“Gurgle” Makes Them Lie

7. They teach our young that America is never in the right, or the victor. Like this from the Salon Magazine article ‘celebrating’ the fall of the Berlin Wall:

“Yet the American imagination was soon overtaken by the smug fantasy that the U.S. had “won the Cold War…”


There has never been a time, since the inception of Communism, that their aim was not world domination. Preventing it is, indeed, a win.

“Between 1974 and 1980, while the United States wallowed in post-Vietnam angst, 10 countries had fallen into the Soviet orbit: South Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, South Yemen, Angola, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, Grenada and Afghanistan. Never had the Soviets lost an inch of real estate to the West. The Brezhnev Doctrine stated simply that once a country went Communist, it would stay Communist. In other words, the Soviet empire would continue to advance and gain territory…”
"How the East Was Won"

In actuality, the US had won the Cold War, and Ronald Reagan was the reason!

“Reagan was made from far sterner stuff than was his Soviet counterpart. His genial grin and wise-cracking demeanor concealed a spine of steel when push came to shove. Yet at their next meeting in Reykjavik in 1986, where Gorbachev would not budge on the "Star Wars" question, Reagan was decisive and unforgiving. He recalls in An American Life how he stood up from the table to proclaim that the meeting was over. Then he turned to his Secretary of State: "Let's go, George. We're leaving." Like any good diplomat, Shultz was crushed by so much roughness, but Reagan was completely unfazed. Later on, he explained: "I went to Reykjavik determined that everything was negotiable except two things, our freedom and our future."
FindArticles.com | CBSi

The 'Amazing and Mysterious Life' of Ronald Reagan

You would never know the truth if you were a government school grad or got your knowledge from the media.
Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

8. Another lie from the Left, Salon Mag: there is no real reason to fear the Communists….it is simply a ‘scare.’

“… the red-scare horrors that had disturbed American dreams for three generations seemed to dissolve overnight,….”

The ‘horrors’ were facts. Communism slaughtered over 100 million men, women, and children, and if not for Americans like Ronald Reagan, would still be doing so.

The pretense came from Communism’s allies:

Franklin Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

September 30, 1941, FDR claimed that there was freedom of religion in the USSR."The claim that Stalin's Russia allowed religious freedom was the first step in a massive pro-Soviet campaign that the White House coordinated for the duration of the war."
"Caught between Roosevelt and Stalin: America's Ambassadors to Moscow," by Dennis J. Dunn, p. 137

Jimmy Carter began his presidency at Notre Dame with a speech that included “…We are now free of that inordinate fear of Communism …”

Hussein Obama: “Forget The Difference Between Capitalism And Communism”

Why? Because Democrats and Communists are cousins. Whitaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.
9. So, in this Salon article, just as in government school, America is the villain, and it is Communism that is given credit for the fall of communism…..


So, on the 30-year anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, Salon reveals itself as exactly what the Leftists have been accusing the other side of…..being an asset of the Kremlin.

How is it possible for Leftists to downgrade the fall of the Berlin Wall? Simple….they lie to advance their hatred of America.
While the Left is still embracing the aims of the Bolsheviks, guess who admits what failures the Communists/Socialists/Progressives are?

Boris Yeltsin himself told all one need know about Communism:

In September of 1991, the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, was asked about the history and future of Communism:
“One of their more dramatic responses came to a question by Los Angeles actor Ben Stein, who asked whether the two leaders believed any country should live under communism.

Yeltsin answered first: "This experiment which was conducted on our soil was a tragedy for our people and it was too bad that it happened on our territory. It would have been better if the experiment had happened in some small country, to make it clear that it was a Utopian idea, although a beautiful idea."

Gorbachev said history has shown that "that model has failed which was brought about in our country. And I believe that this is a lesson not only for our people but for all peoples.” GORBACHEV, YELTSIN SAY COMMUNISM FAILED USSR

Not according to the Liberals at Salon and other media outlets.

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