Gulliver vs. the Bureaurocratic Lilliputians


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "A doctor with a successful practice who likes wine—enough that he decided to turn his hobby into a side business and open Oklahoma City’s one and only commercial vineyard. He walked straight into a blizzard: a disorienting, frustrating maelstrom of city, county and state bureaucracy. Endless attempts to pacify officials; their continual demands that he make pricey renovations to meet various codes; the volcano of paperwork he had to repeatedly fill out with expensive expert help.

2. The day a new businessman hires a single employee, he becomes subject to at least 10 federal regulations. That number swells as the business succeeds. To comply with such requirements, small businesses have to shell out $10,585 for every employee they hire, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration. Regulations cost each American firm an average of $161,000—and that doesn’t count the costs it passes down to consumers. American manufacturers are hit worst: They pay an average of $688,944 per firm.

3. Companies generally may be hurting because of it, but one business is clearly booming: the manufacture of still more regulations. In his 2011 report “Ten Thousand Commandments: An Annual Snapshot of the Federal Regulatory State,” Clyde Wayne Crews named 845 rules and regulations proposed just last year that are expected to affect small businesses. The year before had 758; the year before that, 753. ...Someone opening a restaurant in New York City, for example, “may have to contend with as many as 11 city agencies, often with conflicting requirements; secure 30 permits, registrations, licenses and certificates; and pass 23 inspections,” the New York Times reveals.

4. While the rest of the economy is stuck or shrinking, government just grows and grows. As Mark Steyn brings out in his book After America, “In the ’50s, 1 in 20 members of the workforce needed government permission in order to do his job. Today, it’s one in three.” And it’s a self-feeding monster. Federal regulatory compliance cost an outrageous $1.13 trillion in 2005—nearly 10 percent of gdp. That doesn’t even count the cost of state and local red tape.

5. At one time the nation built great railroads and dams, won world wars, and sent men to the moon. But, as Prof. Bruce Charlton of the University of Buckingham in England wrote, around the 1970s “the human spirit began to be overwhelmed by bureaucracy.” “Now we have dull and docile committee members,” he wrote, “whose major priority is not to do the job but to avoid personal responsibility and prevent side-effects … all of whom are hemmed-about by regulations such that—whatever they do do, or do not do—they will be in breach of some rule or another.”

6. While America busies itself with keeping everyone safe, the rest of the world screams past. The world’s most ambitious construction is taking place on foreign shores: the world’s largest power station, the Three Gorges Dam, in China; the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, in the United Arab Emirates. Such projects would never pass environmental impact requirements in America.

a. In 2010, Europe’s Airbus eclipsed America’s Boeing to become the world’s largest commercial aircraft producer. America has fallen behind China as the world’s lead high-technology exporter. In July, China sent its most advanced deep-sea submersible to over 5,000 meters, deeper than the U.S. can go; America had already fallen behind Japan and Russia in this commercially, scientifically and militarily important technology. China, after having virtually no live surveillance capability a decade ago, has since caught up with America. It has already put men in space, and India is shooting to do so in 2016. Meanwhile, this summer marked the end of America’s space shuttle program.

b. Last year, America fell behind Brazil, China and India as the preferred place to invest, according to a Bloomberg survey. Until 2008, the U.S. was the world’s most competitive economy,..."
Triumph of the Small-Minded Bureaucrats | by the Philadelphia Church of God

What is the take-away?
Big Government = dull and docile citizenry based on a desire to avoid personal responsibility

America...what happened to you?
1. "A doctor with a successful practice who likes wine—enough that he decided to turn his hobby into a side business and open Oklahoma City’s one and only commercial vineyard. He walked straight into a blizzard: a disorienting, frustrating maelstrom of city, county and state bureaucracy. Endless attempts to pacify officials; their continual demands that he make pricey renovations to meet various codes; the volcano of paperwork he had to repeatedly fill out with expensive expert help.

