Gun control


Nov 8, 2003
small cave outside Atlanta
Here's an interesting paragraph I gleaned from a gun forum that pretty much sums up the way the anti-gunners think.

"At the last WI assembly veto override session, I talked with a couple of the chair-polishers from the WI State Patrol. I asked one of them if, one of his troopers was faced with someone charging toward him with a knife, the trooper should have the right to shoot in self-defense. Well, of course, he said. I then asked him if, someone was charging toward me with a knife, I had the right to shoot in self-defense. He said that "citizens" should have our cell phones with us. Just call 911, he said, and they'll be there. Another elitist who's got his own backside covered."

I have known a lot of police officers since I have been in the emergency room for the past 24 years and not all cops think this way and certainly not many of the older cops, but I think many of the younger ones who were raised to be "politically correct" and exposed to the anti-gun propaganda of the last 20+ years may feel this way. It is also the major premise of the anti-gun crown of politicians and the TV/movie personalities that feel it is their duty to tell others how to live their lives. These same people, Rosie O'Donnell, Ted Kennedy, and California Congresswoman Diane Feinstein all pop into mind, think it is OK for them to have armed guards to protect "their" familes but would deny the average citizen the same opportunity.

Why should my wife, your girlfriend, or any woman or man have to rely on calling 911 to protect their family or selves? Why do the politicians want unarmed citizens? Do they really think that the criminals will obey gun legislation? Can they show me just ONE instance where a country banned guns and the crime rate actually went down?

I realize that a lot of people could care less if legislation is passed regarding gun control. A lot of people simply either don't like guns or do not care one way or the other. I happen to believe that the first right a person has is the right to defend themselves or their family when threatened with bodily harm; why should I not have a means of self-defense equal to or greater than some thug who breaks into my house. If I were a congressman or famous movie star, maybe I could afford to hire body guards, but since I am not, my families safety falls to me.

No responses to this are necessary; I just wanted to blow off a bit of steam after reading the comments I posted above. I do not expect to sway a person one way or the other regarding gun control but neither will I ever let the government disarm me and remove my families protection.
Even though you have said no responses were necessary, I just have to respond. They can take my guns away from me when they pry them from my cold, dead hands.

If the imbecilic people think that I won't use a gun in order to protect myself or my family they have another thing coming. I'd rather face trial for gun possession, etc. than be raped or have my son raped or killed.

The fact is that this right is specifically stated in the constitution. I will defend that right forever.
good points. both of you. as they say, id rather be be judged by 12 rather then be carried by 6.

and that pic you attached said a thousand words.

He said that "citizens" should have our cell phones with us. Just call 911, he said, and they'll be there. Another elitist who's got his own backside covered."
this has to be the most retarded statement ive read. refer back to your attachment.

i think the kind of goes hand in hand with that other article you posted. they want to know where everyones toys are so when the antis get their way they know where to go to get them. well fuck that.
you know sooner or later they are going to try to make an all out attempt to ban them all together. but that is in their perfect world. everyone else lives in the real world.
Considering the number of gun owners in this country, an outright ban is politically unfeasible - but I've hedged a bit just to ensure that I still have a weapon if there is a ban.

One can legally purchase M1 carbine relics from WWII which are in excellent working order. Because they are historical objects, they do not have to be registered- or at least they didn't have to be when I bought two a few years ago.

It's good to have something that is off the grid, so to speak.

As a wise person once said: "A government which fears an armed citizenry is a government to be feared."
sure...I will call 911...after I am double damn sure the mutha-fucker has been neutrelized...and it will be for him..not for me or mine, if I am lucky, I will tell them no hurry ..the bad guy aint going anywhere....
Originally posted by wonderwench
Considering the number of gun owners in this country, an outright ban is politically unfeasible - but I've hedged a bit just to ensure that I still have a weapon if there is a ban.

One can legally purchase M1 carbine relics from WWII which are in excellent working order. Because they are historical objects, they do not have to be registered- or at least they didn't have to be when I bought two a few years ago.

It's good to have something that is off the grid, so to speak.

As a wise person once said: "A government which fears an armed citizenry is a government to be feared."
you can quite legally purchase jsut about any weapon out there. all you need it the money for the license and time for all the checks.
Originally posted by jon_forward
I much prefer the waiting...period!:D
thats true, but getting caught with one of those types could be really hard on your wallet... and your :asshole: if you go to jail..!!!
thats true! i have one of those guns with no serials on wonder how much time that would get me
Okay I'm going to play a bit of Devil's advocate on this one. I'm not anti-gun at all. I grew up in the Canadian North where rifles equalled food. I have to admitt though I've never truly understood the use of handguns. From what i understand, in the US much of the gun related crime is relating to handguns. Here in Canada, handguns are illegal as well as more, say, advanced firearms and we simply do not have the same level of armed crime. It's not gun-control from the traditional sense per-say, (although we do have full Gun Control now :rolleyes:, 1 billion CDN later thank you very much....), it's just restricting concealed firearms. Do you think it would have any effect on crime in the states if concealed weapons were banned? Any thoughts?

Fun fact! In 997, of the 2304 firearms recovered by the Toronto Metro Police from gun related crime:
41.7% were shotguns;
52.8% were handguns;
1% were machine guns (Holy!);
0.5% were machine pistols;
3.9% were unknown.
I wonder where those 54.3% of firearms came from?
well i know we do have handgun hunting down here. im not sure if they have actual season for it or if its part of the riffle/ shotgun seasons.
i know here in Iowa you can own a riffle, but you cant hunt with it. outside of varmits anyway. not for deer.
Originally posted by Johnney
well i know we do have handgun hunting down here. im not sure if they have actual season for it or if its part of the riffle/ shotgun seasons.
i know here in Iowa you can own a riffle, but you cant hunt with it. outside of varmits anyway. not for deer.

Really? Interesting. I had never heard of that.
I used to hunt tree rats and rabbit with a pistol...I did eat all that I shot, just give em a better chance! Yea Isaac you cant use a high-power rifle on any game...just coyotes and targets...too many farm houses...and farm people, the bullets travel to far.. hell shotgun slugs are bad enough...some of the folks hunting need help to and from the field...
yeah im not sure why it is. probably soemthing to do with the closeness of the farms. but you can use shotgun as much as you want. so i have 4 a slug gun for deer, one for turkey, one for pheasant, and one for small game. plus a .22 for target. and a .38 for home/ personal protection
Are these LOADED guns you're all talking about?
The kind I could break into your house and steal when you're at work?
And shoot anyone I feel like? I think law abiding people aren't the issue, it's the easy access to law-abiding people's guns that's the problem. I think I heard 50% of gun related crime was committed with legally purchasd firearms...

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