Group sue over nevada immigration initiative


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Groups sue over Nevada immigration initiative
The Associated Press

Saturday, June 19, 2010 | 4:12 p.m.

The ACLU of Nevada and a southern Nevada business coalition have sued over a ballot initiative that would ask voters to approve tough immigration laws in Nevada similar to those in Arizona.

In their lawsuits filed Friday, the ACLU and the Nevada Open for Business Coalition ask Carson District Judge James Wilson to block the initiative from going to the Legislature or voters.

The groups contend it violates state law requiring petitions to contain only one subject, promotes racial profiling and would hurt the state's economy.
Groups sue over Nevada immigration initiative - Saturday, June 19, 2010 | 4:12 p.m. - Las Vegas Sun

Could our economy be worse? WE have 20 million illegal aliens here and our economy is failing. It is not getting worse because they are leaving. That old rhetoric is dead.
let them sue, then just don't show, don't pay a damn dime,, say fuck you you anti american asswipes.
More racial profiling crap - where does it end??? To me those who claim this are the racists.....
WTF - "In their lawsuits filed Friday, the ACLU and the Nevada Open for Business Coalition ask Carson District Judge James Wilson to block the initiative from going to the Legislature or voters."

Are ACLU lawyers for Tehran or N.Korea? Who the f**k sues for something to be voted on. Instead of racial profiling, this should be called "racial protecting."
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It seems with every State that gets slammed for creating a law that defends its freedom from an invading wave of illegals, two more States take up the initiative! No matter how many road blocks these self-hating Americans throw out there (ACLU, certain celebraties, or the D.C. talkingheads) "we the people" are realizing that if we want the job done we'll have to do it ourselves for the one's we thought we elected to uphold the laws of our land are only in those positions for personal gain.
I have to thank the fools like Calderon and Ron Gochez for going on tv or the internet and spouting off at the neck, "Viva La Raza!" Since it is their actions that is finally waking the sleeping beast that is Patriotism. For these illegals who think they have the upperhand I give them a warning, you may think you have the numbers now but it only takes a few snowflakes to start the avalanche that will bury you...

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, For then it costs nothing to be a patriot." -- Mark Twain
The ACLU (Anti-American Communist Liberal's Union) is nothing but scum. They defend nothing of honor whatsoever.
Don't know why they would sue Nevada. No jobs here unless you want to do telemarketing, time shares, or have a paper route. We just passed Michigan as the #1 state with the highest unemployment rate with a sterling 14.1%. Steve Wynn's 'Encore' and 'Wynn' resorts laid off 261 employees mid last week. (BTW, layoffs did not go by seniority).
Its simple, no jobs, fewer illegals. An exercise in futility bringing a suit now.

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