Greetings from a percecuted facebook refugee.


Gold Member
Aug 31, 2017
Hi guys. It's been a few years since I posted on any message board, I eventually gave them up in favor of Facebook, where I wage ideological warfare on commie scum and try to redpill normies. Zuckerberg has made the platform hostile to people of my particular views and I stepped on yet another landmine yesterday when I posted the suggestion 'die commie'. It's interesting that that particular phrase goes against the rules, when similar suggestions toward 'nazis' is absolutely encouraged. Just days ago I reported a video of a small asian baby being hung from it's neck and strangled which did not violate the site's community standards, which serves as an example of Zuckerberg's corrupt morality.

Anyway I figured I'd try a political message board while I wait for my ban to be lifted. Who knows, I might even decide to stay. I'm a big fan of extreme heavy metal especially the subgenre black metal, I've been very conservative for most of my life, always skeptical of the PC marxist garbage the public education system tried to indoctrinate me with. Most people would probably consider me alt-right even though I've never attended any of their events. I tried hard to resist being pulled in that direction but as someone who values truth above all else, the alt-right is the only place for me.
Well, you might as well meet the mascot:


Enjoy your stay. :)

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