Green Tea And Weight Loss


Sep 3, 2012
It’s a well-documented fact that weight is function of calories consumed and used through activity. Diet, being a tool to modify that balance, is key to weight loss. First and foremost, green tea offers the advantage of being a non-calorie containing alternative to high-calorie drinks. I can attest to the fact that, as opposed to black tea, the absence of tannins in green tea makes drinking it without sweetener more palatable. Having said all that, there is research to support the idea that green tea may help boost metabolism to further enhance weight loss.

Thermogenic foods are those foods that take more calories to digest than they provide, thereby burning more calories. One study of green tea showed that consuming a combination of caffeine and epigallocatechin gallate led to greater calorie consumption than caffeine alone. Large scale meta-analysis have also supported the idea that the combination of catechins and caffeine leads to an increase in overall energy expenditure and rate of fat oxidation. Finally, a well-documented study in 2005 showed men that consumed teas rich in catechins had reductions in body fat and LDL levels.
If everyone just did the same exercise you show in your avatar, no one would be overweight.
In about another year when people catch on to this we will be reading reports
that green tea is actually bad.

I have lost track of all the times we were told something was bad for us to eat or drink only to be told later on that not only is it not bad but it has some sort of benefit.

I do however believe tea and green tea in particular is good for us....
Right now anyway.
What's up with the green coffee bean and weight loss?
Seems everything 'green' is the way to go to lose some pounds...

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