*Group Of Pygmies Attack American Reporter*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. A mad group of American Pygmies attacked a reporter doing her job again, it was out in California, the reporter was covering the shooting death of the *African Pygmies Family Member*, when the grieving Pygmies went ape shit on the reporters just doing their jobs, the towering reporters, who held the camera over their heads, out of the Pygmies reach, were then thrown to the ground by this mob of Pygmies, angering them further, they couldn't reach the camera.
2. It was a public street, and the Pygmies had no assurance of privacy, seeing it was in front of the location their relative was shot and killed the night before, these angry Pygmies, make you wonder if their family member was an asshole as much as they were, perhaps that will come out in a follow up story.
3. Will all the African American Pygmies roit in the streets over these reporters being so tall and towering over their fellow pygmies, will these pygmies be hauled into court for attacking these giants doing their jobs?
4. All this and a bag-o-chips, right here on USMB.
5. LINK:FOX 40 News journalists John Lobertini, Rebecca Little, attacked by angry mourners

"An angry mob attacked a reporter and a photojournalist Sunday, but it wasn't in the Middle East, it was in California.

The journalists were hit and pushed by family and friends of a young man who had been gunned down the night before outside an International House of Pancakes restaurant in Sacramento.

FOX 40 News reporter John Lobertini and his cameraperson, Rebecca Little, were assaulted after approaching a group of people standing near a memorial for 27-year-old Chester Jackson set up on the sidewalk outside the restaurant.

"This is one of the hazards of the business, but I've gotta tell you we didn't expect what we encountered here," Lobertini said during his broadcast after the attack.

Several local news outlets were present at the time and captured the incident on video from different points of view.

In the footage, Lobertini can be seen approaching a handful of people standing by the memorial as Little recorded the encounter. A woman in glasses and a hoodie quickly begins yelling at the journalists, the video shows, as another in a white cap calmly asks the reporters to "just back off."

Within moments, however, several people approach from further down the sidewalk. A man in a purple t-shirt shoves Little's camera away; then a woman in a white button-down sweater is seen in the video screaming at the photojournalist. Little is forced backwards as the woman stomps towards her."

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How do you know they're pygmies?

They look like regular African Americans to me?
Hmm..a funeral. Of course it's expected that people should open each and every funeral up for public inspection. Of course it's expected that mourners show absolutely no emotion at all.

After all..it's a funeral. What's the big deal?
Hmm..a funeral. Of course it's expected that people should open each and every funeral up for public inspection. Of course it's expected that mourners show absolutely no emotion at all.

After all..it's a funeral. What's the big deal?

A funeral at IHOP?
In lieu of flowers, the family has asked mourners to bring current copies of USAToday and powdered sugar.
Hmm..a funeral. Of course it's expected that people should open each and every funeral up for public inspection. Of course it's expected that mourners show absolutely no emotion at all.

After all..it's a funeral. What's the big deal?

A funeral at IHOP?

My bad.

Memorial service.

But I see your point. And you probably support the Westboro Baptist folks..as well.

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