Gun safety


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2008
With the recent notable gun tragedy in Newtown pushing a review of guns laws it seems a natural to look at gun safety. Specifically proper storage of weapons. If the guns used at Newtown had been locked up the massacre would most likely not have occurred, at least not that day.
It's time to hold irresponsible gun owners accountable for their weapons. If your weapon is used in a crime and it wasn't locked up you are guilty of criminal neglect. If a child "finds" your weapon and harms themself or others with it, that is no accident, it should at least be reckless endangerment. You can't afford a gun safe? You can't afford a gun!
Surveys of NRA members have shown a majority support stricter laws regarding storage as well as stricter laws regarding background checks.
It's time for the NRA leadership to reflect the will of their membership (and the American people) and support these common sense changes to the laws.
Yeah, because Lanza probably couldn't have overpowered his mom, killed her with his bare hands, taken the key...

Hell, who's to say they weren't locked up and he stole the key, then shot her?

If my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle...
That's right, we can send criminals who steal a piece of pizza to jail because it was their third strike but if it's about guns well, there's really nothing that can be done, well, because of the Second Amendment and all...
That's right, we can send criminals who steal a piece of pizza to jail because it was their third strike but if it's about guns well, there's really nothing that can be done, well, because of the Second Amendment and all...

Yes it is the inanimate object.

The rocks fault it was thrown the window.
It was tHe police who said the weapons weren't locked up.
My point was, in the case of Adam Lanza, whether they were locked up or not would not have mattered.

The sad reality is, someone who is intent on harming others will find a way to do so.

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