Growing and Changing... Revisited...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde™
Years ago... Prior to my firstborn... We had discussions. Some of you were there for them. I introduced a book called "Growing and Changing". At first I simply quoted it. Many dishonest dbag Liberals came in and said I was making that @#$% up. I posted pics from my Wife's version of the 5th Grade JeffCo book published in the early 80's... Dishonest dbag Libs then went after me personally for having the book, ignoring the fact that it was my Educator Wife's copy and she was currently teaching the course in JeffCo to 5th Graders, as were ALL Teachers.

Fast forward from 2005 or 6 or 7... My Daughter is in 5th Grade now... "Growing and Changing" is in my inbox from her Teacher.

Years ago the discussions on messageboards were along these lines... I asked, "what about Gay kids?"... Dishonest dbag Libs said it was absurd for me to pose such a question. Attacked me personally. The class WAS a technically accurate study of our "very Existence"... Man/Woman = Life... Yet it was also, "Sex Ed" and moved into subjects such as love, personal pleasure, masturbation and the rest.

Yet Gays had no place at all in the material except when it came to AIDS which was very new at the time this material was published.

I suggested that eventually Gays would have a place in this class... I was attacked.

Guess what... I was right.

I haven't viewed the material, but we as Parents have been warned, and given the option to remove our Children if we are not in agreement with the material. It has been changed, from what I understand, dramatically since Obama came out of the Closet in his closing moments as POTUS and rainbow'd the White House the night of his victory at the SCOTUS.

There is a meeting this month for Parents to view what will be presented to their Children... I will of course attend.

This thread will be for that meeting... The materials, and in fact what happens in the class, because I intend on volunteering to be present if what we are told at the meeting is something I wouldn't remove my child over.

Stay tuned.


Well if you thought about "gay kids" way back then it means you have a vision that is quite keen which others do not have.

While growing up I have noticed a handful of fairly "odd" kids at school and in the neighborhoods. Some of these were overweight and untalented in any way, neither in sports, academics, or activities. One was a female high school athlete who turned out to be hermaphroditic.

A couple of these boys wore their sweaters like girls do, draped over their shoulders.

A couple of the girls dressed like tomboys and flirted with other girls. The other girls usually politely told them "no thanks".

I have always thought that kids who become gay/lesbo do so due to undue influence of another gay/lesbo in their lives. That is still my theory, but I don't have any factual interviews or studies to back it up.

Preschoolers are typically asexual because the boys and girls all look alike with skinny limbs and flat chests.

Through elementary school the kids normally associate with their own parent of the same gender. If that parent is absent then there could be mis-associations with the remaining parent instead. This is how boys can become effeminate and girls become masculine. It is part of the imitation instinct that children of all mammal species have.

School counsellors are supposed to pick up on this behavior and recommend corrections. I guess they just don't anymore.

I know of one conflicted teen recently out of high school who committed suicide due to his gay feelings. He did so with a firearm inside a church which he felt was oppressing him. Nobody knew about his problem until his parents disclosed it for the police report, which then hit the newspaper.

While my personal view is that everyone should strive to be normal, it seems that some kids cannot manage this.
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