Guess Where Coca-Cola Is Investing $4 Billion


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Guess Where Coca-Cola Is Investing $4 Billion - Forbes


Who says American companies aren’t investing? They are. Billions, in fact. Only, they are just not investing here in the U.S.

Atlanta based Coca-Cola (KO) plans to invest $4 billion in China, the company’s CEO Muhtar Kent told reporters in Shanghai this week. It’s the company’s biggest planned investment in China since the 2009 investment of $2 billion. The investments will start next year and is part of the company’s China capex until 2014.
They bottle and sell the world over, why wouldn't they invest in China? Or India? Or any other country they do business in?
China: No obamacare and you don't have to worry about them shutting off 45% of their power to satisfy EnviroMarxists
To compete better with the Chinese we need to give them diabetes and obesity too
Guess Where Coca-Cola Is Investing $4 Billion - Forbes


Who says American companies aren’t investing? They are. Billions, in fact. Only, they are just not investing here in the U.S.

Atlanta based Coca-Cola (KO) plans to invest $4 billion in China, the company’s CEO Muhtar Kent told reporters in Shanghai this week. It’s the company’s biggest planned investment in China since the 2009 investment of $2 billion. The investments will start next year and is part of the company’s China capex until 2014.
I can give you 3 reasons why they're better off investing there than here.

1. The Chinese market is opening to demand for Coke products. There will be no chinese made coke products on our shelves, but for foreign consumption. That profit also will STAY overseas till such time that the US becomes safe again to reinvest domestically.

2. The costs to operate and run a business in an hostile business climate such as the US jeopardizes the chance of success and profit in the US.

3. With all the idiots screaming to punish both the rich AND corporations who 'don't pay their fair share', you don't put your capital in harm's way by investing inside their reach.

When economic, regulatory and legislative sanity returns to this nation (hopefully in 2012) THEN you will see the return of investment capital and business as the economic environment stabilizes.
Guess Where Coca-Cola Is Investing $4 Billion - Forbes


Who says American companies aren’t investing? They are. Billions, in fact. Only, they are just not investing here in the U.S.

Atlanta based Coca-Cola (KO) plans to invest $4 billion in China, the company’s CEO Muhtar Kent told reporters in Shanghai this week. It’s the company’s biggest planned investment in China since the 2009 investment of $2 billion. The investments will start next year and is part of the company’s China capex until 2014.

Those evil capitalist, how dare they try to grow their shareholders investment, how?, how?, how?, how American...

Yes, Boop, your board name is appropriate...
Guess Where Coca-Cola Is Investing $4 Billion - Forbes


Who says American companies aren’t investing? They are. Billions, in fact. Only, they are just not investing here in the U.S.

Atlanta based Coca-Cola (KO) plans to invest $4 billion in China, the company’s CEO Muhtar Kent told reporters in Shanghai this week. It’s the company’s biggest planned investment in China since the 2009 investment of $2 billion. The investments will start next year and is part of the company’s China capex until 2014.

Do you have something against China? When did progressives become the new code word for protectionism?
[ame=]70's "I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke" Commercial - YouTube[/ame]
They bottle and sell the world over, why wouldn't they invest in China? Or India? Or any other country they do business in?

Could you stop interjecting reason into the faux outrage of the left? It's mean. Do you hate the left wing?
Guess Where Coca-Cola Is Investing $4 Billion - Forbes


Who says American companies aren’t investing? They are. Billions, in fact. Only, they are just not investing here in the U.S.

Atlanta based Coca-Cola (KO) plans to invest $4 billion in China, the company’s CEO Muhtar Kent told reporters in Shanghai this week. It’s the company’s biggest planned investment in China since the 2009 investment of $2 billion. The investments will start next year and is part of the company’s China capex until 2014.

Lesson for ya. Read. Evaluate. Post.

You keep missing out that vital second step.
Guess Where Coca-Cola Is Investing $4 Billion - Forbes


Who says American companies aren’t investing? They are. Billions, in fact. Only, they are just not investing here in the U.S.

Atlanta based Coca-Cola (KO) plans to invest $4 billion in China, the company’s CEO Muhtar Kent told reporters in Shanghai this week. It’s the company’s biggest planned investment in China since the 2009 investment of $2 billion. The investments will start next year and is part of the company’s China capex until 2014.

It will either invest there for local production or sell a share in the franchise to a local producer. Coca-Cola does this often in the world and when you travel and drink a Coke it doesn't really mean, that the Coke is produced by Coca-Cola company or the majority of the income by that sale is going to Coca-Cola company.
This is to be expected.

there is a huge emerging market there.

On person can only drink so many cokes a day.

This gives them millions of new customers.

Build and bottle it there and you dont have to ship.

Its a corporation, they are not in the business of looking after us.

That is why we regulate and tax these people for using our system.

No coddling them with tax breaks and free infrastructure.

Do you REALLY think China will be easy on them as taxes go?

Get a clue

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