agree with the overall mission.

Not to mention the shitty pay to protect the morons in this movement because they tend to rape and steal from each other. On top of that, they dutifully go out and deal with this trash and arrest trouble makers so that there little protest does not get out of control and get spit on, piss and bags of shit thrown on them, as well as blood. I have top say that the Police who have had to deal with thees assholes have done so with the patents of Jobe. I could never do it.
Now... I don't agree with this shit at all... but then again, I didn't agree with it when the Tea Party did it to Democratic Congressmen either.
Computer hackers are avenging the Occupy movement by exposing the personal information of police officers who evicted protesters and threatening family-values advocates who led a boycott of an American Muslim television show.

In three Internet postings last week, hackers from the loose online coalition called Anonymous published the email and physical addresses, phone numbers and, in some cases, salary details of thousands of law enforcement officers all over the country.

The hackers said they were retaliating for police violence during evictions of Occupy protest camps in cities around the country, but law enforcement advocates slammed the disclosures as dangerous.

“I hope the individuals behind these cyberattacks understand the consequences of what they are doing,” said John Adler, president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association. “There are very dangerous criminals out there who might seek retribution” against any of these police officers.

Read More:
Hackers post cops' personal data to avenge Occupy movement - Washington Times

Those pukes understand the consequences of what they are doing to the officers and their familes. They are showing just how cruel and uncaring they really are about fellow human beings. But, like all cowards, they hide behind 'anonymous' because they know they are wrong. This is just little chickens trying to get even because they think they are better than everyone else and above the law and are probably jealous that the majority of people supported the police for doing their jobs.
Piggies should consider what they are doing and who's side they are on. If they are worried themselves then they should consider changing the line of work they are in.

That's pretty disrepectful.

They basically do what they are told and charged to do. Keep the public peace. While I don't always agree with the methods..I do agree with the overall mission.

What they do is shakedown anyone they can get by with. They dont serve the public or the law, they serve money. They are like plumbers or electricians or mechanics. Someone is paying for the time.
Piggies should consider what they are doing and who's side they are on. If they are worried themselves then they should consider changing the line of work they are in.

That's pretty disrepectful.

They basically do what they are told and charged to do. Keep the public peace. While I don't always agree with the methods..I do agree with the overall mission.

What they do is shakedown anyone they can get by with. They dont serve the public or the law, they serve money. They are like plumbers or electricians or mechanics. Someone is paying for the time.

Shake down ? Like the ones who claim to represent the 99% want to do to the 1% ? Like that ?
Granny don't post her notes inna cloud `cause she don't want some hacker readin' her love letters...
Evernote hacked: 50 million passwords reset
Mar 3,`13 -- Online note-taking service Evernote Corp. says it has been hacked and is resetting all its 50 million users' passwords as a precaution.
The Redwood City, California-based company said in a post published late Saturday that an attacker had been able to access sensitive customer information and that every user would have their account reset "in an abundance of caution."

Evernote says the attacker was able to access an unspecified number of customers' encrypted passwords. Decoding such passwords can be difficult but is far from impossible.

The company says it has seen no evidence that any customer data had been tampered with or that any payment information had been compromised. A phone message left with Evernote on Sunday was not immediately returned.


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