Guardians of the Galaxy

im not the internet badass who spoke of punching lights out, genius

god damn you fail so much

Is English your second language?

You always take everything so literally.

Just lighten up a bit.

I'm not feeling bad for being a dick to you, no matter how hard you try and play a gentleman. You're one of the delusional people in this Country who divides it, takes everything to the extreme in cynicism and are down right polluted emotionally thus logically.

I can't help but dislike that.

I'm a dick to all dicks, and what you do? Take every little fart, burp and cough a member of the "other" team does and make wine threads obsessively (daily) about them and make mountains out of mole-hills, conspiracies out of non-events? Is WRONG. Morally.

So you're just sinking to their level?

Just saw this one the other day. I enjoyed it.

The special effects were good, the jokes were funny, the "oldies" inspired sound track was awesome, and the cast were all basically great for their roles.

I laughed out loud through pretty much the whole movie, as did everyone else in the theater where I saw it.

My only real complaint was with some of the writing. They were so busy making jokes while breezing over important plot elements in some scenes that I had a hard time following what was going on.

However, that is really only a minor complaint, all things considered.


8 out of 10
I can’t wait to see 3. Almost ten years later I’m watching guardians of the galaxy cartoon. It has become a franchise.
DC is better to me. More adult. More serious.

'Cuz I'm an adult, I suppose.

Spiderman might be the pussiest of all, but then - they are turning some characters into weird bits so it's hard to keep up.

The new Superman actor is the best they've ever had, including Reeves. That, coming from a Reeves fan who grew up collecting everything Superman and has a dedicated Superman room in his house.
They just can’t seem to get Superman right. Did you hear Superman is bisexual now?


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