Guns are already allowed in schools in 18 states


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2012
This article is a good read, because it shows many Republicans posturing for laws they already have in their state. You talk about being shallow, asking for a law that already exists just shows the mentality of the people they try to impress.

Guns already allowed in schools with little restriction in many states

Here are the 18 states that allow adults to carry loaded weapons onto school grounds with few or minor conditions:

•Alabama (which bans possessing a weapon on school grounds only if the carrier has "intent to do bodily harm")
•California (with approval of the superintendent)
•Connecticut (with approval of "school officials")
•Hawaii (no specific law)
•Idaho (with school trustees' approval)
•Iowa (with "authorization")
•Kentucky (with school board approval)
•Massachusetts (with approval of the school board or principal)
•Mississippi (with school board approval)
•Montana (with school trustees' permission)
•New Hampshire (ban applies only to pupils, not adults)
•New Jersey (with approval from the school's "governing officer")
•New York (with the school's approval)
•Oregon (with school board approval)
•Rhode Island (with a state concealed weapons permit)
•Texas (with the school's permission)
•Utah (with approval of the "responsible school administrator")
•Wyoming (as long as it's not concealed)

Source: Guns already allowed in schools with little restriction in many states - Open Channel
Guns should never be allowed in schools, unless you are a police officer or a security guard.

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