Gun Shots at the White House


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
DC Shooting Suspect Could Be Threat to Obama, Police Say

ABC News By Pierre Thomas

ABC News has learned authorities are increasingly concerned that a man sought in connection with a bizarre shooting incident on the Washington Mall last week may pose a threat to President Obama.

The Secret Service now suspects that a bullet fired in this incident may have hit the White House after a bullet round was found in a White House window, though the round had not yet been conclusively linked to the incident. The round was stopped by ballistic glass behind the historic exterior glass, while an additional round has been found on the exterior of the White House.

Police believe the suspect, 21-year-old Oscar Ramiro Ortega of Idaho, is mentally ill. Ortega has an extensive record, ranging from domestic violence to drug charges. Sources say a police investigation has uncovered evidence suggesting Ortega has a fixation on the White House.

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DC Shooting Suspect Could Be Threat to Obama, Police Say

ABC News By Pierre Thomas

ABC News has learned authorities are increasingly concerned that a man sought in connection with a bizarre shooting incident on the Washington Mall last week may pose a threat to President Obama.

The Secret Service now suspects that a bullet fired in this incident may have hit the White House after a bullet round was found in a White House window, though the round had not yet been conclusively linked to the incident. The round was stopped by ballistic glass behind the historic exterior glass, while an additional round has been found on the exterior of the White House.

Police believe the suspect, 21-year-old Oscar Ramiro Ortega of Idaho, is mentally ill. Ortega has an extensive record, ranging from domestic violence to drug charges. Sources say a police investigation has uncovered evidence suggesting Ortega has a fixation on the White House.

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Apparently he has quite a dislike for Obama. If I'm politically spinning this properly that would mean anyone that opposes Obama is directly or indirectly responsible for this act. For shame.
Can we blame Joe Biden??? :eusa_whistle:

[ame=]Biden: 'You Fired The First Shot' - YouTube[/ame]
DC Shooting Suspect Could Be Threat to Obama, Police Say

ABC News By Pierre Thomas

ABC News has learned authorities are increasingly concerned that a man sought in connection with a bizarre shooting incident on the Washington Mall last week may pose a threat to President Obama.

The Secret Service now suspects that a bullet fired in this incident may have hit the White House after a bullet round was found in a White House window, though the round had not yet been conclusively linked to the incident. The round was stopped by ballistic glass behind the historic exterior glass, while an additional round has been found on the exterior of the White House.

Police believe the suspect, 21-year-old Oscar Ramiro Ortega of Idaho, is mentally ill. Ortega has an extensive record, ranging from domestic violence to drug charges. Sources say a police investigation has uncovered evidence suggesting Ortega has a fixation on the White House.

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Apparently he has quite a dislike for Obama. If I'm politically spinning this properly that would mean anyone that opposes Obama is directly or indirectly responsible for this act. For shame.
:thup: Folks read this. Now this is the way to spin. Now all we have to do is wait for the paid and unpaid shills to try and prove it's not a spin.
(Where's Lakhota when ya need him?) :lol:
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[ame=]Occupy San Diego Moment of Silence/Solidarity for W.H. Shooter!? - YouTube[/ame]

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