Gw Bush, 9-11 And The Iraq War "bait-n-switch."


May 23, 2014
Two Years Before 9 11 Candidate Bush was Already Talking Privately About Attacking Iraq According to His Former Ghost Writer Common Dreams Breaking News Views for the Progressive Community
Bush Began to Plan War Three Months After 9 11
Looking back on 9-11 it is very disconcerting to remember how the Bush administration used the tragic events of that moment as a catalyst for invading Iraq, a nation that had nothing to do with 9-11. In the confusion following 9-11 over half the US public felt Iraq had something to do with the terrorist attack by a group operating out of Afghanistan. Historical evidence seems to indicate that GW Bush had every intention of practicing regime change in Iraq even before 9-11. The attack was the perfect cover for a bait-n-switch operation to launch invasion under cover of ignorance and confusion. The American news media was a willing participant in the events leading up to the invasion. After 9-11 the world was behind the United States. After invasion of Iraq we lost all that critical mass in the war on terrorism. One of the worst decisions in presidential history. But Bush was a Neo-Con and his future advisors let it be known in their 2000 defense review from Project for a New American Century.
So, after 13 years how will history view the turn of events from 9-11 to invading Iraq and the loss of public trust? The people will not support a large scale military presence in Iraq today because of the rotten bill of goods they were sold back in 2002.
Conservative ideology had devolved into this enormous squat sit on the face of the country. I suspect history will look more at that and try to figure out how Republicans came to hold so many uneducated crazies. When did they become determined to do more damage to the US than al Qaeda. In fact, al Qaeda only dreams of doing the damage to this country accomplished by the GOP. In every level of the government and society Republicans have caused enormous damage. Some feel they will begin another civil war, but I suspect they are simply too old and too fat and will eventually die off.
Bush gave Saddam a year to comply with UN sanctions. Saddam refused and Bush asked congress for permission to enforce UN sanctions. Congress including about 36% of democrats authorized boots on the ground. There was no "bill of goods". Democrats supported the mission and committed treason by undermining it every chance they got. Compare Iraq to the mess Truman made out of Korea and LBJ's fraudulent excuse for a war in Vietnam.Democrats get away with selling America a "bill of goods" because they always have the cooperation of the media.
Foreign interventions by the USA have occurred for a long time....and both parties are guilty of it.

Sadly many on the Left are too partisan to see this truth. They condemn W for Iraq, while commending Big Ears for his interventions in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Ukraine.
Conservative ideology had devolved into this enormous squat sit on the face of the country. I suspect history will look more at that and try to figure out how Republicans came to hold so many uneducated crazies. When did they become determined to do more damage to the US than al Qaeda. In fact, al Qaeda only dreams of doing the damage to this country accomplished by the GOP. In every level of the government and society Republicans have caused enormous damage. Some feel they will begin another civil war, but I suspect they are simply too old and too fat and will eventually die off.

As usual, your pathetic attempt at propaganda is grammatically flawed, boringly repetitive and completely devoid of factual analysis. Other than that, good job: In order to maintain your self esteem, you are hereby promoted to the 6th grade.

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