2. The day a new businessman hires a single employee, he becomes subject to at least 10 federal regulations. That number swells as the business succeeds. To comply with such requirements, small businesses have to shell out $10,585 for every employee they hire, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration. Regulations cost each American firm an average of $161,000—and that doesn’t count the costs it passes down to consumers. American manufacturers are hit worst: They pay an average of $688,944 per firm.

3. Companies generally may be hurting because of it, but one business is clearly booming: the manufacture of still more regulations. In his 2011 report “Ten Thousand Commandments: An Annual Snapshot of the Federal Regulatory State,” Clyde Wayne Crews named 845 rules and regulations proposed just last year that are expected to affect small businesses. The year before had 758; the year before that, 753. ...Someone opening a restaurant in New York City, for example, “may have to contend with as many as 11 city agencies, often with conflicting requirements; secure 30 permits, registrations, licenses and certificates; and pass 23 inspections,” the New York Times reveals.

4. While the rest of the economy is stuck or shrinking, government just grows and grows. As Mark Steyn brings out in his book After America, “In the ’50s, 1 in 20 members of the workforce needed government permission in order to do his job. Today, it’s one in three.” And it’s a self-feeding monster. Federal regulatory compliance cost an outrageous $1.13 trillion in 2005—nearly 10 percent of gdp. That doesn’t even count the cost of state and local red tape.

5. At one time the nation built great railroads and dams, won world wars, and sent men to the moon. But, as Prof. Bruce Charlton of the University of Buckingham in England wrote, around the 1970s “the human spirit began to be overwhelmed by bureaucracy.” “Now we have dull and docile committee members,” he wrote, “whose major priority is not to do the job but to avoid personal responsibility and prevent side-effects … all of whom are hemmed-about by regulations such that—whatever they do do, or do not do—they will be in breach of some rule or another.”

6. While America busies itself with keeping everyone safe, the rest of the world screams past. The world’s most ambitious construction is taking place on foreign shores: the world’s largest power station, the Three Gorges Dam, in China; the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, in the United Arab Emirates. Such projects would never pass environmental impact requirements in America.

a. In 2010, Europe’s Airbus eclipsed America’s Boeing to become the world’s largest commercial aircraft producer. America has fallen behind China as the world’s lead high-technology exporter. In July, China sent its most advanced deep-sea submersible to over 5,000 meters, deeper than the U.S. can go; America had already fallen behind Japan and Russia in this commercially, scientifically and militarily important technology. China, after having virtually no live surveillance capability a decade ago, has since caught up with America. It has already put men in space, and India is shooting to do so in 2016. Meanwhile, this summer marked the end of America’s space shuttle program.

b. Last year, America fell behind Brazil, China and India as the preferred place to invest, according to a Bloomberg survey. Until 2008, the U.S. was the world’s most competitive economy,..."
Triumph of the Small-Minded Bureaucrats | by the Philadelphia Church of God

What is the take-away?
Big Government = dull and docile citizenry based on a desire to avoid personal responsibility

America...what happened to you?

Republicans, what happened to you?

You moved to the center and then moved a bit more, and then...

Liberals, what happened to you?

You became European.

Shades of Canada. (tea party movement)

The Reform Party of Canada --> Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance --> A Take over of the Federal Conservative Party

The Canadian Alliance, formally the Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance, was a Canadian conservative political party that existed from 2000 to 2003. The party was the successor to the Reform Party of Canada and inherited its position as the Official Opposition in the House of Commons and held it throughout its existence. The party supported policies that were both fiscally and socially conservative, seeking reduced government spending on social programs and reductions in taxation.

The Alliance was created out of the United Alternative initiative launched by the Reform Party and several provincial Tory parties as a vehicle to merge with the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. The federal PC Party under Joe Clark rebuffed[when?] the initiative to "unite the right". In December 2003, the Canadian Alliance and the Progressive Conservative parties voted to disband and merge into the Conservative Party of Canada.

Where they took control of the Leadership and brought the ship back in line. The same thing is quite possibly burgeoning with the NDP and the Liberals as I pen this. This protest movement to regain party platform is nothing new in Democracies.

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